Solar PV Sytem and New Net Meter Installation

I recently got a solar PV system installed.

am I required by law to update my old meters in the meter box to a new net meter or smart meter?

why I say this is the discs in the old meter at the moment spin backwards because of the solar panels.
and then spin forwards when I'm using electricity off the grid exceeding the amount generating from the solar panels.

what that means I'm essentially getting $0.30 per KWh of electricity generated by the solar panels instead of the $0.11 cents FIT that I would of been charged if I upgraded the meters.


  • Technically what you are doing is illegal. A meter should never run backwards. You will face serious fines if the energy company gets wind of this, and they probably will just by looking at your power consumption in comparison to your normal values. I've actually heard of nightmare stories with meters going backwards and the power companies charging crazy amounts as the way they calculate power is all messed up. I'd turn off the PV supply until you get a net meter.

    • Thanks for that.

  • Just curious - Where are you that you’re paying 30c peak? Only 21cents peak in Qld and can even get that with 16c FIT with a decent provider.

    • NSW I'm.paying 28 cents peak and FIT is about 11.5 cents

      • Thanks. You’ve made me feel better about my outrageous electricity bills prior to solar. 👍

  • I would have thought that your installer would have put in a request for the new smart meter.

  • Wow 11.5 cents FIT? I'm in NSW and only getting 9 cents lol

    • 12.5cents in Melbourne. It was at 5c at one stage.

      Just coming out of fully paying off the panels by end of year. 6.5 to 7 years. 4k investment at time for 2kw panels

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