My 16 year old wants a new phone. Prefers an iphone but may look at Android.
Any great deals atm OR what wpuld u recommend 😊
Teenager Is Looking for a iPhone Refurbished Budget up to $500

iphone SE
I'm looking for an se, where's the cheapest place to get one?
OP looking for refurb , not sure about new…
iPhone 6 Plus
Suggest one of these, and that they take their entire class out with the remaining $420 for a malt or a root beer float down the ol' diner. Guarantee they'll be the cat's pyjamas and a shoe in for the Homecoming King/Queen come prom.
iphone 7 fro gumtree with receipt
why won't he look at Windows phone though?
No Idea .. But happy to suggest one. What do u recommend 😊
nah. Windows phones are shit
I'm sure he would looooooove a windows phone!
Why not Nokia 3310?
Optus Oppo A73 $179.10 Delivered or C&C @ Target eBay
I bought my kids iphone SEs from facebook market place. paid $30 for one, $50 for the other. had to replace the screens which were $15 each off ebay (and 1 hour to replace the screens)
nice phones. good cameras. kids took them on our last holiday and took heaps of holiday snaps.
Honestly hop onto i bought my son and i both iphone 5s for $100 something each. They go right up to iphone 7 but also they do samsungs too
Agree with Eb games
iPhone SE would go alright…
Only suggesting that one because you really need the 64GB one if you want photos and apps.
If he or you can bump the budget up by $150 you can get a 7 which In my view would be best as you’ll be 2 gens behind which will make it more future proof
That's expensive! Kogan sells it new for $469:
As soon as I saw the post title on the live page, I knew it was a hsk post.
Yeh needy teenagers 😊
Try phonebot