Hi - Jackson from Dealsguide here

I jumped straight in with a comment and post without introducing myself - how rude!

I'm Jackson from Dealsguide.com.au, so I'm obviously interested in group buying discounts, but since I'm also someone that tries not to spend more than I make, I hope the rest of the forums are interesting too ;)


  • hmmm….
    honesty is the key now

    as seen above, Ben Martinez, one of your co-workers, was attempting to sockpuppet (http://www.ozbargain.com.au/wiki/help:faq_merchants).
    As you are honest and mentioned you are from DealsGuide, Welcome to Ozbargain

    • Ben's heart's in the right place, but he's new to community forums and he made an unwise move! Oh well…believe me, I know he's very sorry and embarrased, and won't do it again ;)

      We all have to learn these things somehow, eh?

      • We all have to learn these things somehow, eh?

        Yep, learn from life's mistakes

        again, Welcome to Ozbargain

  • Hi Jackson. Welcome.

    I like the UI for your site. Will you be adding RSS feeds to your site?

    • Hi Neil, thanks for the comment.

      To be honest, RSS is the thing keeping me awake at night! I'm an avid RSS reader myself…I came back from holiday to 5000+ unread RSS posts in my Google Reader and I went through each one!

      We are definitely going to roll out RSS as soon as possible. We have a site re-design coming to help us stay ahead of the game, but I have to keep the details under my hat for now since we've found it is very easy for people to implement our ideas. (Don't worry, we'll keep everything that's good about the current Dealsguide!)

      We have one solution ready to go for RSS, but it is a horrible hack of a solution and my co-workers will hate me for implementing it because it will increase their workload! But I'll try and charm them. :)

      Just know that if RSS becomes available this week it will be at great personal cost! ;) I'll give it a go though…

      Thanks again for the comments - really appreciate your feed back.

  • I think we need a list of those who list daily deals. There's definitely a trend there!

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