Best of luck Phalaxis
Win $10000 from nib Health Funds
327 entrants, 0 wins
Last edited 08/06/2018 - 10:02
Entry Requirements
To Enter
Fully complete and submit the online entry form
The prize is AUD$10,000 awarded via bank transfer to the winner’s Australian bank account as nominated by, and in the name of, the winner.
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closed Comments
I just noticed highlighted competitions on the frontpage of Ozbargain. How recently was this implemented?
I'm dreading all the potential new entries I will have to compete with!
Only just noticed it yesterday myself.
Good luck for the $10000.
337 marked entered, 5k clicks, the dread has arrived.
i'm not going to go on but if there is one fund who sell junk policies its these people.
i've had 2 people who actually work for them who couldn't have there op in a private hospital as they expected, after they were upsold the company policy.. despite their pleadings to their employer there was no budging by them.
and if there is anyone ever in tears in my rooms as they realise their fund won't cover them for their surgery.. "i've been with them for 20 years" due to the fine print its this lot.Just sayin'
Doesn't seem important - until it is.Fairly sure they are not alone in this. The issue is these insurance products are regarded as a financial service rather than a medical one. If ever you wanted to see how abjectly inhumane corporatism is: this is it.
What do expect from a company where shareholders have to come first?
like the USA now where you try to WIN THAT LIFE SAVING OPERATION
C'mon baby, papa needs a new kidney!
This ain't gonna cover a kidney, maybe a new toe perhaps
Thought you meant toenail?
@chanwilson01: Toenails are free, they grow back on their own
Thanks OP.