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GeoTrust True BusinessID with EV SSL (Show Business Name in Browser URL Bar) $105.78 USD ( ~$156.43 AUD ) @ SSLTrust


Show your visitors you are a registered business and your website is secured by an SSL Certificate.
The GeoTrust EV SSL will show your business name within the visitors browser URL Bar, this can not be faked and is a great solution to stop phishing websites you may be competing with.

  • High 256-bit encryption 2048 bit root Certificate
  • Fully Owned Roots (not chained)
  • Assures customers of the web site's true identity by displaying the GREEN Address bar and the organisation name.
  • Provides highest level of web site identity verification to help foil phishing.
  • Increases customer confidence to maximize online sales potential.
  • Includes a True Site Seal identity verification - embedded organization name/date/time stamp
  • GeoTrust EV SSL Carry the warrenty for $1,500,000
  • FREE 24/7 Technical Support
  • Money Back Guarantee!
Coupon can be used for 1 year or 2 year purchases.

1 Year = $105.78 USD or $156.43 AUD
2 Year = $185.76 USD or $274.71 AUD

Unlimited Uses

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closed Comments

  • $25.47 off rrp wont get people jumping at this lol

    • You mean $176 Off RRP ( USD )

  • Do visitors really care whether your business name shows up in the address bar vs 'Secure'. LetsEncrypt is free and most major web hosts have this as standard now.

    • for a general website/blog there is no need for it.
      But for sites with a common phishing problem. It helps a lot.
      Consider when you visit your bank… when i visit my banks website the company name shows up. If it didn't and it just said Secure i would know right away something is not right and i would double check the domain name and most likely not use the site at all.
      Anyone can get a trusted SSL for a website, but they wont be able to get an EV SSL to show your company name on their own domain name.

      • It helps a lot.

        Not really, it help just tiny bit. You simply cannot solve stupidity and carelessness with a green bar. Plus it's always easier, more efficient, more secure and much better to offload payment to third party payment site like stripe or PayPal.

        Anyone can get a trusted SSL for a website, but they wont be able to get an EV SSL to show your company name on their own domain name.

        Meh… see https://stripe.ian.sh

        I just think EV SSL and SSL business in general is a rip off. Majority (like more than 99%) visitors also dont care. When was the last time you check what type of SSL is used on ebay.com.au?

  • "If it didn't and it just said Secure i would know right away something is not right and i would double check the domain name and most likely not use the site at all."

    I appreciate your chutzpah, but it could show "commbank.scammer.com.au" in the address bar and 99% of people will still click on it.

  • $99.76/yr for 2 years here: https://www.ssl2buy.com/comodo-positivessl-ev.php

    You also can get free and more secure certificates from letsencrypt.

    • thats a comodo positiveSSL which is not the same, and it is not that price for 2 years sorry. I know a lot of people that find it very difficult to deal with business validation with comodo, also the positiveSSL uses 2 additional intermediate certificates, and a few extra things are included with geotrust that are no with the comodo one you linked too such as a dynamic site seal. The GeoTrust is better but if you are after abudget one you can go with a comodo one.
      If you are indeed interested in the PositiveSSL EV you can get it here: https://www.ssltrust.com.au/comodo-ssl/positivessl-ev and ask for a price match.

      • thats a comodo positiveSSL which is not the same

        From end users perspective they are the same. In terms of security level they are the same. Do you care if your pizza delivery driver take the toll road or use the back road if your pizza arrives at the exact same time?

        very difficult to deal with business validation with comodo

        You get phone call & supply required documents. Not sure what difficult about this?

        positiveSSL uses 2 additional intermediate certificates.

        Not sure why this even get mentioned? All modern web server and web client support chain certificates and its not difficult to install chain.

        and it is not that price for 2 years sorry.

        Uhhmmm… Yes it is. Is it too difficult to understand? Sorry.

    • also why do you say letsencrypt is more secure? also they can not really compare to an EV SSL sorry.

      • Letsencrypt have shorter validity and use better domain validation method that is less susceptible to tampering.

  • Well I got to say something as I am doing heaps of study on SSL/TLS recently.

    Firstly, open their website using chrome/firefox/IE you name it and then, once you see the little secure sign on the top left, please click on it.

    Then, view the certificate of their website.

    you will see the hierarchy like this

    CA>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA>>>>>>>>>which is www.digicert.com
    Intermediate CA>>>>>DigiCert SHA2 Extended Validation Server CA>>>which is www.digicert.com
    Their web-server cert>www.ssltrust.com.au

    So tell me, why are you guys saying you guys are Fully Owned Roots (not chained) as your own website uses something from an another CA?

    If you guys buying off from, say rapid SSL which has been advertised on your website as your partner and is an intermediate CA anyway, and reselling to us, so where does this Fully Owned Roots (not chained) come from?

    My point is not trying to push your guys into corner but you having to be at leat honest with the ozbargainers.


    Here is a good video for pals to get to know a little deeper about SSL


    • Hi, GeoTrust is actually owned by DigiCert so they own the root certificates.
      An example of going against that line would be…. a certificate authority that does not yet have a trusted root certificate in everyones browser so they get another CA to provide one they can use, so they don't control the root certificates. There are a few companies that do this with comodo's root, even comodo didn't have their own root certificate for a while, same with lets encrypt.

  • Ahh finally someone articulated the uselessness of EV certificate nicely : https://www.troyhunt.com/extended-validation-certificates-ar…

    TLDR; Don't buy. EV certificate is waste of money

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