This is an online code for that takes $25 off your checkout total. sells all sorts of designer clothing and jewellery. Im not sure if they charge shipping, so go and find that out yourselves :P. When you take a look at this website, youll definitely think "$25 wont cover one fifth of these things!!" and your half right. 90% of the items at this store is triple-figure in price. But, i dug around and found some much cheaper items that were ON SALE!!! Thats right, this code works on sale items!…
Everything on the link i pasted above were the cheapest i could find (except for that dress). $25 doesnt cover the ENTIRE cost of one of these items, but hey, the cheapest is $29.50, so you only pay $4.50 for designer clothes. (and maybe shipping). But feel free to dig around yourselves.
Thanks for posting the promotion, but the items seem way too over priced!