This was posted 6 years 8 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Milo 1kg @ $9 at Woolworths ($0.90 Per 100g)


Nestle Milo Chocolate Malt 1kg @ $9 this week (usual price $12)

Good time to bulk buy:
$0.90/100g vs usual price of $1.20/100g

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closed Comments

  • +27

    And remember it is 4.5star health rated so stock up and eat it by the spoonful. Don't bother with milk as milk is only 4 star rated.

    • +2

      yep. Milk makes it worse for you, as clearly stated by the health star ratings :)

    • -2

      The health rating is a marketing tool designed to make you eat more while decieving consumers as being some sort of health advice.

      In case you hadn't worked that out given that an unhealthy, sugary drink is 4.5/5 "very healthy". Adding hormones at levels intended for cows isn't great either.

    • +1

      Water is 5 star health rated if there have 10 it will get, I think only stupid people will buy this 4.5 star health rated drink at 900C/kg that you can only spend 0.01C/L on 5 star health rated drink

      • But statistics show that everyone who drinks water dies…. How can it be 5 stars

    • 4.5 star minus 4 stars. This Milo with milk will be .5 star

    • no you want to add the milk then it's 8.5 star rated

  • Call me when Ovaltine is on sale.

    • +13

      Does this helps?
      $0.60 per 100g.

      • +2

        It does! Thought I'd be drawn and quartered for that comment but instead I found a Deal. Thanks

        • +3

          At least give a + to the good samaritan djshitu, be grateful mate.

    • Is it tastier than Milo?

      • +3

        only if you prefer marmite over vegemite & HP sauce over smokey bbq.

      • +1

        Jokes aside, I think it is if you like it maltier. Aussie Milo is different than elsewhere and the new Ovaltine tastes much closer to the Milo I'd get in Canada (made somewhere in the Caribbean last time I had it) than the domestic Milo does. Milo here is closer to a chocolate drink than a malt chocolate drink IMO. The Aldi brand "Milo" is a bit maltier too but I don't think it's as good as the new Ovaltine. The old Ovaltine isn't as good as any of them IMO, no comparison there. It was a bit less sweet, but a bit less everything else too.

      • Yes, it tastes like Malt. Milo tastes like Sugar.
        It has the same consistency, meaning it doesn't mix properly at all and you're left with delicious milky crunch to eat with a spoon.

    • +1

      Why do they call it Ovaltine? The tin is round, the mug is round. They should call it roundtine.

      • Ovals are associated with healthy athletes? I dunno.

      • +2

        That’s gold, Jerry. Gold!

  • How good is Milo.

  • +1

    Milo has 46.4% sugar & 10% fat.

    • +12

      That's why it is rated 4.5 stars

    • +1

      it gives your children energy to become professional athletes

      • +1

        I think you confusing this with nutrigrain ad

    • +2

      yeah, but in the tin there are tiny gaps in between each of the Milo particles that don't contain ANY sugar or fat !!

    • I was interested in this as well so did a bit more reading. Found this link which did a comparison of other chocolate flavour drinks for their sugar/sodium and nutritional additives.

      Personally I prefer Milo to Ovaltine

    • +3

      Ummmmm its 46.4% NATURAL sugar and 10% NATURAL fat.

      • An important distinction.

        • +1

          It is actually as it's processed sugar which you really need to watch out for

    • +3

      Thanks for letting us know.

  • +2

    Glad to find another Milo loving ozbargainer. Cheers.

  • And in great news for vegetarians, one serve of milo contains 30% of your RDI of iron. Swap it out for coffee, and away you go!

    • +4

      only if you eat the tin too.

  • +1

    well the Woolies gods are telling me it's time to make some Milo Stout.

  • +1

    Good find, last time I got milo under $1/100gr was in 2016

    • You can buy Milo at $1/100g at Big w everyday. I know it is not under $1/100g…

  • +1

    side note, just bought 1.5kg from Costco for $11.99 / 0.80c per 100gr (admittedly you need Costco membership).

  • I haven't bought Sugar for years.

    I wonder what one pays per Kilo?

    I do have some ALDI Dutch COCOA powder in my pantry.
    Cheaper than what I pay for my 85/90/95% dark chocolate - only cacao bulked up by sugar, perhaps flavoured with vanilla.
    Should I run out of my mood/heart/BP drug/medicine I can always mix a teaspoon, or two, into half a cup of yogurt!

    Perhaps a different mixture for others ;-)

    • +1

      Dunno if this is the question you were asking but white sugar is about $1/kg.

  • Can anyone confirm that this 1 kg line at Woolies has only existed for a few months and has in fact never been $12? (I know that Pricehipster can miss a product's history).

    • I'm not positive, but I am pretty sure I've seen it on the shelf for $12 regular price. And it's not just a few months old. I think the 1kg tin has been standard for a long time? I can't be certain though, so who knows.

      • Thanks. I was unsure since it seems different stores sell different sizes and I don't remember how big the "big cans" were.

  • Bought one cheers op

  • +1

    Would have lasted me about a day and a half when I was a kid.

  • 40 and still consume a lot of it daily. Always have and always will. A kid a heart i'll always be.

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