• expired

Various PS4 Games $19 (E.g. Shadow of The Colossus, Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection) @ Target

Game Price
Shadow of the Colossus(target.com.au) $19
Rigs -PSVR(target.com.au) $19
Tearaway(target.com.au) $10
Ratchet & Clank(target.com.au) $19
VR Worlds -PSVR(target.com.au) $19
Wipeout -PSVR $19
Farpoint -PSVR(target.com.au) $19
Drive Club VR -PSVR(target.com.au) $19
Knack 2(target.com.au) $19
Gran Turismo GT Sport -PSVR(target.com.au) $19
Uncharted The Nathan Drake Collection(target.com.au) $19
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End(target.com.au) $19
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy(target.com.au) $19

Spotted Target Brisbane CBD

This appears to be the Days of Play sale but a little cheap than everyone else. Most of the games are available at JBHIFI for $24 and BigW for $22



Thanks @garworsby for links

*Updated based on comments below

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Target Australia

closed Comments

  • I'll have to pick up Wipeout to add it to my PSVR wall of shame

    Edit/ what is Drive Link VR? I've googled it and found nothing on it.

    • Bwahahaha. Drive Club….phone playing silly buggars on me :)

    • +1

      Driveclub is an awesome game, unfortunately it never got a Pro patch so the graphics of scenery are a little blurry but it's a full game with all cars, tracks and modes from the main game

    • Hmm drive club vr has vanished from the site..

  • +3

    1000% recommend WipEout for that price, already a must own for every PSVR gamer and my favourite racer ever.

  • Damn, bought Shadow of the Colossus for $40 only two days ago. Still worth it.

    • +9

      Buy this and return it to the other shop. It might be sealed.

    • agree it was worth it day one to me for pure nostalgia, i loved that game on ps2

  • Dualshock 4 is $59

    • Are they the V2 model?

    • I need a new one but controllers are part of the Days of Play sale that starts tomorrow.. not sure if I should jump on this now or hold off in case anywhere else offers them cheaper during the sale.

      • Hold off

        • I should have. Jumped the gun and bought one last night as they were low on stock. JB Hifi is selling them for $10 cheaper, lol. Oh well, thankfully didn't open it last night so I'll return it over the weekend and get one from JB.

  • Thanks! I'm gonna head out any minute now and hopefully get Colossus at the very least.

    I'm not sure if these are that great a deals, since I don't follow the series, but the website also lists Uncharted 4, Uncharted Collection and Uncharted: Lost Legacy for $19 each too.

    • Yes they are good prices

      Also Gran Turismo Sport $19

      • That sounds very cheap.

  • Nation wide?

    • It's on the site so yes

  • +17

    $19 for the Uncharted Collection is insanely good - 3 games of that quality for under $20 should not be missed by either of the people that don't have those games already. $19 for Shadow of the Colossus is also brilliant.

    • +1

      They're the two I picked up!

  • Sotc is so mine!!!

  • Worth ringing up and reserving stock?

    • +1

      Ring and ask.

      • Just tried, phones are turned off for my store just tells me they're still closed! Guess I'll go in and have a look.

        • +7

          Try calling when the store is open.

  • +2

    Knack 2 is surprisingly fun & lengthy.. worth $19

    • -1

      it was free about 2 months ago…

      • -1

        No it wasn't

      • +3

        The original Knack was free on Playstaion Plus in Feb.

        Also a pricing error meant Knack 2 digital was free for a few hours on release day, Sep 17th last year.

      • +1

        That was a pricing error & lasted hours.

  • Thanks OP….just picked up Colossus.

  • Thanks got Lost Legacy and Nathan Drake Collection on reserve

    and ordered Ratchet & Clank and Wipeout for pickup

  • +1

    Knack 2 Baby game of the year!

  • Thanks OP. Gonna pick up Lost Legacy and U4.

    Not sure about the Nathan Drake collection though. Watched U1 and a bit of U2 on youtube. I feel the outdated visuals will put me off and I'll just get bored. Plus I've got a backlog of games anyway.

    • +9

      You shouldnt discount something on its visuals. Uncharted in my hands down fav series. I really enjoyed the story.

      • Ok ok. I fold. I got the collection and U4. Couldn't find lost legacy at my local.

    • A youtube gamer. ukh.

    • -1

      Skip #1, it hasn't dated well. Do #2 and #3 though.

      • +2

        I played U1 last year and enjoyed it. It's not a super-long game or anything.

        • I loved it myself, but if someone is saying they're not that interested I'd skip the first rather than any of the others.

  • +1

    Plenty of stock at the Macquarie centre store, only thing I they don't have is Knack 2.

    About 10 copies of shadow of the collosus still

    • +7

      they don't have is Knack 2.

      Proven! Knack 2 baybeee! goty!

      • Calm down Kyle

      • Knack 2 gets my first ever 10/5

    • I'm so sad…. Sotc all sold out…. :(

      • From Macquarie? Must have been Ozb, there were plenty of cases there this morning.

  • Would highly recommend uncharted collection and uncharted 4

  • +3

    God of War $59 as well. Tempted to pick that up.

    Definitely will try to get Uncharted: Nathan Drake Collection and 4.

  • Worth getting even without a PS4 itself?

    • -2

      yeah man, just use PS3

  • +1

    Shadow of the colossus was available to buy online for 5 minutes… and now it's completely sold out..

  • +1

    With the recents sales of video games and the lack of new release available instore, I'm beginning to think that Target won't be selling video games anymore…

    • +1

      target are under new management in the west farmers group and you noticed kmart get out of gaming …. wouldn’t be surprising as jb and eb have an edge in that they can trade in used games, target can’t so need to heavily discount new stuff to compete and manageing risk of holding stock and being under cut by an amazon or ebay deal.

  • +2

    Just got uncharted 4 from my local target in northern cairns

    They also had Horizon Zero Dawn for $19! Absolute steal (I already own it though). Would recommend it highly!

  • Gravity rush 2 is also $19

    Sa Centrepoint had a few titles, mainly uncharted collections and a few copies of Colossus

    • Gravity rush 2… excellent game! Highly underrated

  • +1

    This must be part of the Day of Play sales.
    If so these prices should turn up at other retailers very soon but it seems like target jumped the gun.

  • +2

    Hitman the complete First season. Says $79 but scanned at $39 and mx vs atv Supercross encore is $5

  • +1

    Anybody know the stock levels in Melbourne stores?

    • I'm in the CBD store now. There's no copies of Uncharted 4 and when I asked if they can locate other stores, the website suddenly don't have the $19 games anymore.

      There's about 5 of Uncharted Collection,a couple of Lost Legacy. Didn't really see the others.

  • +3

    Can't see any of the games online anymore.

  • Any stores have drive club? Springwood Qld don't.

  • Sefton had a few SOTC, GT, Tearaway, no Wipeout. FFXII also $19. Pricematched Wipeout at EB Games but you need to show the item page with Limited Stock available.

  • No SOTC at Brisbane CBD

    • Springwood still has some

  • Knack 2 has disappeared too.

  • Thanks OP, managed to reserve one SOTC this morning for pick up tonight

  • Everyone buying sotc now is great but it needed those sales earlier. A remake with that much effort deserved good numbers.
    Far from perfect but a great effort anyway.

    Though I guess this shows it was overpriced.

    • +1

      I don't think that it was necessarily overpriced. It was too expensive for me to justify purchasing day one (I picked it up for $20 during Target's last sale), but they put a reasonably high starting price on it to capitalise on the 'must pre-order/buy day one' crowd, now it's working its way down to the standard $20 price point for older single-player games. If they launched at $20, they would've needed to triple their sales figures just to break even with a $49-60 launch, which is very hard to do. Also, seeing as there's no DLC or subscription model, there isn't as much incentive to get as many units into homes as possible, you're just trying to make as much money as you can on base sales.

    • Most people probably want new games and not games remastered for the 2nd time. Hence why Okami, Wipeout and SOTC etc drop so quick.

  • Ok if anyone is looking for driveclub, Garden City is the only place in Brisbane with it.

  • Thanks OP, picked up the last copy of SOTC at Brisbane CBD. Luckily I called up to place it on hold - there were none left otherwise!

  • Thanks OP, grabbed SOTC , Uncharted:Lost Supremacy & Final Fantasy 12

    • Final fantasy 12 is $19??

      • Saw it for $19 as well.

  • SO no more sale with Target?

    Wrong price or too early for the sale - managed to pick GT up today fortunately

    • +1

      In store, the sales are on, just website has taken them down for some reason.

      I checked the price labels, and they expire either June 20th, or 23rd.

      Managed to pick up Uncharted Collection, and got Uncharted 4 on hold at another store to pick up tonight.

  • +3

    QLD Indooroopilly has
    SOTC x4
    uncharted trilogy x9
    Wipeout x6
    Ratchet X5
    Lost legacy x6
    Gravity rush 2 x1
    VR World's x6
    RIGS x1

    • Gravity rush 2 is $19 too?? I wonder what other games are given i had no idea as in-store ticiets arent up or the website.

      • Just in target now and indeed its $19.

        Gonna buy it and hope i have gr1 not gr 2 at home haha. Worse come worse will return

  • Could those who have bought games from Target please upload their receipts to help price match for those whose stores are out of stock?

    I’ll start with Driveclub VR ($19) and Resident Evil 7 ($30): https://imgur.com/a/DOwRowl
    (Note that the receipt only shows product codes, but they do google result to the correct title)

    • …..is that toilet paper…lol

      • Haha they do poos

      • Looks so quilted and lush.

      • Sorry to disappoint, but it's a "multi-use cleaning towel" by the brand "Viva" from Coles (if you're interested lol)
        Definitely a lot more rough than it looks though, so I probably wouldn't recommend toilet paper as one of its multi-uses haha

  • +2

    Also got unchartered 3 for $20. I got all the 4 unchartered otherwise. All $19 apart from the $20. Never played before but just wondering how pricing wise is this a good deal?? It's a pretty old games right?? And is it a tomb raider style game??

    Got shadow of collossus too and wipeout omega collection for $19. Again dont know anythinf about these games but just game hoarding haha based off price and they seem to be well known popular games correct??

    • Correct.. but seriously where have you been hiding

      • Never played haha. Guess ive been under a rock haha. Didnt even knoe about ff12. Thought that was the online only game but picked it up now in the $19 deal

  • -1

    ps4 only? no xbox?

    • maybe the SONY DAYS OF PLAY sale doesn't have Microsoft games on sale?

    • The system needs games for there to be a sale! badum tsh

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