Some nice price drops by Futu on these three SSDs. 480GB is $8 cheaper than two weeks ago. Enjoy :)
- Kingston A400 120GB $47 — pricewatch
- Kingston A400 240GB $74 — pricewatch
- Kingston A400 480GB $128 — pricewatch
Some nice price drops by Futu on these three SSDs. 480GB is $8 cheaper than two weeks ago. Enjoy :)
- Kingston A400 120GB $47 — pricewatch
- Kingston A400 240GB $74 — pricewatch
- Kingston A400 480GB $128 — pricewatch
120/240 are cheaper on Kogan with ref credit and shipster trial.
Don't know why I got downvoted. If you don't want a better price then I'll stop making useful comments and just leech instead. Makes life easier for me.
Only gushing comments allowed.
Thanks for your useful info
Yeah well how much cheaper?! If you can tell us that I'll give you another + vote :)
$9 cheaper for the 120 (So just under 20% cheaper)
$5 cheaper for the 240 (So just under 7% cheaper)
You also need to take into account that you get an extra $10 credit for your main account that you used to refer your secondary account :)
I reckon those sneaky bastard that doesnt want "their private sacred secret" to be known
Thanks a bunch mate. Got the 120GB for $38 with the new account referral and shipster trial.
Just a note for others. The $10 Kogan referal credit didn't work signing up accounts with the same name. When I changed my first name to something different I got the $10 referral credit.
Yeah only the 480 here is the bargain for $128. Difference in prices for the 120/240 aren't very big now in most places, so I'd prefer to walk in to MSY and buy the 120 for $49.
Noob question, will it work in a PS4?
SSD isn't worth it in a PS4. Minimal gains. Google it, you'll see all reviews, tests, benchmarks all say the same thing. Marginally faster boot, load times, but just not worth the extra $$$ of SSD.
Depends where OP is in life. If he's in school/university, I'd imagine he'd have much more time to play games. Those 10-15 seconds saved really do add up.
even on xbox one ….the bootup is pain …..have thought about 500gb as boot drive, 2 tb for games and move current games from 2tb to the ssd ……….
@garage sale: That sounds like a great idea. If you're like me and tend to focus on one to two games at a time, uninstalling and reinstalling games is another option.
And the money factor.
When i was younger i had no money and lots of time, now i have lots of money and no time.
I wouldnt think twice about putting an SSD in anything…
It annoys me so much me when people state THEIR cost/worth ideas against something as fact and dont even state it as an opinion.
I just imagine a 14 year old who never worked a day in their life when i read it…lol
@garage sale: Replacing the xbox one storage media is more of a pain than ps4.
The xbox one wont format a blank drive on its own like the ps4 can and you have to disassemble to console to get at its drive.
I'd recommend just going USB SSD, but here's a full guide if you're interested…
@Lief1250: getting a drive into an xbox one isn’t hard if you’ve ever opened a phone, tablet, or laptop ….lots of plastic tabs ….it’s was partitioning and firing it up and getting it recognised ….the cheat sheets sometimes miss a few steps, took me a few hours first time ……..did some 500gb to 2 tb upgrades for family and friends.
yes much easier on ps4.
10-15 seconds? lol nope. Difference is maybe 1 second here or there. Literally.
And PS4 owners don't generally boot up. We use rest mode, which negates the need to boot up everytime we play it.
Want to get good gains on a PS4 for maximum $$$ value, get an SSHD.
Your opinion, not fact.
sigh….just trying to help.
Look at ANY reputable Console/PS4/hardware/other website that have tested/tried/reviewed/benchmarked this, and you'll see the gains versus cost factors just are not worth it. Period.
SSHD are far more worth the $$$. They are essentially just as fast as SSD in a PS4.
Plus with PS4, very few people actually " boot up" anyway. Rest mode is what almost everyone uses. I can't even remember the last time I actually booted my PS4.
and you'll see the gains versus cost factors just are not worth it. Period.
I think you're missing the point of what people may be objecting to in your posts. It's not your facts, it's more that you're being inflexible in judging what /you/ think it's worth and deciding for someone else.
Someone else may see a 6 second faster loading time as important to them. When they're done with the PS4 it can always be transplanted into another PC to upgrade its performance, so the SSD doesn't lose much value. They might like having less noise and heat from an SSD compared to an HDD/SSHD.
People likely appreciate the relevant information about price/performance you've given, but maybe let the person to judge the worth for themselves - otherwise it comes across as you dictating what others should do.
How are the speeds on these drives? I currently have a Samsung 840 Evo 120GB that I'm looking to upgrade (mostly due to the low storage). I'm looking at replacing the HDD in my girlfriends laptop as well so it doesn't need to be insanely fast or anything.
so 500read/450write Kingston vs 540read/520write samsung evo. 480gb variants
Thanks a lot!
Google is your friend……….but so am I.…
Based on this, the Samsung was always going to win out but I suppose comes down to what you use it for and speed required. I use both and never found the Kingston too bad (its what I am using as too lazy to switch out for the Samsung 850 that I have sitting in box next to me!
Thanks mate - should be absolutely fine for my use case.
Well, if you actually read the eBay page….
Was making the assumption that OP was asking how they compare to the Samsung 840 EVO's.
I was, thanks! I probably should have been more explicit with that.
i am laughing at the people who bought those China brand SSD a while back
there are a lot brands in china that are unknown in australia ….. the average person in the street has never heard of xiaomi in australia …. yet huge in china ……
and the chinese domestic market would be huge for ssd ….they probabaly don’t buy crucial or samsung a lot of the time due to cost and support …..
i don’t read chinese but would be interesting to see what they advertise in their PC magazines ….
You shouldn't, there are a small number of controllers and storage that all brands use. Odds are high that the components are the same.
yep …samsung make their own controllers, most other s just use phison, marvel, or silicon.
tlc ….some are now using 3d so they can use thicker tracks and get density up, some are still using normal planar cells …..
for the building blocks of ssd there are only a few suppliers of the components, some companies just buy the parts and assemble into the boards ….. but if you stripped the drive the nand would be hynix or toshiba or crucial, etc
never hear people scrutinising the brand or reliability of nand in their mobile phones and making a buy / don’t buy decision or even the speed of reading and writing to their phone flash …just processor speed …..
we have the ultra budget drives using the older 14nm and 19 nm planar tlc, and we have the next tier up using the newer 3d tlc nand …. and if it’s 3d they print it on the case, if it’s not they just quote tlc …..mlc is getting real hard to get …..
Money = Trust
@zealmax: money = trust ….it’s what people thought about AMP and the banks managing their super ……
marketing + branding = money
It's about the NAND chips used. Those are definitely not the same, quality varies greatly.
Why? It's a good deal.
I've used Kingspec SSD drives for years, another big Chinese brand, and they're some of the best I've had. Saved a shitload of $$ too - got a 1TB SSD for $300ish when everyone was paying upwards of $1000 for the same in Australia.
Good to chuck into an enclosure and use as a USB flash drive?
Yeah, just make sure the enclosure you get supports UASP.
Does it work on NUC? Thanks
Hey guys, bit confused. I have a macbook air, how would I use it one of these with it?
This SSD won't fit inside an Air.
i have the air also …..very special sized ssd card with pcie interface ….. wasn’t much on the market at the time eg m2 size, so apple designed their own to make it fast and small.
That's correct. I just parted out a Macbook Air and got a working 120GB beauty from it. Will easily fetch me minimum $150+ on eBay.
It's not exclusive to Apple although not many motherboards use it.
For the MacBook Air you'll need:
Make sure to get exactly the right components for your model (they're all slightly different every year). This works out as much more cost effective than sourcing an original or third party specially designed SSD.
tempting until i read fine print that between 2010 and 2013 they had 4 different standards and this adapter only works with the 2012 ….. might need to check model and see if mine is the 2012……
Thanks Finnally pulled the trigger.
Who's Finnally?
Maybe he shot his dog?
like I said still falling
I would find it hard to trust Kingston after their bait and switch with a earlier generation drive.
After all the positive reviews and benchmarks came out for the Kingston V300 SSD, they silently replaced the internals with significantly slower NAND - and sold it at the same price and under the same name. PNY apparently did something similar.
4 years ago. Have they been accused since?
I don't know. I don't think they've been accused of developing ethics in those 4 years either :p
I know I'd prefer to be warned about bad behaviour from companies, since spending my hard earned money on a company's product is effectively a vote. People can make up their own minds.
People can indeed make up their own minds - but probably better as informed consumers, armed with up to date information.
ps your 1st sentence is a nonsense.
that isn’t unusual for companies that don’t use their own foundries for making silicon ….they buy chip s from various companies and as long as it’s within spec they will use them …extra speed above spec is a bonus …..
even kingston dram varies in batches sometimes ….. open a sandisk or wd ssd and it might contain toshiba nand deepening on model
In some applications it performed at less than half the speed, since the NAND they substituted was far from equivalent. It was a completely different kind of NAND (asynchronous).
It wasn't within spec, it was a completely different product.
To me, a grudge is just a place to park your car. - Tony Greig.
Won't work on Surface Pro right? I know they take mSATA but is there a converter or anything?
Not from SATA to mSATA- the mSATA drives are about the size of half a credit card.
Lovin Kingston, mon.
Not gonna neg the deal but the quality of these SSDs are not worth the cheap price. I got my 120gb from the $39 deal a couple of months ago and the thing is DOA.
Worth mentioning that whilst these are still a massive improvement over a HDD, they're a far cry from the likes of a 850/860 EVO or MX500:………
Spend 1/3 more and get 2/3 more performance.
Thanks for the info. How much real world difference will this make? I'm looking to replace an aging SanDisk Ultra Plus which I'm pretty sure is failing.
Also, do you know about reliability? I remember the Kingston drives having a shaky reputation back in the day, is that still true?
The "Effective Speed" percentage in those comparisons is designed to show you exactly that.
Eg. a HDD might boot Windows in 20s, whilst the Kingston might take 7s, and the above 3 drives 5s. I just made those numbers up, but I believe they're quite accurate, both in absolute and relative terms.
So again, the difference will be large (relatively speaking), but still nothing when compared to going from a HDD.
They certainly did back when I was looking a couple of years ago (low quality NAND).
According to Kingston these come with a 3-year warranty and for the 240GB version, 80TB writes. TBH that's not bad.
But I'd personally just pay that little bit extra for the Samsung or Crucial, at the very least just for the performance, if not also the peace of mind.
Thanks heaps!
how about the chinese ones from last week, are they comprable
Thanks TA.
120GB $47
240GB $74
480GB $128
So of course the larger your capacity, the cheaper the $/GB becomes.
Sweet as.
This one or the Samsung EVO 860 500gb for $148?
Internet says EVO is much faster any recommendations?
EVO 100% IMO. Price difference needs to be much larger for the Kingston to be worth it.
Hi are these compatible with this
I must resist…