Everyones favourite company xiaomi is about to launch an ipo.
Not knowing much about shares.
How can i go about buying shares in it?
How can i buy shares in an overseas launch?
Everyones favourite company xiaomi is about to launch an ipo.
Not knowing much about shares.
How can i go about buying shares in it?
How can i buy shares in an overseas launch?
You make up for it in volume. All those sweet sweet OzBargain sales.
How much profit has Amazon made?
They'll get bailed out by the Chinese gov in exchange for all the data they have been collecting.
Well structured losses are not really losses. They booked 4 impairments as a result of purchases worth around 4.5 billion right?
I think their books basically balance at the moment without the impairments right?
what about tesla ?
Your better off waiting to buy them on the secondary market.
Do not take share advice off a guy who doesn't know the difference between you're and your.
I defiantly agree with you.
Hey don't blow it out of precaution.
Your right!
I'm just impressed he made a post without mentioning who not to vote for.
I don't get what you mean, be more pacific.
sounds like a big risk.
I love xiaomi
All part of the plan mtg ;)
U know the old saying, "U gota lose money to make money" ….I think thats how it goes.