I was trawling the net looking for deals on the 50 Megapixel 5Ds when I came across this deal that looked too good to be true…$2640 for a locally supplied camera!
Digidirect are selling the exact same model with the same warranty for $4298.
I received the camera today…brand new in the box with an OZ Canon 2 yr warranty.
This may not be for every-one…but hey, if you are looking to buy the largest pixel count DSLR…this is the deal for you.
Canon EOS 5Ds 50MP DSLR $2640 Delivered @ Amazon AU

Last edited 14/06/2018 - 12:14 by 1 other user

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price is very good, but released on 2015, lower iso than mark 3, and we are now at mark 4
https://m.dpreview.com/reviews/canon-eos-5ds-srvery tempting with the price, but pull back at last
"You sent a payment of $3,296.55 AUD", this is what I paid for 5DMKIV few days back..
Where did you get that one from? Amazon AU?
Ordered Tuesday evening, got it on Friday evening..
I agree that the Mark 4 is a better all round camera, although saying that, the tech in the 5Ds is still brilliant…I basically needed the horsepower of a 50MP sensor as my medium format digi camera has shuffled off it's mortal coil :(
My two cents: shooting in 50MP will require a lot of processing power in your computer + I doubt if the picture is as nice as in your late medium format. I didn't know your camera, however. Sorry for your loss.
Good 2 cents point…I have a newly built PC that screams through LR & PS…shouldn't be a problem with the files sizes, hopefully :)
Camera is a Rolleiflex HY6 with a leaf 33MP back…it's an awesome camera. I shoot mainly portraits with it, normally wide open for that great looking minimal depth of field you get with such a large sensor. Missing it already…body fine, back not working.B&H have second hand stuff, try them for back.
@llivas: If you mainly shoot portraits why do you need such high res? Do you do a lot of massive prints? I'm genuinely interested. :)
@plastic spoon, good point.
I started in early 2000 shooting with an $8K Canon D30, one of the first shooters in Auckland to go digi.
That camera was 3.2 megapixel of awesomeness…I would regularly enlarge to 16x20 without any issues.
Fastforward 18 years…I'm shooting portraits for a book & exhibition of huge enlargements. Started shooting on my medium format gear mainly because of physical sensor size, the images have that beautiful medium format look, albeit taken with an 8 year old sensor.
The style of camera really suited my subjects, all over 85, some over 100 years young. They loved the fact that it was old school & we really connected over the waist-level finder. Checkout my promo reel at this link…even at 1920 pixels the quality is outstanding: https://youtu.be/YO3BfpRU8-AB&W portraits aren't my thing, so I'm not in a position to judge your work.
I do appreciate that you haven't gone ultra shallow for your DoF. Too many photographers equate shooting at 1.4 or 2.8 as "being professional", or use it to flatter clients by smoothing out wrinkles. It drives me bonkers, particularly if one eye is sharp and the other isn't. Anyway I have no desire to say anything negative about your work.
However at the resolution of this video I honestly don't see anything that couldn't have been done with a 12MP body. Perhaps give a modern 24 MP APSC sensor a genuine try and you might not feel the need for the larger more expensive kit.
@llivas: Gorgeous! I know we're veering off topic but do you have any recommendations for learning portraiture lighting?
I know this wasn't addressed to me but…
Youtube is your friend.
http://strobist.blogspot.com/ - Lighting courses on the side - Lighting 101, 102, 103
Study the work of the masters.
If you want to spend money Lynda use to have good courses but I haven't looked for a while.
@plastic spoon: If you are in Melbourne come along to a portrait shoot, I'll show you with pleasure :)
5Ds wins if you photos require more details. Its low pass filter cancellation effect guarantees the maximum resolution.
Really great price.
That's the 5DSR that has the low pass filter cancellation, and not the 5DS on offer here.
This seller is selling it even cheaper (with 1 year warranty though, and I have no idea whether they're good or not): https://www.becextech.com.au/catalog/caneos5dsbdy-ins-p-6507…
good price, but that's gray
Makes sense why it's cheap. Ta
Old model, Canon bleeding because of the emerging mirror-less offerings, Canon have been sucking the blood out of pro photographers for years, I hope this trend continues.
This coming from a Canon user.
Really surprised Canon hasn't put out a fully fledged mirrorless on par with the 5D.
Old but technically not yet superseded
A lot of people who have put a lot of money into their lens system getting sick of them essentially only competing with themselves; deliberately gimping products and features in silly ways purely because of their pricier products, not to compete or because of the true cost. Kinda regret (not that I'd ever have really known) not starting of with Nikon instead when I got into the hobby.
So heavy though… On the plus-side, the lens offerings are great.
Not heavy compared to 1D series.
Waiting for some good deals of the 5D4 to replace both of my 5D3 bodies. They look like they've gone into a war zone but still somehow work perfectly!
Does this have dual pixel AF?
OP….don't you mean you were trawling the net?
Mmmm…yes, it was definitely trawling, I don't troll LOL
This looks it would have been a very stylish camera in 1992.
wow! time to bury my cd burner as they won;t hold too many of them files
I get confused even on a lengthy Google search. What's the current Canon flagship? I don't know my Polaroid from my disposable camera - wife is a keen photographer, has an eye for it and currently has an old Canon. What's the top of the line in June 2018?
1DX MKII & 5D MKIV…awesome machines
Flagship is 1D…
Then one digit models 5D 6D 7D
then two digit models 50D 60D 70D
then three digit models 500D 600D 700D
then four digit models 1000D 1100D 1200Dsome semblance of order, just like Apple OS names, he said sarcastically.
Roughly $300 more and you have a Sony A7 III, far more capable. Unless you really need 50 Megapixel
The only reason the 5Ds exists is for the people who need 50MP
and for people that think they need 50MP
I think 99.99% of the people out there DON'T need anything more than 20 megapixels.
Well those people can move right along then. This camera was made for a specific purpose.
Then this isn't the camera for them. That's kinda obvious.
Its definitely not obvious. Heck there was a time when photography magazines were publishing pics taken on 6 megapixel cameras.
I definitely agree and think 99.99% of people are already suckers to marketing otherwise how do you explain the consumer demand for high megapixel cameras. In fact a higher megapixel sensor results in the camera taking worse photos in low light situations.
More megapixels is useful for cropping/zooming and large prints.
6 megapixels is more than can be displayed on a 4K monitor (ie. 4 megapixel monitor). Rarely do consumers require printed photos larger than A3.
Only $60 more than this deal gets you an a7r2.
Sold out. Link now directs to the Camerapro stock.
Hey guys, there’ll be 1 more 5Ds available in a couple of days….I originally ordered one 2 weeks ago & noticed that the price had dropped by almost $200 the day after. I bought another one that day & refused delivery when the original one came. Not sure what price it’ll be at…hopefully at the cheaper price.
Will you get 100% back if you refuse delivery?
I just received an email from Amazon…100% refund
I still have my original 5D and 1DS mark 2. Plus a Maymia 6X7 with 2 X 6X7 backs and 1 X 6X4.4 back Plus a marvelous panorama Noblex with the revolving lens.
Mustn't forget my EOS 650, 620 and EOS 5 film cameras plus my Gossen colour temperature metre and god knows how many filters. In those days what you took was what you got.
Also had a Mamiya twin lens with inter changeable lenses. That was a brilliant camera.
Wow great deal