Cheap Ray Ban Sunnies - Fake Site?

Looking at (Suspicious / Scam Site Link removed) and see a lot of cheap sunnies. Get the to checkout asking for CC details (no Paypal option) and it doesn't have a https URL.

Should I be suspicious?

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  • +4

    Is this a troll post?

    What do your spidey senses tell you?

  • The domain has been registered only 2 weeks ago. So I'm certain it's doggy. The online shop keeps changing domain names so you can't google experiences of past customers.

    Look, paying them by credit card is risk-free because you can always do chargeback and get your money back. Question is if you'd bother to go through all that hassle for $30. Not to mention, a lot of people would be ashamed to admit falling for this so they would just accept the loss and move on.

    Even those who go through chargeback process will be promptly contacted by the seller who will just offer refund directly. This way they can keep their overall chargeback rate low enough to keep operating.

    • Yeah, don't think I'm going to bother. Looks too good to be true.

  • -3

    Why you want Sunnies in Winter anyhow? lol

    • +2

      Because I don't live in Northern Norway where the sun doesn't rise in winter.

    • Sun still exists in winter, even when its overcast sometimes the white clouds can get pretty bright.
      Not to mention sunnies protect against UV, which goes through clouds.

  • Seems legit.

  • I can't view the website from my work computer, but I'm assuming it's one of those sites that advertises RayBans on Facebook for $29.95.

    After a few days or weeks when it suckers up enough people, they change the domain name slightly and repeat the process.

  • +3

    They advertise Ray Ban's at 10% of the RRP and you need to the ask the question "Should I be suspicious"

  • +1

    Yup. Super legit. It even says "Rayban Official" at the top. /s

  • +1

    yeah they look like genuine Roy Bons

  • NSS

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