• expired

Cellar One Pinot Noir Sale - Waipara Hills Pinot Noir $69 for 6 Delivered ($11.50 Each)


Cellar one (Accolade Wines staff and friends online wine store) has A Pinot Noir sale, especially cheap for new members.
You need referral to join. Please message the referral link your email address to get membership.
Both parties get $20 credit.

Referrals generally get processed the next business day and tend to end up in junk email folders.

You need to be a member to view the sale.

https://www.cellarone.com.au/specials/waipara-hills-pinot-no… $11.50 or $8.17 new members

Compare winemarket $22.41 a bottle http://www.winemarket.com.au/Waipara-Hills-Marlborough-Pinot…

Or https://www.cellarone.com.au/specials/eddystone-point-pinot-… $18.33 or $15.00 for new members
Compare dans: https://www.danmurphys.com.au/product/DM_779748/eddystone-po… $26.60

Cheers Birdyzone

Referral Links

Referral: random (271)

Referee receives access to store and $100 off a welcome pack, Referrer receives $20 Cellar Dollars (store credit) after referrer makes their first purchase.

Related Stores

Cellar One
Cellar One

closed Comments

  • Anyone getting the referral links? Have tried three emails across 2 domains and don't seem to be receiving the link. Referrers have responded too, seems to be a problem on the website's end?

    • Send the referral, and then immediately send the reminder email. Had the same issue.

      EDIT: hmm they've removed that option it seems.

  • +1

    I've just realised my first order which I received about a month ago is still showing as "Processing". So perhaps they're not that great on the internet side.

  • +2

    Hi to all
    Cellar One changed their referral system about 6 weeks ago and it seems to be a bit slower than the old one. The new one generally only sends the referrals during business hours and still takes a few hours.
    The old one was hit and miss but faster. It did have a reminder function which worked well. The new one does not have a reminder function.
    I.T. May not be there strong point but there delivery and service is very good.

  • The last referral request I got I ended up sending a Facebook link to the requestor

  • Got my referral link. I think they process things manually.

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