Looking for a good world globe, so my eldest(5) can learn countries etc. 30cm around that size? Nothing fancy, but want Russia on it (not USSR etc)…….if you know what I mean……..
Kids Globe
Australian Geographic shops usually have them, but are pricey (around $30-100 from memory). I have seen one at The Reject Shop, but it was inaccurate.
Yeh they are quite dear there, hoping to spend only about $50 max.
Myer have some nice ones, although not as colourful as one a kid might want(they were grey/white and black). I saw them in the Boxing Day sales for 25% off, so you might be still able to get a bargain. They had different sizes too
Saw the ones at Myer, they looked good, but as you say not really for kids though.
Saw interactive ones at target yesterday and they were an absolute bargain, they scanned at $59 odd bucks.
For some reason we didnt buy it, said I would go back today and buy it. Got to the register and it scanned at $119, I said yesterday it was $59, they couldnt say why it had changed as there specials are Thursday to Wednesday. So went home globeless……
Globes are hardly on sale ;)
Although i'm pretty sure that the globes these days are updated with russia (instead of USSR)
if you want a possible sale, you could probably go to a closing down book store, they usually should have globes