This was posted 6 years 8 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

XBOX ONE S 1TB Minecraft Bundle $299 @ BIG W

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Seems like the current best deal bundle for the Xbox One S 1TB. Available online now and in store on 21st June. Bundle includes:

Xbox One S 1TB + Minecraft Download Token + Minecraft Explorers Pack DLC Token + Minecraft Story Mode: Complete Adventure Token + Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind + 3 Months Xbox Live Trial

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closed Comments

  • +13

    You are opening a can of worms my friend..
    Just look on my current deal
    "Amazon one was cheaper so this wasn't worth posting" "I got one for cheaper 18 months ago so I don't recommend this" "Stop forcing people into buying overpriced Xbox One's" etc etc

    • +15

      I feel for you man. You post deals to try and help people and some people make it personal. I missed out on the Minecraft deal, it will likely never be repeated again, and your deal was seriously tempting.
      I'm sorry for the behaviour of some of our OzBargain colleagues.

      • +2

        Actually the same amazon deal has been on sale at least 3x

    • +6

      I feel your pain. I was tempted to mention all the better offers in the history of OzB in the post to let the haters know that we know…

    • -1

      Given that you posted that.. I'll do that.

      There were better deals before. This is a console where price is an important factor. There isn't any bargain XB1S deal at the moment. If you are willing to pay $299, consider the XB1X deal from BigW with the discount voucher.

      Best bundle deal at the moment? not necessarily. Using AMAZON20, the below is cheaper…

      I think using the excuse "well, you cannot get the great Amazon AU deal about 1 week ago now" and "I just want to make sure people are aware of the best deal at the moment"… it makes this site feels like StaticIce. It's not a Best Price at the Moment. Given that you were upset initially for missing out on an opportunity to buy it to resell on one of the Amazon deals, I just found it difficult to feel good about you posting the other deal. I know about all 3 Amazon deals and I could easily purchase one for resale, but that's just not the OZB spirit. Like I mentioned, I'm more than happy for other OZBers to get better deals (so it is silly for me to buy one so another OZBer would miss out).

      Despite all that, I reckon the one you posted is better than this one. XB1S, the less you pay, the better.

      We are seeing people just wanting to post console deals more (because they do attract positive votes). You will get people voting for you with these deals all the time. Essentially, this one is using bundle deal with 1TB console to quality for a deal.

      Are we really wanting to see the best non bundled XB1S 1TB and a bundled XB1S 1TB every week? These non true bargains are not selling well. Yes, they are gathering votes but are they actually helpful?

      • +2

        I'll actually agree on the front that this isn't the cheapest one currently available. However, note you are getting a white console, normal controller (not a hideous green one) and can use discounted wish gift cards at Big W. Additionally, you can collect this in store in 2 days rather than waiting for dispatch and shipping.

        At the end of the day, it doesn't have to be the best deal to buy. If you don't like the price or can't pay it - don't buy it and wait. However that can go for a lot of things. Need a new laptop? Don't buy one now wait until it's cheaper. Out of coffee? Wait until it's half price to buy.

        • -1

          Look, people keep on wanting to take it out of context. If you are desperate for an XB1 console, given the current discounts available, it makes more sense to just go for XB1X (and that's exactly why that one is selling better for BigW). You can be desperate for PC/laptop, but desperate for this console is just hard to accept BECAUSE if you really wanted one, you would have regularly checked OZB. Missing out on 5 deals (no, we are not talking about 1, we are talking about 5). 1, yes, 2 maybe. But, ALL 5?

          Again, between the two average deals, yours is better for most people right now (not that either one makes sense). You guys can debate all you want, the deals might get the votes BUT the reality is they are not selling like hot cakes.

          Also, you were quite p*ssed when you missed out on the second of the three Amazon deals.

          Look, we already have 1 XB1S 1TB non bundle deal, and this one (bundled). We might as well get the 512GB ones posted eh? 2 more XB1S deals should be posted. That would cover everyone's needs?

        • +1

          @netsurfer: Yes I was very p*ssed when I missed out on the second of the three Amazon deals because a price like that doesn't come up too often. Thankfully, I didn't have to wait too long for the recent Amazon deal.

          Also, you can check Ozbargain religiously for weeks and then not check it for an hour or two and then there's an amazing deal that's now out of stock.

          Honestly, what's the benefit of me getting a Xbox One X? I don't have a 4K TV. (Well to be fair, I do but that's not where the Xbox would go - other stuff is all there)

        • -1

          @pennypincher98: You weren't (and honestly still aren't) the person who needs an XB1S right away. You probably got it largely because the price is attractive. You had an XB1S left unopened for at least a week so it obviously wasn't a must. That's what I feel about XB1S - not a must right now for most people.

          XB1X is a slightly different matter. Most people getting it now would generally have actual need or really want it. It does super-sampling on 1080p (so it renders internally at 4K, re-sample it down to 1080p). FreeSync has been added (hardly any TV supports that). There are questions about how well Forza Horizon 4 and future games will perform on standard XBox One(S). Most people believe it will run at 1080p30fps (being a first party title). We are seeing newer titles letting XBOne(S) run at below 30fps at times. There are also games where XBOne(S) do not run at native 1080p (might be upscaled to 1080p, but actual res is lower).

          As for mentioning the deal back in 2016, there are two parts to it. You guys only get one part. I got mine in 2016 and you guys want to talk about "desperate to get an XB1S"? You get an XB1S now and you call yourself desperate? I was more desperate and even simply by using a $100 cashback deal back then, most XB1S deals nowadays still look very average. Furthermore, I purchased it before XB1X was released (all the good deals came after the release of XB1X).

          XB1S is worth getting when the price is attractive. Otherwise, it just doesn't make sense.

    • -1

      Generally, if you want an XBox One console, you either get the best or the cheapest. I understand the 1TB console is nicer and well liked, but if the price isn't great, you are paying for the extra storage premium.

      It is like buying the most expensive SKU of the least powerful console.

      At the moment, I don't object to posting best XB1X deal of the week (because I can understand the argument of what if you want an XB1X right now), but XB1S… I think it's not too much to ask to post only above average deals.

      If you missed out on the Feb 2018 Amazon deal (which was available for 1 week) and then want to argue you need one right now (and obviously you missed on the two subsequent deals). Then, honestly, you should check OZB regularly, rather than being this desperate to need to buy an XB1S now.

  • +1

    Why is it so expensive?

    • +7

      If people have a CURRENT cheaper deal post it …. don't just brag about the bargain you got.

      because you can walk into woolies if they have stock and pick it up and take it home and your kids are using it this weekend with everything downloaded?

      no Costco membership required ?

      I was one of the people who got the crucial 750GB SSD for AU$115 from Amazon france ….. it's all time low price but it's not the price today, might be again in 2 years, are you going to wait 2 years ?

      The cheap amazon prices, they come and go ….. over a period or hours or sometimes minutes… how long do you wait until they have another one if you need or want one.

      These deals aren't like buying coffee from woolies at 50% and if no stock you get a raincheck for the next week when its back on shelfs.

      • +1

        Using AMAZON20, you can get this cheaper at Amazon AU right now. See my first reply.

        You are missing the point. We are saying: this deal is lacklustre. I mentioned it so many times, I want OZBers to get better deals than I did. I am happy many OZBers got the Amazon deals, the JB deal, the Aldi deals - better than the deal I've got. I knew about all those deals and unlike some people, I bought ZERO of them, ensuring other OZBers can get them. You can see feeBay listings from people purchasing those consoles before.

        Amazon AU had this back in Feb 2018 for 1 entire week. When a console is available in a store, it is generally because it is not at a bargain price.

        What's next then? Best iPad deal of the week? Best iPhone X deal of the week? Best (insert product here) of the week?

  • +1

    Even if the Amazon deal comes around again, only a few get lucky enough to get it (i missed it). Then those that got it flood ebay and gumtree trying to resell it for a price over the deal mentioned above for $263.20 and probably on par with this one after the games are added. Honestly, they cant have many left of the ugly looking minecraft skin (although i'd buy at that price)..
    does anyone actually think the $179/199 deal will come back?

    • +10

      I needed one, got 500gb for $230 off Ebay ….. the following week was $30 cheaper but in the meantime the kids had their friends over for a sleepover, pizza, sleeping bags and they gamed over the weekend , got an extra controller from JB who did a price match …xbox came with games pass and gold live for 3 months and their favourites games were downloaded ready to go by the Friday night.

      that sleepover was worth its weight in gold …. yep could have waited and saved $30 ….or taken a bunch of kids to the cinema and spend $100+ ….

      it depends what something is worth to you to have it now or wait ….

      do you wait for another historic low on toilet paper if you have none left or buy the best price on the day ?

      • good opportunity cost on that one

      • +4

        that's the point…if someone posts a good deal, give them credit for it, not berate them for a past deal. in 2 years time, people will be selling xbox 1 s for $100 and in the meantime you stick with a ps2 to save a couple thanks for posting this deal, and thanks to everyone else posting deals to try and help make us aware of whats available at the time

        • +1

          Thanks beebs23327!

        • It's not actually the cheapest once you considered AMAZON20.

          Futhermore, back in Feb 2018, when Amazon put the deal on for 1 week, people were thinking there won't be any better deal for a while. Well, there were. If you look at what Amazon have done, they have shown they can offer top deals for gaming. Amazon Prime is being promoted - so some more gaming related benefits to come.

          Garage sale paid $230 for XB1S when he was desperate for one. That was more sensible and these. You cannot get a bargain right now, you minimise your spending.

          Also, if you don't mind nasty OZBers taking a cut:

          $275 delivered - it's the wrong spirit, but cheaper. There are other OZB deals which can help (the $30 or $50 voucher for listing item or items over certain amount). You can tell there are people double dipping. These feeBay sellers can get customer to buy it with at least PULL5 (5% off discount). They potentially paid $1 in FVF and can pocket the $30-$50 voucher later. Nevertheless, you can still shop smart when there is no bargain around.

      • +1

        Ah the good old sleep overs. I remember doing this in the late 90's with the Super Nintendo and staying up all night playing games with friends.

        Your kids will look back at this in 20 years time and will cherish the memories.

    • Once you considered AMAZON20, this deal is actually inferior than the CURRENT Amazon deal. Even if you cannot use AMAZON20, $3 more to get it delivered could save you more time.

      BUT, honestly, unless you have children which are Minecraft fans, is this really a good deal? It's technically not the cheapest right now and you clearly are paying for the 1TB premium.

      garage sale - what happened to you wasn't ideal, BUT you paid $230. This is $299. Hopefully, yours came with a game (with a bundle).

      My issue is that these are $270+ to $299 deals. Sure, they are 1TB deals. However, you are paying premium. When you cannot get a bargain, for this particular console, the goal is still to spend as little as possible.

      Honestly, if it is a must, I'd rather you paid $230 then the extra $40 for the additional 512GB space (this one, you need to pay $69 more). garage sale, if you really think about it, your not really that great purchase was more sensible and cheaper than either one of the deals. I would argue you actually had a better buy. Now, you re-evaluate these two deals posted, they don't look attractive do they?

  • +5

    This netsurfer guy is really annoying :/

    • Yes, i think his point (which, while i don't agree with, i acknowledge it makes some sense) is now being completely drowned out by the forceful way he is making it.

      Sometimes less is more.

      I don't want to make it personal - netsurfer has been a long contributor to OzBargain, and the reasons he's making his point (over and over again) seem altruistic.

      But nonetheless - netsurfer can we acknowledge your perspective and then ask you to stop repeating it?

  • +3

    Shout out to all of those that post bargains for us bargain hunters. No matter the saving be it $1 or $100 it all counts in the end!

    Waiting for my current console to die before I get another (no need to just upgrade right now as I don't have a 4k tv). I hastily replaced my xbox 360 a few times (rrod etc) wound up with 3 at the same time toward the stage I moved to next gen (a rrod refurbished unit, a jasper unit and a mw3 le console).

  • Anyone got ideas on what best to do with the Minecraft and Redstone codes if you don't want to keep them?

    • Sell them? Pop them on feeBay or Scumtree and I'm sure someone will want them.

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