Looking for Indoor Portable Toilet for elderly (resolved, thanks!)

Just wondering if anyone know of deal(s) for indoor portable toilet? The ones for elderly to sit on in the bedroom so they don't have to walk all the way to the actual toilet. Should I look at camping stores or places selling walking frames and wheelchairs? It would be good if it is taller so getting up is easier.

Thanks in advance


  • do you mean these?

    TBH, these are for camping purposes, but i see no disadvantage as using it as an indoor portable loo

    • +1

      Thanks! The second one looks good, though I was hoping for about half that price. IIRC, Aldi has something similar for sale, but I can't wait until next time Aldi sells them. Will go have a look at camping stores.

      • The other day there were some at Aldi at North Rocks in Sydney. I wonder if you'd find some with a quick drive/phone around of your local area?

  • http://www.abilityhealthcare.net/products.php?product=CCF090…

    or similar….the only problem with camping type toilets is that there's usually a fair bit to get rid of as you need to use the chemical stuff. They generally don't have handles either.

    Have a search for 'bedside commode'….they are usually a bit more dignified than a camping toilet too

  • +1
    • So that's what they are called. The blue one seems perfect for the job. Thanks very much!

  • Some chemists stock this sort of specialist stuff. I only know as I walk past one regularly and they have all this stuff in the window.

    You can also hire the equipment you need. For example this place:

    There's loads of other options on the web.

    Your local hospital may be able to lend you one too.

    • Only 8 years late..

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