Advertised in store at this price. Told it was a clearance offer. Grabbed one yesterday, brand new in box, not ex-display. Ex-display was discounted by additional 5%.
Pentax K-x DSLR Kit with 18-55mm Lens $499 at Officeworks

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Bough the K-m 18months ago for $699 and thought I got a great bargain. Good beginners camera, but I doesnt appear to have the range of lenses and accessories that the Cannon's do.
Nothing have the range of prolific acc. Canon does. But then you won't need to spend another $50 for the Canon lens hood that's not included. And your body won't be obsolete in 1yr - Canon's lower end updates a new model every 10mths on average.
the whole canikon has more lenses is flawed in the respect that other makers generally dont have lenses that exceed $2000 or specialized use lenses but why would you be considering them if you only have a sub $1000 body?
Name a lens that canon has that pentax doesnt have that is sub $2k
I've had an old Pentax film SLR for years and the range of lenses are enough for me. I'm not a professional photographer though, but seems like most people would be catered for.
if you buy pentax you are resigned to buying a lot off sigma, tamron etc.
but… this is a good deal and the kit lens is actually good
if you buy pentax you are resigned to buying a lot off sigma, tamron etc.
why? you might be happy with the supplied lens…
why buy an SLR for then?
not everyone lives within the confines of an 18-55 f3.5-5.6
sorry wait, Tamron 17-50 2.8 is sharper than any other brand. how many lenses do you want to own?
You could always use an… errr… Pentax Lens on it :-)
pentax make good primes but not a lot of zooms and the zooms they make are pretty expensive
so if you want those popular 18-200s and whatever you have to go 3rd party
and the Pentax 18-250 is a rebadged Tamron anyway… but hey… what do i know… i've only been using Pentax for 6-7 yrs…
pretty expensive?…
same price?……
nikon more expensive while pentax is constant f4 ?
Pentax is more expensive if you consider that their bodies are cheaper than canikon while their lenses are generally on par.
and the problem is?
in our group of Canon/Nikon users we have plenty of sigma, tamron, tokina lenses.
Purchased from OW Vic Park, Perth
Purchased from OW Midland, Perth
Don't know whether to go for this or Canon 500d kit for $647 delivered from ebay.
Go Canon, as they have a very large selection of lenses. The same can't be said for Pentax.
And he with the most lenses takes the best pictures?
Seriously though, this is a much better deal than that Canon 1000D one a few weeks back. At least for those who don't need to own 168 different Canon lenses anyway :)
Depends what you need it for.
But yes, he with the most lenses has the most options for composition :)
you mean he with the most lenses has a serious G(ear) A(cquisition) S(yndrome) disorder and needs to spend less time measurebating on charts and more time shooting.
Lens selection isn't everything, not everyone wants to pay Canon/Nikon prices, some people just want that bit more control over their camera without going to the extremes of owning every gold/red ring lens.
This is the camera my son wants (neither of us know about photography). I was going to try to see if I can get a Melbourne retailer to match this with a second lens c$650 including postage:…
Ted's Camera's & JB Hi-Fi just said "no way" just now over the phone so it looks like it'll be a 'net purchase.
Any advice would be gratefully received.
The address you provided is not a australian online retailer.
John, you said "that price is tax-exclusive". With the recent brouhaha over 'net purchases from overseas under $1,000 being GST-exempt, is their any tax to pay over the advertised price?
this is a good deal, if ur a beginner it's enough to start.
buy a 2nd lens later when you know what ur doing.Thanks guys, I know its a US address but I thought it was the best deal since it includes the second lens for US$575 +cUS$55 carriage.
I know,but that price is tax-exclusive.
18-55 mm is all round lens. You can take close up or scenery with no fuss. Don't get discouraged by some "pros (obviously wannabe)" who claim that they have gazzilion lens hanging around like love handles :)
I agree.
I think some amateur DSLR photographers must be the most frustrated of any group of people ever….. They seem to equate money with good photography and are constantly disappointed with their work…so they buy another camera…again…. disappointment, add some lenses….special flash, etc etc….again…frustration.
Then they spend hours in photoshop trying to improve what they have done, (something that real photographers 20 years + ago did before taking the shot)Money does not buy artistry….. Lots of beautiful work is done with a pencil and a piece of paper…or a block of wood and some chisels.
Talent is a bonus…..practice is the next best thing….equipment comes in a sorry last.
Don't get sucked into the, "I could take a good photo… if only I had an XXXXX", mentality.
It's a road to nowhere :)you forgot to mention that "if I only had xxxx" starts not with lenses/flashes but rather 80% of people think "If only I had a dslr, my pictures would be ace"
and they're right to the extent that pics will be at least 10% better than an ixus and for a lot of people - I think thats enough. Thats why they never get more than the kit lens.
good comment.
can you advise on any good (and comprehensive and concise) book which gives hands on guidlines on "artistry" aspects. cheers.I think it's something you have to 'do' rather than read about…(a bit like riding a bike, or surfing).
Doesn't hurt to check out what other people have 'done' too (flickr, etc)
if ur really interested in SLR i recommend heading over to whirlpool and read up there
lots of threads and advice!And they seem to unanimously rate the Kx really well for what it is, and that was when people were getting them for $650-700
i have heard good stories about this camera
great for beginnersCheers!
hey is this available in the different colours? like red?
only black on the ad I saw at that price.
I've got the Pentax K-X twin lens kit and its an awesome camera - better than the other beginner SLRs. The ISO levels easily outperforms Canons in the $1500 range too. The lens range may be limited but unless you're planning to stock up on every different type its not that important
The only thing I don't like about it is the AA batteries, I've tried multiple ones including Sanyo Eneloops and they never seem to last as long compared to cartridges. They also make the camera about 100g heavier too
Been reading about the K-X. Sounds like a good DSLR. With the issue with batteries, several sites have mentioned about the new Pentax K-X firmware making things much better in terms of batteries. Have you already applied this?
Yes, already updated the firmware on it - pretty much when they released it. Perhaps the batteries aren't charging enough, I am colourblind so I have to guess when its ready :P Usually have it in there for up to 3 hours though
I generally charge my eneloops & duracell active charge for a minimum of 4hrs. It often takes at least this long for the LED's on some of the cells to turn green anyway! ;)
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I would recommend starting with a brand you want to finish with. You will probably have to buy a flash for the camera and then a better lens, and the camera will be the cheapest component.
You will not find many pro's with Pentax, and if you ever want to swap over it will be an expensive exercise.
Nothing wrong with pentax, but most pro's are cannon or nikon and probably for a good reason
For a person who can't even spell "Canon", your comment doesn't carry much weight especially if one does NOT want to go PRO. Whatever PRO means.
Picking on spelling & typos is the first sign of a weak argument. :p
Now, if you've got a rationale for your POV we're all happy to hear it; but being offensively pedantic about linguistic minutiae helps no one!
anyone know if this is available in vic?
Yes, Got one yesterday.
I checked out the local OW in Melbourne, this looks like their normal price - not on special. Still seems like a good deal.
Saw this clearance price on offer at OW Oxley (Qld) today. (Nearest on Staticice is $659) Don't know anything about this camera or lens though.
For those who are contemplating this camera and have questions about it. Visit - there is a very active photography sub forum.
A dedicated Pentax user thanks you for this deal. Never mind the CaNikon sheep, they will never know whatthey are missing out on. Most of them dont even know what a lens hood is for.
I have Pentax Kx and a Canon 550D and prefer the Canon.
It is lighter. Has a much better LCD and works better with the Canon 50mm F1.8 lens than does my Pentax with the Pentax 50mm F1.4 which was 3x the price. Video is better on the Canon as is the live-view focus. Kx is good at high ISO but Canon is pretty good as well and I have made good quality videos by candle light on it. Canon is a bit dearer though, but that is an excellent OW price for the Kx especially if you were exciting the country soon.The Canon 550D is more than twice the price… so shouldn't really compare.
I picked this up and I love it. Thank you thank you for this tip. It is not advertised anywhere and some OW don't have stock. It was easy to get my local OW to tell me which shop had it in stock. The kit lens isn't awesome, but at this price it is basically free.
What store?