Cheaper Attraction Tickets in Europe?

Hey Guys

We are travelling to Europe soon, is there a similar version of Ozbargain for Europe? Or any site which would give me better deals for tickets to various attractions?
We are planning to travel to Amsterdam, Paris, Zurich and Frankfurt.



  • +1

    If you’re under 25/26 (depends on location) you can get cheaper or free entry into museums and galleries. Just provide photo ID where it’s available.

    • Oh and do some free walking tours in each place. Check out Sandemans New Europe. I’ve done European tours with these guys since 2008 and they’re fantastic. Most people usually tip but you don’t have to.

    • Yeah, and if you have an student ID, then you can get benefits thanks to it (free or discounted).

  • +1

    You can also check out their city passes eg. The Paris Pass which can give you significant discounts on major attractions. Just make sure you check out the list of attractions and decide what you're interested in to see if its worth it.

    A lot of major European cities have them

  • -2

    I have heard that if you break the law you will get a free ride in a police car and tour of a police station.

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