Bloody good price for a 2018 model!
55" is on sale as well for $2970
Dont forget Shopback as they have 3.5% cashback vs cashrewards at 2.3%!
Bloody good price for a 2018 model!
55" is on sale as well for $2970
Dont forget Shopback as they have 3.5% cashback vs cashrewards at 2.3%!
which is more useful?
Cash in hand is King .But if you are planning for for traveling in 12 months and you need QFF to redeem Biz ,go QFF。 Otherwise ,pick up cash.
means that 10k qff is worth more than 100 when redeem a ticket?
Well, yes it is . 72K QFF can take you from Mel to Tokyo via JAL Biz . If you wish to purchase it by cash , it would be $3000. However , if you want to redeem Eco, i suggest you go cash rewards.
@RichardF89: Yes - some claim a return of $0.04 to $0.06 per point is achievable with business class redemptions (although maths is a little fuzzy IMO).
Wow.. you used 100k to redeem a Dyson?!?! That literally sucks..
Not much is ever worth redeeming from Qantas Mall!
Does it have that lean back stand from the 2017 model?
Not with this new one
This is the new version released this March.
The 55" model on TGG's website.. It says LG panels. So Sony are using LG OLED panels?
Yes ,at the moment LG is the Top 1 in OLED area. A1/A8F all use LG OLED panels.
Yes it is using a Panel by LG Displays. But more importantly it is using Sony Extreme chip for up-scaling poor quality sources and also for motion making this the Top 1 for motion and up-scaling.
Unfortunately Sony have yet to address the aggressive ABL on their sets or I would of bought it already :(
As you've been told yes, what separates them is other features including the the processor which Sony's top models are fantastically fast and some can be used for Android gaming.
Despite using the same OLED panels LG, Panasonic and Sony can all perform differently, sound different, look different due to bezels, and also have screens colors look different depending how the company configured them, some are better for gaming and others for movies, though this is slight of course.
As mentioned yes, but I'd buy this over the LG for Android TV alone. At least it should be reasonably well supported with Android apps well into the future, unlike bloody Samsung!
If spending $4k+ on a TV, wait for the king: Z9F with X1 Ultimate processing.
When? Price?
Tune in to IFA end of August.
How much will a 65" be
Is this a price error? Says 15% off but the rrp is 3999. Wondering if I have time to get a price match at jb or HN since I have giftcards there..
They were on sale already and they have reduced it further by 15% from the sale price!
Ah got it. Dont know what to do now
This technology is meant to get cheaper and not more expensive! Sony are still pricing themselves out of the market vs LG given that the screens are so similar.
Lets compare apples to apples. This is a newly released model like the LG 8 Series which have just been released.
So a $300 difference. Each have their own advantages.
1) The Sony A8F has the advantage for both up-scaling and Motion.
2) Acoustic Surface for Audio
1) Static Logo dimming
2) Calman Autocal calibration.
3) Expanded art gallery
4) Intelligent home interface
5) DV Support from the get go
7) Technicolor Support
8) A Better Operating System / Menu system (Sony must be locked into a contract with Android )
9) Less Aggressive ABL
However motion / upscaling (due to our FTA sources here in Australian and also for Sport material ie. Football, Soccer, Cricket, Tennis, etc) is a biggie for me so I am interested to see the new Sony A8F in person. The LG C8 is also an excellent and you can't go wrong with either being both OLEDs.
Just pick your preferences for your needs.
Also - Android TV.
The new 2018 75" Panasonic TH75FX780A for $3,992 (with 20% off code PAYMENT) from Appliance Central may be a better buy IMHO.…
If you don't care about OLED goodness, maybe. But still probably not.
Is the 55" worth the $1k premium over the LG B7?
Toying with this also. I have a Bravia LED now and like it. I don’t use any menus or os stuff. My inputs are calibrated to my content. In fact I don’t even use the remote at all.
Someone tell me not to buy this.
So I just bought the 65" from TGG last Friday (15/6) at $5495…. What are my options here, their 30day price shield is capped at $100. Anyway to get refunded the difference from this deal and my price?
Does your card have price protection?
Going to check again today, it's Qantas premier card. From what I can see there's no price protection.
hey mate, check this link … it says a competitors price! i have a feel that JB and HN might get on the bandwagon soon and you can get the difference. Also, might be worthwhile contacting them to see if they would just refund the difference than do 120%
Does anybody have any experience with gaming on an OLED TV? I'm planning on getting a new TV later this yea, and I'm finding these Sony OLED's hard to resist. I nearly bought an A1 in the black friday sales last year but decided not to when I did a bit of research and it seemed to suggest that the response time / input lag on these OLED sets could be an issue for gaming. Are this year's models any better? Or am I better off sticking with the LED LCD TV's?
Is like once you go Black (OLED), you won't go back (LED).
Guess it was a price error
They removed it from their website. Cant find the two models anymore
$107.41 cash back via cash rewards or 9.2K QFF points via Qantas Online Mail.