Other equivalent of Loake 1880

As we now can't import Loakes into Australia, can anyone suggest an equivalent model (in terms of quality) from Church's or Barker or Grenson's etc (basically anything else from Pediwear).

I like Loakes, but the 1880 is too expensive in Australia.

Thanks in advance.


  • +4

    I would never buy any loakes in Australia due to the price gouging.

    I used to buy from Herrings in UK and have them shipped here (still cost about half). Our distirbutors have barred direct imports but Herrings will still ship other brands, such as their own which several models are actually manufactured by loakes to the 1880 standard. Also very similar lasts.

    • Thanks. I agree on the price gouging. Would the Herring Classic or Herring Premier be the one equivalent to the Loake 1880's? The Herring Premiers are around $500 which is similar to the Australian Loake 1880 prices.

      • Sorry, I can't remember. It's been 3-4 years since I bought a pair of dress shoes.

        That also means that they last that long. It helps that I don't add a stick on outside and wear the leather outsole as intended.

  • +2

    Herring Premier are much better quality - they are made by shoemakers like Cheaney and Alfred Sargent.


    Their prices are much better because you are saving 20% VAT and avoiding the Australia markup.

    • +1

      This is the first time I've seen someone on Ozbargain mention or link to the style forum. I've wasted so much time on there :-(

      • I dabbled in that forum on and off for a few years. Here's a summary to save you time.

        1. Bought something designer? It's actually made by a low cost sweatshop. Feel bad.

        2. Bought something made by reputable brand? Bought the wrong line. Still offshored to sweatshop. Feel bad.

        3. Bought the right brand and right line made in original country? It's actually only partially assembled by apperentices on site. Feel bad.

        4. Bought the flag ship of a reputable brand? Someone has something bespoke. Feel bad.

        5. Bought bespoked? Well, it's actually only custom material on a stock cut/last. Feel bad.

        6. Bought fully custom? You're now broke but someone has fully custom by someone famous. Feel bad.

        7. Bought something fully custom from someone famous? You're now broke and the banks are foreclosing you but someone has an antiqued fully custom from some famous deceased artisan. Feel bad.

        • 1-3 are all pretty valid. if you care about those things. For me, only 1-2 matters: That it's reputable, and actually produced by that brand in-house. No point buying something from a brand if it's the same offshore factory pumping out pieces for dozens of brands including budget ones. 4 onwards not so much, while bespoke is good if you can afford it in both time and money, that's certainly not necessary.

        • @HighAndDry:
          A well crafted pair of shoes, something with full grain leather in and out, good year welted and properly lasted will last decades if not abused. I go for 3.

        • @tshow: Agreed. I have two pairs that I'm alternating between at the moment. Looking for an extra pair if I can find one for a good price.

    • AS lasts (judging by their flagship fiddleback line) are very narrow and will be akin to torture if you're even slightly flat footed.

  • +1

    If you have some sort of a brand attachment to Loake, you can get them shipped to Australia from https://yakoba.ru/en/12-shoes#/manufacturer-loake
    Even with their high shipping charges to AU, the prices are relatively attractive. 350 AUD for the 1880 range.

    Alternative, you have such brands as Cheaney and Tricker's , also British, also Northampton based. They all have their online stores and also ship worldwide. So, there is not even a need to go to the Herring brand made by somebody if you can get directly from that somebody.

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