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$54 Gran Turismo 5 - PS3 @ The Good Guys


Today at Good Guys - Warrigal Rd store, Victoria, I saw they had GT5 for $54.

This is the lowest price I have seen at any place in Melbourne.

I have attached an photo I took of GT5 and the price.

I think this is a great price and am sure many of you will too.

I cant find it at this price on the Good Guys website, so im not sure, however, I took a photo.


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The Good Guys
The Good Guys

closed Comments

  • Good Price.
    In the past GG have never been keen to pricematch their own franchise brothers. As it's not in a catalogue, you may struggle for a pricematch with competitors unless local to that particular store.

    • There's an EB Games really close at DFO :)

  • might want to add the console platform(in this case PS3{as you could get it on psp, etc}

    BTW good price
    gives cheapest @ $63.56

    • +1

      thanks for the heads up issh

      • welcome and thanks for adding platform on

    • +7

      Gran Turismo 5 is a PS3 exclusive.

      No harm in adding PS3 to the title though

    • +1

      Considering Gran Turismo 5 isn't on another platform, only PS3, it's not on PSP, I don't see where any confusion could arise.

      • -1

        i was thinking of the psp a while ago, but i got it mixed up

        • I must admit though adding it in is quite useful, makes for easy identification and improved searches.

  • nice timing, many thanks!!!

  • didnt work in newcastle to price match, but if u're melbourne, that looks sweet

  • Don't expect any other store to match this, way below cost, I'm guessing this is a typo too.

  • even Goodguys in Nunawading did not match it, said it was an individual store special. have a long drive tomorrow.

  • -7

    If you haven't got GT5 by now, you are not worthy of playing it, and the game probably wouldn't be for you anyway ;)

    • Oh unworthy, we are unworthy! Forgive us for the sin of not pre-ordering or paying the price of full retail! Have mercy!

      • -6

        GT5 is for racing sim fans, its been about 6 years in the making and anyone that that knows GT would have bought it by now.

        Its been out for a couple of months now, so you are obviously not a fan. I will guarantee that when you pick up your bargain copy, you will load it up, complain about the install times, play it for half an hour, then post on a forum how Forza 3 is way better and how much GT5 sucks , and then try and return it.

        • +6

          I was going to mention this last night and thought better. But now that you've posted this little followup, I have no choice.

          I own two cars that are in GT5. Fast cars, too. The reason I can afford to own them is that I save my pennies, and don't bother paying for a game at full price on release day. I'm keen to play GT5, but until it comes down in price, I'm going to spend my cash on the real thing. Is that OK with you?

        • -4

          @ blitz - so you own a Prius and a VW Golf thats great! You will find them most enjoyable to drive in game! I think just about every second person on this forum would own a car from GT5.

          I stand by what I have said, if you were someone that will REALLY like this game you would have it by now (and probably by release day)

          To save 20 bucks by waiting 2 months demonstrates to me that this game is not for you. Its not just some racing game that people pick up and play a little bit. You dont even get a nice car until about 20 Hours into it, and it can consume days months and weeks of your life.

          All you people can neg my comments all you like, but you have no idea what you are talking about….

        • Aww resorting to making lame guesses about what blitz drives. So what car do you drive? Or is the GT5 the closest you'll ever get to driving a car?

          And who are you to judge who should and shouldn't get the game to play? Get a life instead of being stuck in front of your TV all day, trying to prove you're a 'real' GT5 fan.

        • -1

          Bah ha ha ha Thats a great comeback, Im not judging who should or should not have the game, just will guarantee if you dont have it already, you wont like it.

          Seriously who here claims to own 'fast' cars and wants to hold out for 2 months and save 20 bucks….

          I guess you also wait for Wednesdays to fill up your sports cars to save $0.33 on the tank ha ha ha

          Keep em coming….. ;)

  • Most stores cop out on the "can't sell below cost" when you try to price match. The term "loss leading" usually pops up too.

  • +1

    Just got it today from DSE in Doncaster Westfield - price matched at $54 just by showing the CSR the photo on my iphone. Now I just need to get the Logitech Driving force GT (any good deals out there?)

    • Yeah anyone know a good deal on the DFGT? been looking for ages!!! Apparently dick smith wont have any in till february

      • Logitech are out of stock. I had one but sold it on as I grabbed a G27 instead. You cantry Ebay, but most people are so desperate for one they are bumping the price way over $200 when you could get them for $150 from JB just before Xmas :(

    • +1

      Good work tufis. Any chance of a copy of your receipt so that we can price match Dick Smith at their other stores?

      • Yeah DSE receipt would be great.. better than GG one I reckon.

    • they know better now. they aren't willing to price match anymore even with the photo.

  • +1

    Price matched at EB in Brisbane receipt here

  • Hey guys
    I've taken a photo of the receipt but don't know how to post it on Ozbargain. Let me know how and I'll post it. otherwise, give me your email address and i'll email it to you.

  • Got it for $49.50 just by showing the picture on my iPhone from DSE - Preston.

  • Went into EB at Melton, they rang GG in Melton they had it for $87, they then rang GG in Chadstone Warrigul Rd store, and they too had it for $87, so no match for me. Maybe they have realised their error and bumped the price back up?

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