Heineken Lager 650ml longneck beers $2 @ BWS
Save $5
Only allows one per order on click and collect, no minimum purchasing instore
Possibly VIC only
Not working for QLD / WA / NSW
Heineken Lager 650ml longneck beers $2 @ BWS
Save $5
Only allows one per order on click and collect, no minimum purchasing instore
Possibly VIC only
Not working for QLD / WA / NSW
Not in QLD either unfortunately
When going to checkout goes to almost full price.
Only allows 1 at $2.
If you can, purchase in store there was no limits
There is no limit to how many orders you can do. I just put through multiple orders of 1 unit.
Only allows 1 btl for 2! Not worth my time and trouble.
That's because of the offer of 2 for $13. All you have to do is checkout each one, one at a time. I've just placed 6 separate orders. Thanks tarhls.
Got 12 bottles in store, thanks. Brewed in Netherlands, bb May, 18
Taste Much better than local brewed.
You’re in for a big weekend ;)
bb May, 18
Then it's a no for me
Are you in June 18 now?
It’s not that bad, I’m still drinking those BB May 18 Corona long necks at the moment and they’re fine. As fine as $2 grog should taste.
Happily ordered 11 for $22 online with in store pickup. Best before is just that. Never noticed anything off in expired beers.
Thanks, got 6, all in the same order, didn't have to do separate orders like the coronas!
Yes they've fixed it up now.
Question is will I get an email saying my order is unavailable (due to them selling my beers to customers in store)
It says on the site for my local that they are getting more stock in Wednesday
Aaaand they sold my beers. Walked down to collect, arrived and was told they sold them all to a guy who came in a few mins ago, so can’t fulfil my order which was placed well before they sold them.
Cheers, picked up six with a November best before date.
I ordered 10 bottles in single order and it went through for $20 in VIC. Received email confirmation for the order. Now wait and see if they fulfill the order.
Grabbed two. Thx OP
Thanks, got 12 from my local.
Just got confirmation order for 20 pickup!
Just picked mine up. Major confusion as order was packed last night but more orders came in and they re-packed mine for these news orders. After being told “I’m a casual, come back Monday and talk to the boss”, I made the guy ring the boss. The boss he had packed them himself last night so he said just take the other orders and give to me!
Win to me, looks like lose to next guy!
I ended up get 12x of the original ones and 8x ‘new’ ones with an expiry of Feb-2019.
Pity the other 2x orders I put in for other stores never got confirmed! ☹️
"Pity the other 2x orders I put in for other stores never got confirmed!"
happened to me and called click and collect and they are having issues with the system.you can call and ask them to confirm
Thanks OP!
Cleared out all 10 bottles from my local.
The husband is very happy, hopefully it will see him through the World Cup.
Just cleaned out my local store of 23 bottles. Cheers!
I would have bought a million
bought some thanks,expiry June and December
Picked up my 12 that i ordered online no probs , they had another 12 still sitting in the fridge so i bought them as well.Expiry is November.Thanks for the post.
Not sure if it was a typo or not but this could potentially be $2 until the July 3rd. strange that a special is going for so long which is making me think the end date is an error
My local store got more in today and still $2 :)
My local stores which sold out on the day of posting have now restocked at the same price. It would be rude not to stock up, especially when this imported stuff tastes much better than the “brewed under license” rubbish in the standard bottles.
Thank you OP. Great find
Not for me in Perth.