I feel this will be considered quite petty, but renewing my rego tonight I noticed that paying for 12 months costs $1 more than paying two half-yearly or four quarterly periods. What's up with that?
NSW Rego More Expensive Paying Annually than 3 or 6 Monthly?

Last edited 15/06/2018 - 09:10 by 1 other user
What their definition of half and quarter though? 182 or 180?, and 91 or 90?
I understand it to be 6 and 3 months, not days.
But say your renewal is 1 Feb, then 3 months after is 28+31+30 = 89 days, 3 years out of 4. That doesn't sound fair.
Click bait
Not really, but yes, "expensive" is relative.
Erm, this is green slip ctp?
No, rego.
Well, you'll be checking the 3 or 6 monthly methods now. Evey cent counts when its having to give it to a government authority.
You will pay for your green slip
Does that mean tho u need to do your pink slip again and again when u pay ctp? Or is it just once per year
I don't think so, just the payments that can be multiple times a year. But it looks like the CTP and rego have to have the same periods, which makes sense.
I asked the RMS, and got this reply:
Registration fees are adjusted in accordance with the CPI every January and July. As an example, for registration which is calculated prior to 1 July, the six month fee is $256 and the one year is $513. If you choose the six month option you would be charged $256 and then the next 6 month option which would be calculated after 1 July would be charged at $266 because of the CPI rise. This is $9 more than the $513 you would have been charged if you chose the annual fee. It is therefore cheaper to pay an annual fee than a 6 monthly fee.
I appreciate this is very confusing but do hope that I have explained it adequately for you.
So it looks like the annual fee is cheaper than two 6 monthly fees, because the second 6 months will have gone up by the time it comes around…as they said, confusing.
That still doesn't really make sense.. Cos you're saying first half is already cheaper by 50cents
Understand you get the benefit of locking in the price for a year, but first 6 month price should still be half of 12
Quick, post it as a deal. :D