Win a $500 Woolworths Gift Card

Simply scan the unique barcode on your woolworths catalogue at the checkout to see if you have won one of 100 $500 woolworths gift cards,new catalogue starting Wednesday 2nd Feb.
There are 100 prizes to be won. Prizes are allocated by State/Territory: New South Wales - 28 prizes, ACT – 4 prizes, Queensland – 19 prizes, Victoria – 24 prizes, Western Australia – 11 prizes, South Australia – 7 prizes, Northern Territory – 3 prizes, Tasmania – 4 prizes
Winning Catalogue Holders must have their photograph taken with the Store Manager for the purpose of the internal administration of the Promotion. Photos cannot be returned and copies will not be provided to Winning Catalogue Holders
Approx 7 million catalogues are distributed weekly


  • Competition, not a bargain.

  • Competitions are not bargains,…, Moved to Forums

  • +2

    cool promo, you'd have to be pretty damn lucky to win though.. only 100 to give away lol.

    • +1

      Do a raid of neighbour's letterboxes… steal their junk mail for an increased chance of winning :-D

      • +3

        You toucha my catalog and I'll bana your logon

        • +3

          Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

      • lol I might just do that, or hold up the leaflet boy and take all the woolies catalogs.

      • They never deliver ours anyway :-(

  • Once we find out the winning locations please tell everyone :)

  • Got my catalogue today. All of the ones delivered to my building have the same barcode 9 300633 183271.

    Didn't think they would print an individual code for each catalogue. I'd suspect that each region has the same number. E.G., VIC Metro has the above barcode.

    • Hmm so how would they decide which catalogue will have the winning barcode, and sent to which area?

      • My guess is that it has nothing to do with what barcode you get but more of making sure you do scan a barcode to enter contest and then the machine randomly decides if you are a winner. I have a photocopy of my Everyday Rewards barcode taped in my wallet so may tape this one as well.

  • My local woolworths had no catalogues out on Wednesday@10am

  • Yeah i'd say its a random when the computer will pick. I dont have a catalog yet i hope it comes in the mail today. otherwise i might raid a few from the shop later when i go to buy some groceries and smokes.

  • got catalogue in mail wed arvo barcode 9 300633 183271.

    I think all catologues will be same and scanner will randomly select winner

      • +1

        Same barcode here (QLD too)
        I think all winners will have a unique barcode and the rest are all the same.
        Or maybe there is only 2 barcodes; winners and losers.
        If anyone here wins, please post your barcode number!

      • "Each Catalogue has a unique promotional barcode applied" How do they get away with this? As we've proven it's a lie so shouldn't that invalidate the competition?

        Prizes should be "randomly" allocated by the system at checkout and described accordingly in T&Cs.

        • the barcode number IS a unique bar code number.

          it has been printed on every catalog.

          it is not a case of each catalog has an individual number.

          it is a case of each catalog has the unqiue number printed on it.

  • If any of you have barcode 9 300633 183271 dont bother scanning it. I just scanned mine with this barcode on it and it comes up sorry not a winner- why am I not suprised

    • Just gets people in to shop at Woolies

    • -1

      If I were a betting man, I would put my money on the winning number being either 9 300633 183288 or 9 300633 183264

      Usually these are allocated sequentially, with the checksum at the end that changes. Woolworths owns both of the above. tells you who owns it.

      If you really wanted to try it out, you could print these using a bar code font and scan it at a store, although store security may not share your enthusiasm.

      • How can you tell which ones are Woolworths?

        Not sure if I'm doing this right but I looked up the barcode # and it just listed GS1's details?

        • Click the 'Trade item Ownership' radio button below the search box.

  • I didn't get a catalogue this week. Neither did relatives who live in neighbouring suburbs. Local store had no catalogues in stock yesterday. I think a lot of people will miss out on finding out the weekly specials this week due to this promo. Works against their marketing spend for this.

  • 9 300633 183271 here in Victoria, not even going to bother taking it in.

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