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Battlefield V PC Origin AU $57.37 with 5% off FB Code @ CD Keys (Pre-Order)

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closed Comments

  • -1

    Now even our games have turned politically correct…what's next?

    • +6

      internet upload filter (like the one soon to come in Europe), citizen reward system (like the one introduced in China), censorship of all internet traffic, control over one's existence via the abolition of cash, loss of mobility (travel only possible with a permit), travel ban (like in North Korea), gulags, battlebots, wiping out most of society, forced sterilization, forced brain implants, cyborg slave race serving the elites, …

      Enjoy your day :)

      • +4

        don't tell me what to do

    • -2

      whining about something that doesn't matter?

      • -2

        whining about someone whining about something that doesn't matter?

  • +10

    Remember, No pre-order!

    • yeah i was going to jump on this but will hold off until after release (and reviews)

    • Ha,this is usually the rule I strongly live by but when it comes to Battlefield it is my achilles heel. Take my money EA!

  • -4

    It's the rule of 2 remember this one will be terrible like battlefield 4. They are reusing all textures and code from bf1 and even the same stories model to take it into world war 2 again…

    "It's also worth noting Wilson said "single-player stories", which suggests Battlefield V will follow the campaign model of Battlefield 1, which told various World War 1-themed stories from the perspective of multiple characters. Battlefield V, we understand, is set during World War 2, with the V doubling as a reference to Winston Churchill's V for Victory sign."

    • +8

      I liked BF4 tho.

    • +5

      What was wrong with BF4? It was excellent.

      • RUSH!!!

    • +6

      What? BF4 was superb lol

    • hmmm… that reminds me… yet to play Single player for BF1, and BF4… and BFBC2… erm

    • Battlefield Bad Company 2 was a fantastic game.

      Battlefield 3 was great although had a rocky launch.

      Battlefield 4 was great although it had an abysmal launch an entire development team was assigned to patching it up and fixing it into one of the best shooters to be released in the last decade.

      Battlefield 1 was pretty meh imho BF4 was a way better game, something about the gameplay just never grabbed me although the graphics are nice.

      Battlefield V is hopefully a return to form although I'm a little concerned about a battle royale mode…

  • +10

    This will be the 2016 Ghostbusters of the Battlefield franchise.

    • -5

      Yeah! Stupid WOMEN in my MAN game!

      • +3

        You seem to misinterpret the situation.
        No one has a problem with them adding women, it's HOW they add them that's the problem. Do you really think that there's anyway to justify completely changing the four main characters? If you want to add feminism to a movie you don't just replace all the men because last I checked that's not what feminism is about.

        • -2

          'No one has a problem with them adding women' lmao, c'mon. That is completely false. People are getting worked up over some small cosmetic options in a game with no loot boxes or Premium pass? Nope.

          They have the shits because you can play as a woman, it's so transparent. Her having some customisation on her in the trailer is a pretty poor attempt at veiling that. No longtime Battlefield player I know is upset by small cosmetic customisation.

          EDIT: I'm not saying pre-order, I'm just saying that the abject notion that nobody's upset by women is completely wrong, there's so much vitriol out there that ISN'T concealed.

        • I haven't seen any evidence that a single class is 'woman-class'. As far as I know, it's just another customisation option.

        • +2

          @OfTheOverflow: I was talking about ghostbusters since that's what you replied to

        • @Basimx:And what does that example have to do with BF:V? They aren't making female Battlefield arbitrarily, they're making a Battlefield with plenty of customisation, one of the options happens to be you can play as a women. I don't understand what's so upsetting about this.

        • +3

          @OfTheOverflow: That's what the guy mentioned and you replied to him so I assumed…never mind.
          People don't want customisation in a WW2 game they want realism. Red-headed prosthetic armed (British?) women in the front lines during WW2 is not exactly the most common thing that happened during WW2. I guess I went to a really shit school because I never heard about anything near that. Are people over exaggerating and over-reacting? absolutely, but I don't see why you don't see that this was completely the wrong way to go about it with what's happening in the world with 'political correctness'. I guess asking for a normal looking woman is too much to ask but nah you have to make her skinny with dyed hair and disabled too because that's totally who was on on the front lines. THATS my problem with it, the fact they do that.

        • +1

          @OfTheOverflow: Not the mention the trailer is pretty shit in itself lmao

        • If you want to add feminism to a movie you don't just replace all the men

          Oceans 8 anyone?

    • Honestly no one whinges there are big F off blimps in the game shooting down homing missiles from the sky - and horses that are sturdier than tanks BUT add a female to the game and every one loses their dam minds!

      Woman play video games and if they want a character that reflects their sex who gives a dam.

      Are you gonna tell that little girl (used loosely) that she cant play as a female character because "MAH REALISM" while you quick scope noobs?

      EDIT: Added to main page cause I can

      • -1

        well a little girl shouldn't be playing battlefield anyway

      • I find the bohemaths to be a cool idea but horribly realised in practice. I also hate those damn near invincible horses with a passion.

  • +5

    Never ever pre-order EA games.

    • +3

      *any games

  • +1

    Last time I did this thru cdkeys for BF2 and BF3 (I think) it was a Russian version and updates were a bloody pain, always waiting 24hrs for a patch release….

    • Yeah I did this with BF3 or was it 4… either way every update or DLC had to mod REGEDIT files to make it work.
      Won't be doing that again

  • WOW is this game out already?

    • nah pre order fam

  • +1

    Considering it has 75k In dislikes and only 55K likes for the Official BFV trailer I will wait until its out! Really disappointed they went back to WW2, Considering they just did WW1 and COD had done WW2 why woudlnt they go modern ?

    Some gold from the comments section :

    World War 2 with identity politics and a woman with a cybernetic arm? Hell. No.

    Women characters should spawn in a factory makeing all the unexploded shells.

    Preorder now and get the LGBT dlc pack for free!

  • Why base it on WW2 if it's not going to even try to be accurate?

    • Because the previous one was about an inaccurate version of WW1 =P Gotta keep up the rewriting history for the kiddies who dont know any better.

  • +3

    Trannyfield V

  • Preording digital licences :thinking:
    As long as the singleplayer doesnt try to spin history, its fine.
    Black people wanna make black characters, women want to make women characters, men want to make women characters.
    If they start making tranny characters with their dick hanging out of their skirt, then we can complain.

  • -1

    Honestly no one whinges there are big F off blimps in the game shooting down homing missiles from the sky - and horses that are sturdier than tanks BUT add a female to the game and every one loses their dam minds!

    Woman play video games and if they want a character that reflects their sex who gives a dam.

    Are you gonna tell that little girl (used loosely) that she cant play as a female character because "MAH REALISM" while you quick scope noobs?

    • well a little girl shouldn't be playing battlefield anyway

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