Suggestion: Some Sort of Calendar for Widely Available Ongoing Deals?

So, got up early this morning, thinking, "hmm, it's Wednesday, $2 sandwich day at 7-11". After I finished feeling sad, I started wondering what other specials might be available on a Wednesday but either it's thin on the ground or searching OzBargain for "food wednesday" is not effective.

Not sure the best way to implement this, but maybe just a link at the top of page to a list of recurring deals on that day. IE, sandwich/pie days at 7-11, 9piece for $10 on Tuesdays at KFC etc.

Just an idea.


  • Maybe the moderators could suggest sonething. It would be good to know. As once the post is up unless you note it is you just forget.

  • You can use the Reminder bell icon for any deals you favour to add to your digital calendar. You may also find any long running deals here (Deals Tab -> Long Running Deals). Hope that helps 😊

    Also, for future reference, I think it's best to add suggestions to the dedicated pinned suggestion thread, which staff regularly monitor.

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