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11% off Sitewide @ iHerb


FREE Australian Post Shiping on orders over $40 USD (Approx. A$54)
Dear iHerb Customer,

To celebrate the world’s greatest soccer tournament and the top 11 players representing each country on the field, we are offering you a one time 11% discount off your next iHerb order!

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Referral: random (342)

New Customers: Give a 10% discount & get US$10 in Rewards Credit for your referral's first order.
Existing Customers: Give 5% discount & get 5% commission in Rewards Credit.

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closed Comments

  • damn you were quick!

    • He was quick… I just got the email 4 mins ago.

    • +1

      That's what she said 👀

      • She said he got the email 4 mins ago?

  • +8

    Each team picks 23 of their top players to join the squad. Should've been 23%.

  • +1

    Offer ends June 27th at 10:00 a.m. PST.

  • +7

    Nice timing I was going to put in an order before the Gerry Harvey tax kicks in next month. :)

    • +11

      It's ridiculous, thieving scum.

    • +11

      Personally I don't have an issue with GST being charged on imports, but I doubt it is going to help Harvey Norman or the other retailers. Last month I ordered a Nokia 7+ from overseas because the dual SIM model isn't available in Australia and it was delivered Sunday after lunch. I'm still waiting for Lego I ordered last week from Myer to arrive.

      • +1

        Whether it helps them or not is besides the point. I'm going to be paying an extra 10% on all the stuff I pay from overseas, stuff I can't buy here in the first place btw and therefore the thieving governemtn gas no moral and probably no lawful right to be pinching more tax. You are right though, it probably wont help local retailers and again, if the government reduced their tax burden they would be able to offer competitive prices locally. Instead they opted to do the usual, simply gouge us landless peasants even harder.

        • +1

          We all seem to appreciate the services that governments provide, but dislike paying for them. The GST on imports will help fund the tax cuts that have just passed parliament. One could argue that doubling the GST would make retailers more competitive because other taxes could be reduced.

          As a landless peasant I would be campaigning strongly to replace real estate sales tax with a land tax. This would lower the barriers to people moving and owning property.

        • +1


          Firstly, yes we appreciate some of the services that government provides. But make no mistake, government provides NOTHING, they simply take from the people who earn and then 'provide services' that could probably be done a lot more efficiently and cheaply though private means.

          Secondly, I am not whining about paying for the services they provide, my complaint lies in the amount of wastage, rorting, incompetence and outright thievery that government engages in every day. A small example here: https://thenewdaily.com.au/news/national/2016/02/12/governme…

          And that's not to mention the elephant in the room which is the tens of BILLIONS of dollars per year wasted on 'government debt' (which is simply theft on a global scale for those who have the research) when government has the power to create it's own currency and interest free debt in the first place.

          All paid for my you and I having to slave away day in day out.

          So way less tax I can compromise with but the current state of onerous and draconian taxation is beyond a joke and only getting worse.

          (edit, thought of something else :) "One could argue that doubling the GST would make retailers more competitive because other taxes could be reduced." Yes one could argue that. But we who are old enough to remember the promises made when the GST first came in regarding the removal of other taxes that didn't happen do not trust the kakistocracy as far as we can spit 'em. :) In fact reducing taxes across the board has historically provided a boom in tax receipts for the governments who are not so myopic to go down that road. Basically if people have more to spend then they will spend it and government will reap more through sales taxes etc. Steal less, but get more? Sounds like too much of a paradox which why today's politicians can't grok it I guess. )

        • @EightImmortals:
          As imperfect governments and taxation go - and they are a fact of human nature and life for most, Australia isn’t doing too bad compared to the rest of the world.

        • @EightImmortals: Agree with you 100%, except possibly 'government debt' as the government printing money has other issues. THe only other point I would make is that social services are hard to quantify and profit driven enterprises seeking profits can cut costs too far.

        • @mathew42: Yep it's a messy soup alright. As for the government producing currency and credit it does need to be managed correctly of course but it has been done before. What we are doing now (and have been for almost 100 years) is to outsource that production to privately owned/controlled private banksters who charge interest on the 'money' they create out of thin air and loan to the worlds governments (well, most of them wink wink). This creates many more problems AND rampant inflation that need not happen if sovereign governments produced their own coin. :)

      • +3

        Pick it up from Myer yourself, much quicker.

        What kind of moral person would encourage more taxation on their fellow men just because he thinks that it will make him or his company a few more bucks? And like you said it will probably not help HN or other retailers.

      • +1

        Totally agree - Australian mail is ridiculously slow. Buy from Next in the UK get it delivered within 3 days, bought something from Hong Kong and received within a week. Purchased something from over east (sent to Perth) takes over 2 weeks. Its a joke.

  • Order from iHerb due to arrive today :-(.

    • You could try contacting their support and see if they're willing to reimburse you.

  • No Melatonin?

    • Use GABA instead.

      • Just beware of the strange skin rush you get if you've never had GABA before.

        • Rush or rash?

        • I get that too, but others I know haven't experienced it.

      • +1

        Why are we using either? Your fellow OzBargainers may want in on the craze! :)

        • +1

          Looks like it is a Neurotransmitter Support, so it may help promote relaxation and ease nervous tension. I think many buy it to help sleep.

  • Why do I never wait for deals before buying things? :/

    • Same - and it seems when I do wait the item I want goes out of stock.

  • Daaaang…I just put in an order last night. Would this code work when going through cash rewards as well or possibly not?

  • Thanks I been waiting for a while.

  • Yassss! I was about to place an order before the GST introduction and to use up my loyalty credits. Perfect timing :)

  • Any recommendations for some magnesium ?

    • +1

      Read up on bioavailability. Most of the magnesium on the market is barely absorbed by the body at all. Can’t believe how dodgy the supplement industry is.
      I ended up buying the Thomsons brand.

    • +1

      magnesium threonate, or if you don't care about the CNS effects of magnesium, magnesium malate

    • +1

      Currently using "Source Naturals" Magnesium Malate which contains magnesium malate trihydrate and malic acid).
      Bio-availability is really important.

      • Thanks for all input. I also want to get tested for my current levels but pretty sure I’m low. And currently dealing with some injuries and want to be sure I have good mag intake.
        All i have at the moment is magnesium oil which i only just started to use, after hearing good things. Feels good though

        • You also need to consider how your body metabolises various vitamins. If you have the symptoms of a deficiency it is worth considering trialling a higher dosage. This should only be done under the supervision of a qualified medical practitioner who specialises in integrative medicine.

          Alternatively have a chat with your local vet. Animal trials can be significantly more rigidly controlled than human trials so nutritional medicine is considerably more advanced for animals.

      • I just take ZMA before bed.

    • Found a pretty simple overview of the different magnesium types.
      Will grab some maleate and threonate

    • Trace Minerals ConcenTrace works best for me. All others seems to not absorb at all or cause an upset stomach. The taste is unpleasant though but the effect is worth putting up with it.

    • Been using a brand with Calcium Amino acid Chelate and Amino acid Chelate as its bioavailability is higher than non-chelate form. My mum seems to get good improvement with no more cramp at night. Cramp returns once I swapped with another formula.

    • now mag citrate

  • Argh! I’ve put in 2 orders for the past 2 days already

  • +2

    One time redemption in case anyone was wondering.
    Cheers op - my health and wallet thanks you.

    • +2

      Twice, once from app once from Web.

      • but no cash rewards through app

  • Shopback up to 15% cashback

  • Soooo anyone else’s order cancelled by iHerb?

    • Mine got cancelled… just realised it. Found it in junk mail.

    • really? mine arrived super fast. I ordered early on when code was dropped though

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