Pets, Love ’Em or Hate ’Em?

Hey All

I’ve a cat at my home that we adopted from the RSPCA a few years ago. Initially I’d refused pets but the kids and wife eventually got me to agree to one cat. Now I don’t mind our cat but she every now and then if we forget to let her out she pees in our house and the smell is so strong, the kitty litter we moved outside as the laundry doesn’t have enough space. And of course the usual suspect to clean it up is me and also making sure it has food and water. I really want that cat gone.

I honestly could not really care for having pets in the family as I never grew up with them and it never really clicked with me. But as you it has to stay but our cat is part of our family yada yada.. so our cat will stay despite her urinating antics.

Anyway I just wanted to ask the OzBargain community what their thoughts were on having pets. Do you love having them around, they’re genuinely part of your family or is a not here nor there type of thing and you only have one because spouse/kids want them or you never want them and don’t want any animals inside your home.

Poll Options

  • 310
    Love pets absolutely part of my family they’re like my children
  • 74
  • 38
    Don’t want to ever have a pet ever


  • +39

    I feel genuinely sad for non pet lovers. They bring a lot of joy. Of course I guess you need the right pet for the right person / family. For me it's a dog.

    • +2

      It's all good until you have to have them put down. We had our 12 year old bitch put down last month. I'd rather avoid that kind of thing and avoid pets, each to their own though. As long as your dog isn't barking its head off while I'm trying to sleep at night I have no issue.

      • +70

        Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all

      • +30

        The price we pay for their unconditional love is the sorrow we feel when they're no longer with us.

        • +1

          lols, can't you just adopt her out to a new home?

        • +1

          @EightImmortals: Judging from other comments, I think he's talking about his gf/wife lol!

        • @EightImmortals:

          lols, can't you just adopt her out to a new home?

          Believe me I've tried!

          Perhaps next time she gets drunk, I could dress her in a dog costume and take her to the vet.

        • -7

          @Scrooge McDuck: That is not funny. I hope you showed this comment to your wife so she could laugh along with you.

        • @Scrooge McDuck: Fantasy role playing?

        • +2


          If you need me, I'll be in my lab.1

          1. As a Comedians' Alliance member I am duty bound to never kill a joke. But would someone else please take this one over? It has gone too far, even for me. 😷 

        • -1

          @try2bhelpful: I'm pretty sure jokes fall under the umbrella of freedom of speech….

        • -3

          @Zedsdeadbabyzedsdead: Joke about murdering?

        • +1

          @Entropy Sky: Jokes a joke. Simple.

        • @Zedsdeadbabyzedsdead:
          We have Barnaby.

        • -1

          You mentioned freedom of speech, then goes on joke is joke.

          Make up you mind.

          Freedom of speech goes both ways.
          You can make a joke, others does not have to see it as funny.

          It doesn't goes you make a joke, whole world have to agree with your joke. And if we don't, label us PC.

        • +1

          @try2bhelpful: I found it funny. Guess what, humour is subjective.

        • -1

          @Entropy Sky: What happened?

        • -3

          @HighAndDry: that tells me a lot about you and your attitude to women. As indicated I wonder if the partner would find this funny? BTW - you really need to look up what freedom of speech actually means. Australia does not have freedom of speech laws.

        • +1

          @try2bhelpful: I wasn't the one who said anything about freedom of speech. There certainly aren't any "you can't make tasteless jokes" laws though.

          And again, I'm not the one who made the joke. I can still find it funny though. Maybe one day you can stop being so judgmental and take a look in the mirror.

        • -2

          @HighAndDry: so you think it is funny to call women bitches and infer it is OK to have them killed and also that this could be done by taking them dressed to the vets in a dog costume. I love a good joke, even against feminists, but this was not a good joke. I again say if you found it funny it tells me about you. I don’t find jokes based on domestic violence, and idenigrating a partner, funny; however, it appears a number of you do.

        • +1

          @try2bhelpful: Do you also object to banter among friends such as "Omg I'm gonna kill him when I see him next!" because it's joking about murder?

          I mean, the entire point of a 'joke' is that it's not serious. You know nothing about the person who made the joke. Sure, maybe they're a psychotic violent domestic abuser - in that case I don't think a joke is going to make much of a difference. Or maybe they have a relationship that's close and fun enough that they can make jokes, yes, even ones you might find too harsh, about each other.

          Again - maybe stop judging.

        • +3

          @HighAndDry: my friends don’t talk about their partners in such a denigrating fashion as indicated in the original “joke”. There is a lot of difference between “I’m going to kill him” and saying your partner is a bitch and you want the vet to put her down. Make that joke at your next dinner party and see how quiet the room will get. I just asked the poster if he had shown the joke to his partner and did she find it funny. You seem to be very sensitive for someone who doesn’t have a problem with jokes denigrating someone’s partner in such an obnoxious way. If you don’t want to be judged then stop accepting these sort of comments about women are at all acceptable, even in a joke context.

        • +2

          @Entropy Sky:
          I think the point is, those who find it funny have a right to laugh, and those who don't, have a right to blacklist those that found it funny if they want. What you don't have the right to do though, is shut down what you don't find funny.

        • +1

          @try2bhelpful: Okay? Again, different people have different opinions as to what's funny or acceptable. Stop trying to force your views down the throats of everyone else.

        • @SlickMick: I have a right to highlight why this sort of stuff is denigrating rather than funny. You are the people trying to shut me down for saying this it is inappropriate for someone to refer to their partner in this way. As I have said, if you find it funny then don’t get annoyed with me if I judge you on that.

        • +1

          You're in our discussion here. If you don't like it, you can leave. If you really don't like it, you could blacklist every person who commented here contrary to your opinion. But we have a right to this conversation… unless this turns into a brawl and a moderator will kill it.

          But think about comedians: there is huge range from family friendly through to downright obscene. I choose not to listen to those who cross my line. But I'm not on a campaign to wipe out anyone who's on the other side of my line.

        • @try2bhelpful: Username doesn't check out

        • +1

          I have nothing against making a good joke, I love Bill Burr, but I don't find all his jokes funny.

          In this instance, I simply questioned the meaning of making jokes about murdering(wife).(Can this joke be made in front of a crowd or LEO?)

          And I got labeled political correctness.
          Even slapped freedom of speech card on, making it as thoug I am against jokes/speech.

        • @try2bhelpful: I bet you have fun dinner parties, no jokes allowed!

        • @Zedsdeadbabyzedsdead: plenty of jokes and really funny ones. As I said, how about you do that same joke at your next dinner party about your own partner and see how well it plays to the room. If you think it is funny then you shouldn't have any issues.

        • @SlickMick: I am pointing out the joke is derogitory to the partner. You appear to be the one who wants to wipe my opinion from the discussion. If you don't like it you can leave is not exactly show you are listening to my issues at all.

        • +2

          @Entropy Sky: They do seem to be very sensitive when people point out that, perhaps, they want to consider the other person when they make a derogatory joke about them. I've grown a very thick skin posting on this board, if you say anything that questions their views on women they get very upset very quickly.

        • @Entropy Sky: Contradiction. A combination of statements, ideas, or features which are opposed to one another.

        • +1

          @try2bhelpful: I tell jokes like that all the time. Yes, even at dinner parties. Most laugh, I find it's just the militant lefties that get 'offended'.

        • @Zedsdeadbabyzedsdead: You tell jokes like this about your partner in front of her friends and she thinks it is OK?

        • +2


          that tells me a lot about you and your attitude to women.

          I made the joke because the opportunity for a pun was there. If there is an opportunity to make a joke about a male I will take that too.

          Similarly, anyone who found this joke funny may find the hypothetical male joke funny too. Even if they didn't, perhaps because it doesn't resonate with their personal circumstances, it doesn't mean they have a negative attitude to women.

          Part of the joy of black humour is generated by emotional relief after constructing a tense macabre image. The context of the comment to which I replied is emotionally uncomfortable. The joke at first appears to be a similar anecdote, but can then be recognised to be an absurd solution to an entirely different issue. Thus comedic relief follows.

          By dealing with the absurd, humour can adopt the opposite position to that of its narrative. Referring to a female companion with the possessive "my" and the pejorative "bitch" is obviously vicious and so is self-deprecating to the character played by the author. In that way it is a send up and criticism of misogyny.

          This is in contrast to your persistent humourless comments about men. You must have a very negative attitude towards men to persistently jump to the worst conclusions about them and exhibit a clear bias for seeking misogyny in everything.

        • +1

          @try2bhelpful: Yes, and they tell jokes back, because we all understand it's a joke……..

        • +1

          @try2bhelpful: Please tell me 1 of the funny jokes. I do love a good laugh….

        • +3

          @Scrooge McDuck: I don't have a negative attitude to men; in fact my significant other is fantastic and I do not tell denigrating jokes like yours about him either. I would never try to tell a joke like that about a man here for two good reasons. a) As indicated I don't find personal attacks on people like that funny and b) if I did this board would go absolutely apeshit telling me I was a ball breaking feminist who hates men. (Which I'm getting anyway) All I pointed out was that it was denigrating to your partner and that it wasn't particularly funny. Look at the absolute storm of protest my comments have raised from a number of you guys. If you don't want to be criticised then maybe you need to think about how your "jokes" will be perceived by the wider audience before you tell them. For people to say "if you don't like it leave" is the sort of crap you get whenever someone criticises the government. I will stand up and say when I think something has crossed the line and I will say that if you agree that this is OK then I will judge you. As indicated, have you shown your macabre humour to your other half and does she find it funny?

          I would find jokes that called children, or people of other races, bitches and they should be put down by the vet to be equally distateful.

        • +1

          @try2bhelpful: "ball breaking feminist" I don't recall anyone calling you this….

        • @Zedsdeadbabyzedsdead: Not the actual words, but the sentiment is there.

          "This is in contrast to your persistent humourless comments about men. You must have a very negative attitude towards men to persistently jump to the worst conclusions about them and exhibit a clear bias for seeking misogyny in everything."

          People who actually know me, including male colleagues, think I am funny and I probably make more jokes about myself than anyone else. Funnily these guys don't seem to tell a lot of jokes where they refer to their partners as bitches and want to put them down. Mostly they talk about how great their partners are.

          Let me go on the record, I have no issue with men in general. I probably have more male friends than female ones, but they know I will speak out if I see something that is wrong and that people need to think about the wider implications of what they say. Everytime I raise any issue here I get attacked by a whole bunch of people who are trying to shut me down but the insults are not going to stop me.

        • +1

          @try2bhelpful"I have no issue with men in general"

          Just looking through comments on this thread and others you seem to have an issue with a lot of men on Ozbargain…..

        • +2


          "All I pointed out was that it was denigrating to your partner and that it wasn't particularly funny" - in your opinion. Other people don't have the same opinion, you don't need to jump on your high horse and tell everyone that your opinion is fact every time you read something you don't agree with.

        • +2


          I would have laughed equally hard if some girl had said that about her husband.

          Why,oh, why does sexism come into this????

        • +3


          I would never try to tell a joke like that about a man here for two good reasons.

          Oh you're so virtuous!!

          a) As indicated I don't find personal attacks on people like that funny

          It isn't an attack on anyone, it's a joke. As I explained above, the narrative isn't real.

          and b) if I did this board would go absolutely apeshit telling me I was a ball breaking feminist who hates men.

          I seriously doubt that, and please do! Modern feminists are typically uptight, humourless and negative, so I don't think people would make that connection. Most people want to enjoy themselves, not be pulled down by the toxicity of negative people.

          (Which I'm getting anyway)

          So then reason b) isn't valid at all!

        • +2


          Not the actual words, but the sentiment is there.

          Thanks, I got a good chuckle out of this and it proves my point about you jumping to conclusions.

        • -1

          @Scrooge McDuck:
          I have always thought you are a feminist.

          The way you forbid people calling Asians Aisan, and the way you would throw race card, race baiting.
          (next time if I call people from Russia Russian, you would call me racist again)

          Aren't these typical feminist behaviours?

        • +2


          Look at the absolute storm of protest my comments have raised from a number of you guys.

          Yes, again, maybe look in the mirror and consider the mere possibility that that's because you're wrong.

          If you don't want to be criticised then maybe you need to think about how your "jokes" will be perceived by the wider audience before you tell them

          Maybe take the same advice regarding your own comments, if you "don't want to be criticized".

          "This is in contrast to your persistent humourless comments about men. You must have a very negative attitude towards men to persistently jump to the worst conclusions about them and exhibit a clear bias for seeking misogyny in everything.

          From your comments, this is a fair and reasonable opinion to hold.

          People who actually know me, including male colleagues, think I am funny

          People who know you are probably tip-toeing around you afraid you'll blow up at any actual humour.

          Let me go on the record, I have no issue with men in general. I probably have more male friends than female ones

          This sounds very much like "I can't be racist because look! I have a black friend!"

          Everytime I raise any issue here I get attacked by a whole bunch of people who are trying to shut me down

          If this is a continual theme, maybe again look in the mirror and consider that it's not "everyone else" who's always wrong, but maybe you.

          Seriously, I don't dislike you or anything, and this isn't personal (I'm just annoyed a little by your comments), so I say this in trying to be helpful: this, all of this, is feedback. This is probably more honest feedback than the people you know in real life are willing to give, both because you're probably not friends with people who hold differing opinions and because people are far more worried about backlash against criticisms in real life. Don't be so set in your ways. Consider that the world doesn't consist of everyone else being neanderthals but yourself. Take criticisms on board and, I know I'm repeating myself, look in the mirror from time to time.

        • -1

          So should you(s).
          Using SJW Tactics.

        • +1

          @Entropy Sky: I'm sorry, I'll admit - I added so many more paragraphs to my comment above that I've no idea which particular part you're referring to.

          Also I want to point out:

          try2bhelpful: Trying to say that people shouldn't/can't make certain jokes.

          Others: Telling her she's wrong.

          Only the first is trying to "shut down" speech. The second is just disagreement. No one is saying she can't criticize the joke.

        • -1

          Certain jokes are inappropriate.

          Even Bill Burr only goes as far as there is Plenty of reasons to hit a women.
          And would not tread on making jokes about murdering(wife).

          But if one has crack these jokes, she/he should also be prepared to accept opposing opinions.

          If not prepared to accept opposing opinions, then that's what SJW/Feminist do.

        • +1

          @Entropy Sky:

          Certain jokes are inappropriate in your opinion.

          There, fixed it for you. No, SJWs are the ones who think they're the be-all and end-all to these questions and that their subjective opinions are objective facts.

          No one is telling her she can't criticize the joke. We're just telling her she's wrong. What do you mean we have to accept her opinion? We can't disagree now?

        • -1

          Thanks for the corrections, that is absolutely spot on.

          Of course you can disagree, that is part of opposing opinion.

        • @Entropy Sky: So people can disagree with anything but can't tell certain jokes. Pass the pipe bro.

        • -2

          I never said that, don't put word in my mouth.

          SJWs do that.

        • @Entropy Sky: What in the world are you smoking?!

      • +3

        I currently have 6 cats. I had to put down two last year. One of them was 1 year old the other was 17 years old. It was devastating to me. It still hurts to this day. 7 years ago I lost my first cat. Still hurts to this day.

        But I wouldn't trade it for anything. I love my babies, and can't imagine life without them.

    • +5

      Of course I guess you need the right pet for the right person

      True, but some people, really should never have pets. If someone hates pets/animals , it is in the animals best interest for such a person not to have pets.
      Pets are to be loved, (and they love you back) , however there is alot of commitment and effort required.
      Everyone doesn't need to have pets. My preference at the moment , because I don't want to be tied down, have to worry about who will feed them etc, if I go away…. My choice is to consider the free animals/insects around me as 'pets' . I have a few spiders round the house (my pets) and some birds that land in my yard (my pets) … The animals get to be free, I don't have to worry about feeding them, vet checks etc, and can still enjoy them, and appreciate them , without locking them in a yard, or claiming them as mine

  • +76

    then if we forget to let her out she pees in our house and the smell is so strong, the kitty litter we moved outside as the laundry doesn’t have enough space.

    The kitty litter is outside. You forget to let the cat out. And you blame the cat for pissing inside?

    Cats are basically the cleanest pet you can have. The problem here isn't with the cat that's for sure.

    • I know! It’s a pain making sure that she’s outside when she needs to be. Basically I’m saying I’m the one that has the majority of responsibility of making sure she’s taken care of but never really was the one that wanted her in the first place.

      • +24

        Good opportunity to teach the kids to be responsible. Or as quantumcat says, get a cat door.

      • +4

        What breed is she and what type of personality does she have?

        You haven't bonded with her yet, but when you do, your heart will melt and you'll be best buddies! Well worth the effort.

        • +2

          @Superannuation: No offence, but that’s b/s. Do some research. Just because they show affection and act differently to dogs, doesn’t mean they don’t bond with people.

        • +1

          @Superannuation: i have 20 cats, one of them adopted me. she would demand to enter my room whenever im home, even when im not home she would be screaming in front of the door. she would get jealous if there was another cat in my room.

      • +7

        Surely there’s room in the laundry. It doesn’t need much room. Maybe put it in the bathroom if there’s no room in the laundry.

        Having it outside completely defeats the purpose of kitty litter. Sounds like the issue is that you don’t care enough to let your pet out so it can pee. Or at the very least make it one of your kid’s responsibilities to let her out every morning.

        Maybe get a cat door installed so she can come and go as she needs to. Cats typically would only piss inside if she REALLY REALLY had to go. They are very clean animals.

        • Also if the cat has had a few accidents inside you really need to super clean the area as generally they got back to that spot. One trick while you get the areas clean is to put full water containers or foil sheets on them.

          Black light is good to find the spots you missed and have dried out…

        • @thatonethere: The actual thing to do is to buy special spray from a pet store that masks the sent.

          I can’t reinforce the point enough to get a cat flap. Call a few places today and get some quotes done. I don’t see what the glass door has to do with it. You can put a cat flap through a glass door. It’ll be a bit more expensive but it can be done.

          It’s probably worth going for a decent one that’s lockable and maybe even one of the ones that scans their microchip so you don’t get uninvited visitors in.

        • +8


          and maybe even one of the ones that scans their microchip so you don’t get uninvited visitors in.

          You could employ a little feline bouncer to work the door:

          "Not with those socks buddy!"

      • +1

        You can get cat litter that is quite good at masking the scent. The cat litter doesn't need to be outside.

        You can also get cat litter boxes that are enclosed (like a dog kennel) which helps even further.

      • +2

        So the issue isn't the cat, it's your family…

    • +1

      So why can't you install a cat door and let the cat decide when it wants to go out?

    • +8

      I feel sorry for the cat….who had to beg to go to toilet everyday….probably had to be lucky to get water n food everyday. why this family gets the cat at the first place?

      • I agree with you and it borders to torture not having a toilet in the house for the cat to use. Cats are the most clean pets by nature and they would not pee anywhere in their home unless it’s absolutely the last option.

        I think you need to install a cat door if a toilet within the home is not an option. It’s about 300-500$ depending the quality of glass installed (toughened or not)

        Something like a cat door would make both you and your cat happy :)

    • +2

      Putting the Kitty Litter outside defeats the purpose of the Kitty Kitter as well. If the cat is outside already then they can do their business in the garden.

    • +1

      How is it the cats fault for peeing inside when her toilets outside, what else are they meant to do portal through the wall?

  • +12

    My cats are like my children. They're so affectionate and so soft and warm. When you're sad but they sit up against your chest and purr, it makes everything better. I don't mind having to scoop the litter. I had to live with no pets for a few years on campus at uni and then in share houses. That was tough. I made friends with someone I didn't like that much purely because she had a cat.
    But I grew up with pets. Maybe it's something you have to learn as a kid, which you didn't.

    I have a solution to your problem though. Install a cat door

    • +1

      Thanks for the suggestion. We never really considered the door flap cos we have sliding glass door to the pergola but the front door might be an option.

      • +9

        An option would be a cat door insert for the sliding door, you can get them from bunnings. Has cat door at the bottom and glass on the top, one side goes against where the sliding door would normally close to and the other side is where the sliding door will now close to. Means the doorway will be narrower than usual (by around 30cm) so depends on how wide your doorway is as to whether it would be suitable.

        Note it will take a week or two to teach the cat to use it, one of mine took to it in three days (the smart one) and the other took a bit over a week and a half (she's a bit dumb).

        • Means the doorway will be narrower than usual (by around 30cm)

          That's a faaat cat flap!

          Do they have narrower ones?

        • +2

          If there's no door available (blocked by a security screen or whatever) a window-mount flap is an option.

          We had a pane in a bathroom replaced with one with suitable hole cut, then installed a flap leading to a tunnel into a run.
          Being a bathroom made containment and cleaning up the emergency litter tray easier.

          Total cost of 50m2 run, window, flap etc. was a few hundred but the years of knowing they could come and go as required but weren't out hunting wildlife, playing in traffic or fighting with other cats was well worth it.

        • +1

          @Scrooge McDuck: FAT CAT FLAP - great band name

        • @Wampus:
          Or derogatory anatomical objectification of females.

    • +2

      Username and avatar checks out.

  • +21

    Pets are better than kids, they're cheaper, far less likely to disappoint you and less likely to check you into a budget nursing home in your twilight years.
    Kids are awful, rotten, little parasites.

    • Kids are awful, rotten, little parasites.

      Not if you raise them properly.

      Cats are far more self-sufficient than human children from an early age. Baby humans are entirely helpless but in an adorably endearing way.

      • +2

        You can't guarantee how your kids will turn out, however, they will cost you a lot of money to bring them up.

    • Kids are awful, rotten, little parasites.

      I bet you're glad you parents had kids.

      • he came from the stone!!

      • Mostly. But I'm even more pleased that they realised they got it right with me and quit while they were ahead.

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