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G.SKILL TridentZ RGB Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) Memory Model F4-3200C16D-16GTZR for AUD$260 Shipped (from USA) @ Newegg Au


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edit: Back in Stock!

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closed Comments

  • Great price considering current market.

  • any gst after this month ?

  • To risk getting this and having to deal with US if it's a faulty product, or to get one in Aus for $9 more and 2% better speeds but… no RGB? QUESTIONS!

  • For those wondering, this should run at 3200 speeds on Ryzen B350 and above boards. Of course, there are a bunch of other factors, but it's more likely than not. I got burnt and shelled out for other memory to run at 3000mhz but can't get it above 2666mhz sadly.

    • I mean based on this thread(reddit.com) it would seem this isn't b-die and would be Hynix based so it'll be harder to get running at 3200MHz in general. I'm looking at it myself and can't see it in the QVL for ASUS Prime b350-plus but it's a pretty damn cheap option…Think it'd be work the risk?

  • +1

    wtf RAM is expensive.

    I'm pretty sure 16GB was $180 5 years ago. RAM was the one thing I enjoyed buying because it was so modular.

    • It's been a rough 2 years… Speculation says prices should drop this year though.

      • +5


        Price fixing = lawsuit = big fines = hopefully the smoke clears and we can finally have decent RAM pricing in the future.

        • I remember all the fires.

          "Oh no we lost all these RAM sticks when they were cheap as chips!" "Damn, we better raise the price for the next 5 years to compensate!"

  • This is a good deal considering the current price environment. I just saw this on Scorptec's site and they consider this a deal/promo and it's almost $100 more: https://www.scorptec.com.au/product/Memory/DDR4/67797-F4-320…

  • Bought 32GB of this from eBay for ~$559 about a month ago, so this is a good price

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