Microwave blew up this morning. I need a short term cheapo replacement (less than $100) until I buy a u-beaut stainless steel microwave in about 6 months time. Any ideas? thanks Steve.
Cheap microwave deals

I bought mine off of EBAY for $2. If you are only using it for 6 months then may as well get a used one.
$2, I love that price! good advice, thanks
Chep one at Kmart from thursday: http://www.kmart.com.au/Catalogue/Catalogue.aspx?CatalogueID…
20litre $49Thanks Mason. This will probably make the wife happier than 2nd hand. cheers, Steven
At the end of the 6 months you could consider donating it to the Salvos. They can either give it to the needy or sell it.
I donated my microwave (it was too small for me) to the Salvos and they were delighted to receive it with the box and warranty receipt (it was fully functional and had 14 months warranty left).Bought the kmart microwave today but didn't realise how small 20 litre is. Couldn't fit in a dinner plate which is pretty useless. Back to the drawing board. Ps I miss microwaving
aldi sometime have them.
though, I bought a SS there once and it died within a month. though no problem getting money back.
Big w have one on special this week $46 or $49 I forget which,but if I remember correctly it was cheaper than what kmart had thiers for
i saw a store name Panatech selling panasonic ones for $65. This was in western sydney area.