• expired
  • targeted

[Targeted] Free $15 eBay Voucher with Email Opt In (No Min Spend)


Possibly targeted. See notification below. Good luck!

As of July 1, we will no longer be sending our Daily Deals email. If you want to continue to receive the best eBay deals, sales & events, sign up below. We’ll even send you a $15 voucher to spend on anything you like on eBay. How good is that? So opt in now, don’t miss out!

Opt in link here.

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eBay Australia
eBay Australia

closed Comments

  • if we change to USA address do we need to change it back AU before opt in?

    So when we opt in we can get the voucher?

  • Thanks i got the email :)

    • What's the expiry date on the $15 voucher?

      • +3

        I haven't received the voucher yet just the email saying i need to opt in.

        • Ah ok.

  • How is it targeted?

    • +2

      Very sparingly.

  • New govt regulation marketing emails are strictly require opt in, and are opt out by default

    • +3

      I wish there was an Australian version of GDPR.

  • +2


    Now how much junk mail will i get ? (Looking at u Groupon)

    • +2

      Maybe none. Use a Gmail account, and create a filter to automatically forward emails from ebay that contain the phrase "daily deals" to the bin folder.

      OzBargain will alert you to any good deals, so you can go to the bin folder and retrieve them.

      • +5

        If you use gmail, you can also sign up to emails and use the company name so you know who is selling off your details. [email protected] will still go to ozbargainerzwxy email and make for an easy filter.

        • Sorry, how does that work? I can just add +eBay to the middle of my email address and it will still come through?

        • +1

          That's correct. Gmail ignores the plus, and everything between the plus and the "@". But when you view your emails, you'll see the "+ebay" in the email address that the email was sent to, so you can use it with filters.

        • @Russ: that's great, thanks.

        • +1

          @NoDiggerty: You can also do something similar with periods of a site blocks the + sign.

          Say your email is [email protected] you can sign up with [email protected] [email protected] and every other variation
          The period is ignored and you'll still receive all the emails to [email protected]

    • +10

      how much junk mail will i get ?

      At least $15 worth 😂

  • I have two ebay au accounts. Received the email in one account.

  • +5

    finally got targeted once

    • i wonder what percentage of ppl have been targeted, i only have been targeted once by coles

      • I applied a new flybuys card almost every week have somgthing like but $50 get 1,000 points or $110 with 2,000 points

        • +1

          That's good effort. I have had my coles flybuys for nearly 7 years only got 8000 points lol

  • +1

    I got the email. Signed up. No voucher received as yet though

  • +3

    when will you get the evoucher?

  • This is timely… I have a purchase to make on ebay right now. That code cannot get here soon enough as I need to make that purchase before the Dick Smith code expires today.

    • Don't hold your breath, the offer expires at 11.59pm tomorrow 1/7 according to my email. I doubt any vouchers will be issued before then.

      • Yeah, I'm getting that feeling too after re-reading the thank you for subscribing message: "It may take up to 48 hrs for your preferences to be updated".

        Pretty sure this won't be the last time I buy from ebay… better to order now and I can use that code another day.

        • Wait until 11.59pm tonight and buy then LOL.

    • +3

      You can't use two vouchers anyway.

      • True, you can't stack vouchers on eBay. If you enter two it gives you a tick box option to choose one or the other.

  • got targeted

  • Didn’t get the email, but tried the link provided anyway

    • Did you get a voucher?

      • +5


      • No luck so far, lol

      • I signed in and opted in with the link and got the message saying my preferences will apply in 48 hours.

        But haven't got any voucher or email.

  • +2

    Two accounts: received code in neither account

  • No email received so far

  • +1

    I received this offer. No voucher yet.

  • -3

    is this a spam? I received the email too. but the email sender looked a bit suspicious. Can anyone confirm this, please?

  • +3

    Tried the Ebay Plus facility by giving Ebay Plus a call to clarify this. Waiting on the line for 15 mins and gave up. Can't believe Plus facility this terrible. Very unhappy

    • https://www.ebay.com.au/ebayplus/home
      Premium customer service Call us 1-800 322 928

      Let us know how premium it is please :p

      • +2

        Yes called that number few time and still on long wait and no rep pick up the phone. Terrible

  • +20

    Note: The $15 voucher can't be used for real estate purchases. You'll still need to pay full price for that $750k bedsit in Sydney. Sorry.

  • Didn't get it

  • Thanks, tightarse. Have signed up. Will see what happens.

    I am sure that those who are absent would thank you as well


  • Signed up, now I have $4 TGG and $15 eBay .

    • Did you receive the $15 voucher already?

      • +1

        Ha ha not yet I think I will because I received email.

  • So it doesn't have to be a new account?

  • I've opted in successfully apparently, fingers crossed. Cheers, TA

  • Thanks OP got 3

  • +1

    Got a $30 voucher in my account during the week.

  • Got one!

  • I received the $15 voucher offer.

    • As a new account or an existing account?

  • Try signing up on this link if you didn’t get the email:

  • No email :(

  • +8

    Has anyone who didn't receive an e-mail been successful in getting the $15 voucher simply by using the provided link?

    • +1

      Nobody obviously.

  • If anyone gets errors logging in, try turning off two step authentication temporarily. For whatever reason I couldn't enroll for the $15 code without first turning off two step, I'd get an error saying the credentials I'd put in were invalid.

  • I got the email but haven’t got the voucher yet. Is it sent to your email or is it just there on your eBay account?

    • +5

      They send it to your Ozbargain account.

  • +2

    Opted in , no email yet

    • Any email yet? I opted in last night, still no reply…

      • nope still nothing, I didn't get an invite tho just used the link from op

  • +1

    Gotta remove 'Possibly' bit from the title

  • Happy New Year, TightArse. I didn't get the email, not to worry.

    I was expecting eBay Australia to see the financial year out today with more of a BANG!, but I guess it came a week early with the eBay Plus door-busters.

  • +1

    Opted in. No email 😣

  • lets Try it

  • Got the email and signed up hours ago but still no voucher. If I don't get it at some point, it won't the first time ebay doesn't honour their end in these things but I think it'll be the last straw for me with them.

  • thanks TA!

  • Thanks TA hopefully one comes in soon :)

  • I got the email, but went to register.. says "Your login details could not be verified."

    anyone else got that?

    • I did.
      When I turned off two step verification, it worked.
      No email though.

      • I'm having the same problem. Says my login details could not be verified. How do you turn off two step verification?

      • Thanks for the quick response, mine was already off and still did not work. I will reach out to he support tomorrow.

  • Anyone received their voucher yet? Is it via email or on their ebay account?

  • +4

    Nice to know no one has received a voucher yet.

    • i have………………n't :P

  • If the code is generic can anybody share it please?

    • its a voucher not a code!

  • I haven't received the voucher either yet :(

  • Any luck with the email??

  • +1

    Just checked, received the email yesterday, be aware you have to opt in before 1159pm EST tonight, can't see that mentioned on this thread? Maybe update the Listing Title?

    • Did you receive the opt in email or the voucher email?

      • +1

        Offer email - it says it may take up to 48hrs to receive the Voucher from sign up.

  • Just missed out….
    2205 WA time.
    It's past midnight AEST…..grrr

    • +2

      I wouldn't stress. I don't think we'll get the vouchers.

  • opted in before


  • +1

    …well theyre sure taking their sweet f^&*%n time sending out these vouchers eh? :P

  • +2

    More than 48 hours since I opted in and still no voucher…

  • +1

    did anyone get this yet? Still hanging on for it for a purchase…

  • +1

    Just got my voucher and used it already.

  • +2

    I still didn't received my voucher so i went on eBay live chat just now and told them that i didn't get the voucher from this promotion so the chat person manually created a $15 voucher for me :)

    • +1

      I will do this.

    • Did this and successfully received a $15 voucher

  • +3

    Still waiting….

    • ..same here.

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