• expired

GoCatch Free $20 Voucher for New + Existing Users

  1. Download the GoCatch app on on.gocatch.com/app and make an account
  2. Enter in the voucher code 1F35U to redeem $20 credit

Edit: Just realised that people used these guys before had some bad experiences. Mods, please delete if this isn’t right for OzBargainers.

Referral Links

Referral: random (4)

Referee gets $5 off first trip. Referrer gets $5 for after referee completes 3 trips.

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closed Comments

  • +5

    Never again.

  • +1

    comment to see all negative comments

    • +1

      I just realised some bad experiences looking at other posts. Mods, please delete if this isn’t right for OzBargainers.

  • The page you are looking for can't be found or the address is incorrect.

    • Updated

  • +1

    Doesn't work if have claimed another code.

    • +2

      and watch your credit magically disappeared.

    • Yeah this code doesn't work

  • Couldn’t find that page

    The page you are looking for can't be found or the address is incorrect.

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    • Updated

  • +3

    these guys suck

  • +2

    Probably will be removed once they find out

  • +1

    I must have missed the drama here on ozb. What happened with GoCatch?

    • +4

      People added $60 - $80 worth of coupons into their account and GoCatch removed them without any warning or apology (alongside any legit referral credit), and then proceeded to call everyone asking for 5 stars on the app store for more credit, dodgy.

  • +3

    Do yourself a favor and do a quick search of this company on OzB before considering to use them.

  • +3

    These guys don't deserve your business.

    Nothing against you OP, but just don't even bother with GoCatch.

  • +3

    Don't fall for this scammer, GoCatch is run by an idiot.
    last deal, they remove all credit without telling us. I request to have my account cancel several times, they even called me, told them to closed my account, but somehow they keep my account active and keep emailing me. Don't trust this company.

  • +5

    Successfully used this service…. ONCE!

    NEVER AGAIN - second, third, fourth trip requests were all cancelled. Two occasions I was charged for trip on my credit card. Asked for a refund to my credit card. They simply refunded to my GoCatch account as a credit. Guess what happened to the credit? They disappeared when they took my OzBargain promo codes off. Finally got my credit card refunded after 3 weeks…..

    NEVER USE GOCATCH - As the name implies, the GoCatch people out!

  • +1

    I got the $20 hopefully they dont take it, will not add any credit info will choose cash so nothing happens to my account. Hopefully they learned from thier mistakes will update everyone.

  • Usually a minimum spend with their offers .. is there one with this one?

  • +1

    You can keep it

  • +2

    OP, I'll forgive you but not GoCatch.

  • +2

    How do you know the T&C's won't suddenly change or your credit won't get removed?

    I regret giving these guys my details as I have been contacted by GoCatch after requesting them to delete my details.

    I asked them to delete all my information by email. I was then told that my account was deactivated. Later, I received a call and text message from them.

    Clearly they are not acting upon my instructions to delete my information.

    I'd suggest Taxify or Ola as better options.

  • "Voucher has expired"

  • +1

    GoCatch will do anything to screw you over.

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