[Counterfeit Item] Logitech M330 Silent Wireless Gaming Mouse $6.21US ($5.59US with Loyalty Pts) (~$7.62 AUD) Shipped @ Rosegal

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Pretty good price for the Logitech M330 as it is selling for $30+ elsewhere.

Must Log in to apply coupon and untick shipping insurance.

Apply 31 'R' Reward Points to reduce the price by $0.85 to $7.62 Without 'R' points the price is $8.47

Update To gain "R" points you need to register an account for 10 points, upload avatar for 20 points and confirm/verify email under edit profile/personal info for another 100 points.

Last time this was posted on Dealabs it sold out quickly and I missed out, it's back again but don't know how long it will last.

Main Features:
● Mute noise reduction
● Symmetrical design, simple simplicity
● 1200DPI optical engine meets most users' needs
● Full mouse shape
● Powered by 1 x AA battery ( not included )

Mod: Users received counterfeit items. If you have purchased the item please contact Rosegal to organise a refund. Rosegal have stated that they have banned the supplier and removed the item from their website. See comments for more details

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  • +10

    This is not considered a gaming mouse

    • +2

      But no one in PUBG can hear you clicking with this mouse.

    • +2

      gaming for playing solitaire

    • +15

      Just duct tape some Christmas lights to it.

  • Thank you op. Ordered one in blue.

    • +2

      let us know if its a genuine item or a fake. thanks.

      • You really think anyone would make counterfeits of one of the cheapest wireless mouse Logitech sells?

        It's a cheap plasticy mouse with no specs better than $5 no name brands - except those no name brands sometimes have back/forwards buttons included.

        This is a bottom of the barrel mouse that doesn't try and be anything else. It's not a MX anywhere/master, nor is it a G series mouse. It's close to the cheapest and lowest end mouse Logitech sells. As others have posted, this mouse doesn't even connect to Logitech software, it's a pure plug and play mouse with no bells or whistles at all. Nor is it silent, or a gaming mouse.

        Interesting to see downvotes for answering the question, yet provide no counter argument. I'd be interested to hear why you think it will be fake or why you disagree that this isn't one of the lowest end mice that Logitech makes?

        • you didnt live in the 1990's when MS mouses where everwhere. Its a genuine question, we are looking for an answer, my guess is rosegal is not an offical logitech reseller.

        • @tonsta:

          No, I'm pretty sure I was alive during the 90s and that I even remember getting an MS Intellimouse Pro shortly after release date.

          I'm almost just as sure that no one would bother to counterfeit a basic cheap mouse.

        • @c0balt:
          If this product turns out to be a counterfeit I'll be very upset regardless of the price I paid!

        • no one down voted? what arguement?

        • +2

          @c0balt [drum roll] The results are in… the mouse is fake. See the latest comments.

        • @rokufan: can confirm definitely fake.

        • @c0balt: can also confirm, it's a fake.

  • +5

    Simple simplicity!
    As opposed to Complex simplicity, or Simple complexity!

  • +4

    I have this mouse. It's definitely not a gaming mouse and it's not compatible with Logitech Gaming software.

    • Everyone got stuck on the "gaming" adjective…

      I want to know how "silent" it is. Any info?

      • +2

        Edit - testing it now. The click action is subdued but still Audible. It does feel mushier than normal mice but still a good tactile click

        If you like a silent mouse than get it, but it's lack of extra programmable buttons means it's not great for people who like to bind keyboard short cuts to their mouse.

        • Thanks, but I've been wanting one with no audible click at all.

  • +2


    • +4

      Works well with space invaders.

      • Yep, and Pacman.

        • +3

          No, no, no, you guys are thinking of joystick games. Mouse works well with Missile Command.

        • Probably Solitaire too.

  • +1

    A gaming mouse from … Rosegal. LOL

  • +1

    It doesn't look like a gaming mouse, but still cheaper than a general logitech wireless mouse.

  • +3

    Where do you find the option to apply R reward points?

    • Apply R points at the checkout page, registering a new account and confirming your email address will earn you 150 points.

      • +1

        150 points??

        i only see 10 points for validate email and 20 for uploading avatar. and other points to do something else.

        • You need to confirm/verify your email address for 100 points, you can do this by editing your profile under my account in the personal information section.

  • it doesnt look symmetrical to me…

    • it doesn't look like anything to me…

      • Looks like a mouse to me.

    • +1

      A symmetrical mouse can't be an ergonomic mouse.

  • Are they good?

    • Just a basic laptop mouse.

      • I recently bought a cheap $3 wireless mouse from Ebay, pretty sure this one is better…

  • +2

    Dumb question - but what exactly makes a mouse "gaming"

    • +15

      The ability to click it three times and say "pew pew pew"

    • +1

      a good sensor really is all there is and maybe the shape
      stuff like macro keys and rgb is (profanity) useless

    • Mostly the sensor

  • +4

    You can only apply the 31 R points if you have 31 R points to apply, right?

    I couldn't figure out how to add any R points. Ordered anyway, can always use a spare for work and/or my SP4.

    • +5

      OP needs to change title to reflect this. The price listed in the title is not attainable by those without points (doesn't appear OP is correct about new accounts getting 150 points, I only got 10).

      It should read $8.47 and not $7.62 in the title.

      Well looks like the mods tried, they edited the title but it doesn't reflect that it costs more than AUD$8 for everyone here. There's not going to be many people with more than 31 RoseGal reward points and it shouldn't be allowed in the title anyway - prices after CR isn't and rightly so.

      I can't report it again after a report was resolved, so someone else is going to have to wake the mods up.

      • Have updated description, should be able to get 130 points if you follow the steps above.

  • +1

    Thanks OP got one. Good wireless mouse for sitting on the couch with.

  • I paid 7.33 with 15%
    Unsure if this is Australian dollars

  • Thanks OP, grabbed one for a spare.

  • Looking for a new mouse, presumably Logitech. Can anyone tell me what the closest equivalent these days to the Logitech MX1000 is please?

    • +1

      MX Master

  • +1
    • Eeew, makes me want to buy one just to see if they're that ugly in real life.

    • +1

      Eh, the sharp lines and red accent would suit the look of Dell's gaming notebooks more than the curvy logitech.

      Also has back/forwards buttons (big deal to a lot of people, me included).

      Not a bad little unit if it tracks well. Guess I'll find out, because I was about to order the Logitech but chose the HXSJ X20 instead! It's cheaper on eBay though, less than $5 delivered.

  • Thanks OP - purchased one for work - hate using touch-pad on laptop - much prefer a mouse!

  • Great price OP.

  • Hi - Sorry new to Rosegal - where do I untick shipping insurance please

    • Under the shipping options when you check out.

      Thanks OP. Ended up being $6.21 USD even with the code.

      Don't forget 5% Cashrewards!

  • thanks mate

  • Please explain how to use the R points

  • Thanks. Bought 2 but came to $16.95 after I unclicked insurance - cheap just the same.

  • Very cheap. Genuine Logitech?

    • According to their site, yes

      By Kenyi Jun-16/2018 12:06:35
      Q: Is it authentic and original??
      A: <p>Hi Kenyi,<br/>Yes.</p>

      …..and the last lot of Logitech mice I got I got for free (https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/38616), so there has been cheaper…. ;-)

  • Ordered one. Good find OP.

  • Does it have back & forward buttons?

    • +2

      It does not. It only has the standard left click, right click, scroll wheel, and middle click.

      • Thanks. Deal breaker for me. Those buttons should be standard these days.

  • These are good as a silent mouse but there's only 1 small flaw in the design of the slide bottom pads. If you use these without a mouse pad they rock slightly side to side.

  • Got one, paid A$8+

  • +6

    First of all, as many other comments have stated, this is most definitely not a gaming mouse.

    Secondly, this is also definitely not symmetrical. This is a right-handed mouse.

    The DPI is also only 1000, not 1200.

    Here is the official page for the mouse.
    Logitech M330 Silent Plus

    This mouse is definitely being misrepresented here, but it's still definitely great value.

  • Thanks OP, was looking at this mouse just yesterday for $30+ and this came up…. legend.

  • +1

    Will be good for those technical job interview phone calls. No one's going to notice you're googling all the answers

  • +2

    Is this genuine Logitech?

  • Good deal - thanks. Ordered a couple with PayPal, let's see when they arrive. Has anyone ordered from RoseGal before?

    PS kind of wish I hadn't seen this deal, plenty of other Taobao-type deals on the site - e.g. phone holders, fish eye lens, tripods…!

    • Check here for all Rosegal deals

    • Ordered once, and it took about 2 weeks for the thing to arrive. Not too bad. I ordered three mice (one of each colour because, well, I could and I have three kids).

  • Thanks - got one :)

  • +1

    Sold out? Chrome or firefox, logged in or out, whatever colour, clicking on "Add to Bag" just takes me to a screen saying shopping bag is empty.

  • I've received several emails from Rosegals. Apparently, the mice I ordered are out of stock. No answer from them as to when or if they will be delivered. Anyone received theirs or an email regarding them being out of stock?

    • I was one of the first to order and got the same email a day or two after, checked my order history yesterday and it has since been shipped. Check your order history under my account, apparently they are being sent from another warehouse.

      • thanks, I checked and my order status is 'packed' - booked with a courier. I was a bit worried it was not going to arrive - first experience with Rosegal.

        • I have made about 15-20 orders from them, generally shipping is quite slow. Had 2 orders not show up after 2 months and they refunded me in full, then a week or two later both orders were delivered. If it passes their delivery deadline they will refund you in full, if not just tell them you will open a PayPal dispute and they will refund you pretty quickly :)

        • Thnks for the advice. I keep the paypal dispute up my sleeve just in case :-)

  • +1

    Has anyone received their mouse yet?

    I received 2 today and I suspect they are not genuine Logitech products. I already have an M331 and thought they would be the same but they are not;

    I thought the sides should be a soft rubber texture, they are hard plastic
    The pads on the underside are not raised much from the base, the end of one is a little wonky
    Between the 2 front pads I would expect to see the model number written, it is not there
    no battery supplied
    the plastic label inside the battery compartment is smaller than my m331 and has less information
    The battery compartment cover does not have any part number
    the upper case is made of 3 parts, my m331 has 2 parts
    the gaps around the top plastic are uneven
    I ordered 2, 1 of the wheels has a hole in the side
    there is plastic swarf
    the inside of the battery compartment does not have the same holes

    If I consider that my m331 is a different model number & could be different, this video shows an m330 which is the same as my m331

    It's the lack of soft texture that I noticed first, and this is what I find disappointing

    • I haven't received mine yet, but according to the comments in the dealabs deal from those who have received theirs, it is definitely fake and they are being refunded via paypal. A Dealabs moderator contacted Rosegal which have now acknowledged it is fake and stated that the item has been removed from their website and they have banned the third party seller.

      According to the comments you won't have to send the item back, as soon as you open a case with PayPal you will be refunded in full. I will be contacting their support team first asking for a refund, then PayPal if they don't comply, I suggest other's do likewise. Read the comments in the dealabs thread for further info.

  • Not yet received but looking at the post description it says "Powered by 1 x AA battery ( not included )". The genuine come with a battery. Refund time.

    • I think there are regulations in regards to shipping batteries, so it's possible that it' removed. But despite that, no doubt it's fake. Probably stored in a box next to some Gooci shirts.

  • +1

    They have refunded, no arguments and quickly. Good customer service if you ask me.

    • Thanks for the update 😁

  • Update: I contacted Rosegal support and was given a full refund after 3 business days even though I'm yet to receive the mouse.

  • Two of the three mice I ordered arrived today. Yep, fake. Look ok from a distance, but close up nah. No way am I plugging that USB dongle into one of my computers. Have raised a ticket.

  • Mine arrived today and like everyone else definitely not genuine - agree with PlasticSpaceman not going to risk plugging it into my laptop. Have also raised a support ticket requesting a full refund

  • +1

    FYI those raising a support ticket you will get this response '…Please note that we take all complaints very seriously and we are currently investigating this case with the supplier regarding their item. We will get back to you within 3 business days…'

    After 3 business days contact them again for an update and mention you will open a paypal case if you don't receive a full refund.

    They responded a couple of hours later with
    '…We have a very strict policy regarding our product listings and do not knowingly sell any counterfeit products.
    This case had been forwarded to our supplier for review as we suspect the product’s legitimacy.
    In the meantime we have decided to remove immediately the product from the website and the supplier will no longer be able to sell items until the investigation is complete.
    We will also refund you in full for this item.
    For PayPal accounts, please allow up to 48 hours for the transaction to process…'

    A few hours later the refund was in my paypal account.

    • +1

      I also got contacted very soon after raising my ticket with them, with the same message. I haven't closed the ticket yet, as the refund hasn't appeared. It's a shame the mice were fake, but frankly how they handled the issue I reckon is hard to fault.

      • …and my refund came through. Interestingly as USD but converted to AUD by PayPal. Whatever. Have closed the ticket. The mice are going to go into the recycling bin or hard rubbish - I'd think about giving them to a charity, but am concerned about what might be on that dongle so bin might be best.

  • Received mine today. 100% fake.

  • I received my refund via paypal 2 days after I requested a full refund. While the product is fake I cant fault their response.

  • I'm of the opinion they knew they were fake, they purchased them for a very low amount and took a calculated risk selling them to unsuspecting buyers.

  • Received mine and it was an obvious fake. I submitted an online support ticket requesting a refund with the following:


    I have received the Logitech mouse but I believe it it not a genuine product. The finish looks poor and does not have the rubberised grip like the genuine M330 should have. Also, the USB receiver looks very poorly made/printed. The overall build of the mouse is not very good, unlike all other Logitech products I have.

    I had a look on the forums where this deal was posted and other users commented on the same.


    and now they have asked for pictures. We both know they are fake so I don't know why they are wasting my time. I won't be shopping with them in future.

  • +1

    I received mine today. Definitely a cheap faked Logitech mouse. As woosydiver already pointed out further up his observations to differentiate it from the genuine, I would like to add a few obvious signs of my own:

    • No LED light on top of the mouse.
    • The material of the glider feet at the bottom are the same as the plastic for the whole mouse.
    • No P/N or PID or S/N indication anywhere on the mouse.
  • +1

    Yep, got mine today - fake cheap junk.

    Poor form Rosegal…

  • Got my M330 in the mail today. It works! A bit undecided on whether it is a fake or not due to some slight blemishes in plastic joins. But hey, it works at least.

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