This was posted 6 years 8 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Weekend Play: World of Warcraft @ Worldofwarcraft (Existing Accounts)


Enjoy :)
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Welcome Back Weekend
Return Free*
Through June 24

Battle for Azeroth™ fast approaches and you're needed back on the front lines. This weekend only, we're upgrading all inactive WoW accounts to allow you full access to the game and all your characters without a subscription*.

Rejoin your guild, rally your comrades and get back in the fight.

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World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft

closed Comments

    • +11

      Yeah truly a garbage game that's been going for 13 years and has millions of players.

    • -5

      Mate 70gb on nbn is 6 hrs max. get your head out your ass.

      • stop Being Askhole

        • +5

          Did you call me mate ? Hope all is well :)

      • because the whole of australia has NBN.

        get your head out your ass.

        I think it's the WoW players who should do that like yourself.

    • +3

      This turd of a game is like 70 GB

      That isn't a large amount of data anymore.

      • +2

        Much of the country is using ADSL still :(

        I'm sure many of them voted for Turdbull though so that's what they wanted I guess.

        • -2

          What does speed have to do with data usage?

    • It's 45gb, I just checked my install.

      Might be less without my addons (not by much)

  • +1

    Couple of my friends screwed because of this game.

    • +11

      Did they have a baby?

      • +1

        Worse than that. One got divorced

        • Did you go to the in game celebration?

    • Do you mind elaborating? I'm genuinely interested on what it actually does to people

      • +2

        That game is taking the time/mind/soul away where people would spend on self development. It is making a potential Albert Einstein to become a cleaner.

        • +4

          All in just 1 weekend?

        • +1

          Think about it as drug.

          But well only if you have low control of yourself.

        • +2

          That game novel is taking the time/mind/soul away where people would spend on self development

          … is what they were saying a few hundred years ago when a terrible calamity was overtaking society: the novel.

          The invention of the printing press allowed these dangerous items into the hands of young people at prices even cheaper than drugs today. Instead of bettering themselves, by whipping themselves for Jesus and other noble pursuits, they spent hours absorbed in the thrills of novels and subsequently all turned into either dole bludgers or sex pests or violent homocidal maniacs even!

          There's a version of this story where Socrates is claiming that the young people are doomed because of some past time he doesn't want to do. Clearly he was right, we're doomed.

        • you must be the type of person to blame the drug and not the person taking them

          you are a grown ass man, make your own decisions

        • -4

          As being an adult, you cannot make assumption so easily. Drug as a tool as I wont blame the gun but the murder. You should think about leak of control from the supplier and whats the situation on those people in need.

          And generally speaking. kid plays games, do not expect them have a mature mind. =.=

        • +1

          @l005e: 48 hours in a weekend, lots of time to do stupid shit or in the case of WoW, realise 6 hours slipped past and you are now very hungry.

        • +1

          @Diji1: 1934 song Anything Goes complains how things have gotten worse. An extrac5:

          In olden days, a glimpse of stocking
          Was looked on as something shocking.
          But now, God knows,
          Anything goes.
          Good authors too who once knew better words
          Now only use four-letter words
          Writing prose.
          Anything goes.
          If driving fast cars you like,
          If low bars you like,
          If old hymns you like,
          If bare limbs you like,
          If Mae West you like,
          Or me undressed you like,
          Why, nobody will oppose.
          When ev'ry night the set that's smart is in-
          Truding in nudist parties in
          Anything goes.

        • Couldn't have said it much better myself. Worst part is it can be a social thing so it ends up pulling in more people.. pulled me in hs but I was already.. "at risk" to mind numbing video game addiction a long time ago.

    • One of my best friend got screwed as well :(

      • +9

        Shit man here I am sitting at my PC all day surfing the web like a loser and all these WoW players are either banging or screwing left, right and center.

        • +6

          can confirm yesterday I played WoW and also had sex

      • They don't call it wowcrack for a reason.. I got out in 2009.. before wotlk.. Some of my friends are still on it to this day.. I can't even imagine man.. Wow ruined me but in return for a little small escape. I am not completely out as I still monitor steam sales and game bundle websites but I could be a lot worse. Oh man. Wow not even once.. but imho the older games are just as bad if not more worse.

    • Most likely a response to “Gaming Disorder” or addiction now considered a public health issue by the World Health Organisation, confirmed this week.

      I am an Australian child psychiatrist with an interest in this area. Long time Oz Bargain lurker. Happy to do an “ask me anything” post if there is enough interest (within the confines of patient confidentiality).

      I was featured on Triple J Hack this week Monday 18th (skip to 19 minutes) FREE iTunes link here:…

    • +3

      Former mate said he rated his WoW achievements greater than his real life achievements. No shit, in WoW you can fly on and fight dragons.

  • +1

    It would take more than a weekend to download in AU!

    • -2

      just get cable

      • Is that available everywhere?

      • username checks out

  • +6

    Hmmm, might go and see how things are going in WOW. Been about 18 months since I last logged on. All my macros are probably out of date though so I'll probably just more chat with my old guild mates and see who is still around rather than do any playing.

    As for some of the negative aspects of WOW in terms of how addictive and time consuming it can be, I would absolutely and totally agree. I think that if you are someone who is studying or has some other sort of commitments (eg. Baby) then I would recommend just not playing it as it is a large time sink.

    I have spent some SIGNIFICANT time invested in this game, in fact I think it was up to almost a year of my life (literally) over the last 12 years duration, but I must admit I had a fantastic time playing that game and really loved it. I was an end-game raider for a few of the expansions and then dropped down to more casual raiding.

    [Rose coloured glasses put on]
    Ahhhh, the memories…

    • +2

      If you just enjoy chatting with people, why not download the Battle.Net client, which I think has a built-in messenger? Or see if they have a Discord server running.

      • Already do for other games but in this case I could not be stuffed playing wow as it would require me to reinstall all my add ons and update my personal macros (and to remember how to play) so more interesting to just chat online for the short time I will be there and possibly just lurk around to see what interface changes have come about in the last few years.

        • It's a game in itself to set up macros and addons… And I love it.

          It's truly amazing how far AddOns have come since vanilla… WeakAura is by far the best addon ever made.

        • Funnily enough, with all the chat about WOW and I even went as far as downloading all my Blizzard games updates, I can’t be bothered playing it.

  • +16


  • vanilla 60 person molten core was the best

    • +8

      Running with 1 and a half groups?

      • +1

        Private servers with no instance caps

  • +8

    Dunno why everyone is ripping into Wow, it doesn't wreck lives or any of that BS. I played it while I was younger and fully threw myself into the current expansion while at uni, I still graduated and have a great job in my field of study now. If someones life gets wrecked by wow they probably didn't have much of a life to look forward to anyway. This free weekend reminded me why I dropped it at the moment but when the new expansion comes out I will definitely give it a look.

    • +9

      The game is more casual than ever too, Blizzard knows its playerbase is older now and is playing less, and the game has changed over time to accommodate this.

      This view of the game like it's some kind of void that sucks people in and doesn't let them go is a decade old, the game has changed a lot since then.

      • So what does one do as a casual these days? Organised raids were the big thing I never had time for - I jumped on when I wanted to or was able to, not to some set schedule the guild had

        • +5

          You can just queue for raids now (at a lower difficulty) and smash through them in no time. Basically sight-seeing, which is great if you're time-poor and just want to see the content.

        • Fishing in ogrimmar.. as a filthy ally.

      • It's not really casual it's just more approachable. The game is still very hard if you're pushing mythic but if you're doing LFR and calling it a day then yeah, no shit it's casual.

  • +2

    cool, something to play between watching world cup dives.

  • People still play WoW these days? wow…

    • People…they're the worst.

    • Only on vanilla servers.

  • This game is a drug. Glad I gave it up only 2 years after release like in 2006

  • No access to Legion - very disappointing.

  • Pfft they deleted my account years ago for not using it. I can't replace my Gnome Boginmud

    • You sure it just wasn't locked because it got hacked? They don't delete accounts.

      • If I remember correctly they stated really old accounts or characters would be removed to recover names for new users.

        • my 2010 account is still there. dunno if the characters are gone or not.

          also its asking for subscription, wont let me play for free

        • Yes and if you lose your name it would just be the same original name with some random four digits after it.

        • They don't delete the characters they just force a name change, so if you were to log on your name would be FaBMan3243523 and as soon as you attempt to log in with that character you would then have to change your name to something new. But once again, they don't delete characters or accounts.

        • @kaneissik: Checked, characters gone and 3 level one characters in various locations created…. So I'm guessing I was hacked.

        • @FabMan:

          That probably was the case, it isn't unheard of, especially pre 2.0. You could try and contact their CS and see if they can restore, I've had pretty good luck in the past with restoration.

  • +2

    I went to The Barrens just for the chats and there's no one there….:(

    • Ahhhh, the jokes that only wow heads will understand. 😀

      • Chuck Norris, nuff said.

      • /1 hello guys please tell me where mankrik wife is..

  • +1

    WoW was one of the reasons why I dropped out of year 12 and finished my HSC 2 years later :(

    • Wow. Sorry to hear that happened to you but good on you for completing your HSC later though.

      • It's all good, I graduated first in my class at uni so was a late bloomer :)

  • Blizzard definitely knows it's target demographic and market.. well played blizzard well played.

  • I won't do it!

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