Shipping from US (Alternative to shopmate)

Can you please recommend a better alternative to Shopmate?
One with better shipping rates and better service. thanks!


  • Ship2au was pretty good when I used them to ship from China.

  • Try Aramex shop and ship. Http://

  • What does Shopmate charge for (say) a 2lb and a 6lb package?

    Also, it is most likely that as from 1st July all of the overseas shipping services will add 10% GST to the cost of the goods plus shipping

    • Yeah I noticed that. How would they know the cost though if the vendor doesn't write it down somewhere?

      • +1

        With MyUS, if they receive a shipment without an invoice included then they will send you a message asking for the senders name and address, and the cost of the goods. They then check the value you give for reasonableness and if not within the ball park they will not ship the goods. Reason being they are accountable for nominating the value of goods shipped.

  • Try here

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