Should I go for Honda Civic VTI-LX or Civic RS ?

Hi Folks,

Its my first car and I and I really dont want to regret so I need your genuine advice over the car that I should buy.
You guys are too helpfull, I always visit OZ bargain for any doubts over anything.

Here is my problem,

I test drove Honda Civic VTI-LX and liked it a lot because of its interiors and looks. I personally love cars with good looks and dont wanna compromise over it.But it is going somewhat over budget for me.
I also like CIvic RS , so it is it really worth to spend extra grands for VTI-LX or RS is a good enough? Do those extra features in VTI-LX really make sense practically? Also do advice on the finance options?

Can you guys please help me out in my confusion? Or if you have more suggestions for other brands please let me know.

Your help is greatly appreciated.


  • Buying your first car is a big 'investment' and it should ultimately be your decision.
    I would ask myself:
    - Do I prefer ride quality over interior looks?
    - How would the extras benefit my everyday life?
    - Do I really need the extras?
    - What could I do with the spare money if I was to get the cheaper option?
    - How long will I have the car for?

    • Cool Thanks Allan for the comments:)

  • +1

    Its my first car and I and I really dont want to regret

    Buy a Toyota Corolla then. Don't waste your money on gimmicks.

    • +1 - Corolla or Mazda 3 - Good solid cars, hold resale well, cheap to run and repair if you do have a bit of a bump

      You'll feel better knowing its only a $10-$15k car when something happens than a brand new $30k car (which will drop to $25k the moment you drive if off the lot)

      If you must buy new, see if you can get a demo. I saved a lot by taking a demo in a colour that wasn't my first choice. Glad I did.

      • Surely will look for the demo car…

  • Your whole post is really about your budget and how much you can afford to pay, yet you haven't included any information on the prices you've got.

    Might also be helpful to list the feature differences between the models too and which of those features are a priority for you.

    But then again, once you've got all that, you've probably already answered your own question! haha

  • +1

    Going to generalise a bit here because you haven't given us much to work with. As this is your first car I'd strongly suggest that you don't buy new and instead buy second hand. Yes, you can still get something aesthetically pleasing for a third or less of the price of a brand new car. One of the poorest financial 'investments' you can make is buying a new car. The value drops like a rock the second you drive out of the showroom. On top of that you have to remember all the extra costs you pay on top. CTP insurance, third party/comprehensive insurance, registration, maintenance, repair, petrol and a million little other things.

    Protip: If your looking at a $30k car and think that you can make minimum repayments on the car, then you can't afford the car.

    If you buy second hand and instead spend $5-10K on a nice, second hand car that's still fun to drive, you could invest the spare $20k (assuming you have the money up-front, if not you'll be saving it by not making repayments). Then in 5 years time if you make even just a mediocre 7% interest you have a car worth $4-7K and almost $30k in the bank. If you buy new then you just have a car worth $17-25k. I know which ones of those options I'd rather choose.

    This is all coming from a younger guy who had to make a very similar decision two years ago and am currently waaaay happier looking at part of a down-payment on my first house and a fun car as opposed to just a really fun car.

  • Also do advice on the finance options?

    First car, brand new, and financing?

    Have your folks had any input in this silly decision?

    First cars get pranged, scratched, rims get curbed etc, not to mention your insurance costs (a requirement to have full comp with finance).

    Buy what you can afford with cash and leave the car loan till you need it.

  • What is your price range?

  • Get a 2nd hand, low kms Mazda 3, Corolla or Hyundai I30 :)

  • Dont get brand new on first car. You will stretch it in no time and start hating it.

    Get a second hand, you wont feel as much as pain if you have done any cosmetic damage to it vs a new car.

  • +1

    Can I Start with you watching some John Cadogan videos. Better not to be screwed to start with once you enter the showroom.

    We went through an extensive search for my partners cars. 11 test drives all of varying budgets. If you havent done that before arriving at the Honda I suggest you do that first. There are always better options. Suggest you stay away from Holden, Ford, & Jeep brands. Look also at the Hyundai i30, Mazda 3, & Corolla.

    The new civic is good as I believe at the moment they have extended warranty. You havent said whether you are going sedan or hatch. The hatch version of RS I believe has less boot space due to the central exhaust set up. If safety features are more your concern then the only choice is the VTi-LX as I dont think the RS has the extras. Its really up to you. If your a good driver you wont need them, but it just provides an extra back up for you.

    Its really a personal choice. Understand you dont want to make the wrong descision. Go for a popular colour. White looks good in the Civic. Dont go silver although that colour always looks clean. Stay away from black as you will be constantly washing it. Even just after cleaning it. That colour is a magnet for dust. Its like a mirror when clean and looks great hence why they aleasy have that coloured car in the show room.

    Also maybe look at a demo and make a saving. Being your first car you should avoid spending alot on cars and even finacing it. Debt is not good on a car they dont appreciate. Its bad enough that as soon as you leave the lot with your spanking new car its worth 6-10% less. Ouchi.

  • Pffttt… go all out and buy a Type R.

    • OP wants a car, not a spaceship…

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