Use link to get a single use code valid for a $5 vegan (no dairy) pizza, either Spicy Veg Trio or Margherita.
Not any cheaper than getting it with regular cheese, but to some people this option will be appealing.
Make sure to order using the Vegan Range menu instead of altering pizzas from other menus otherwise the discount won't apply.
Don't worry - I do think about the animals. But I also think about the non-food animals which are often forgotten about and some of them suffer horribly too.
But as I said, plants are alive as well and just because we do not know or understand everything about them does not give us the right to dismiss it and treat them inferior.
Unfortunately, bar fruitarianism, is is nature that humans have to eat either plants or animals both of which are alive.
Also, as I mentioned before, would you argue differently if I said that animals will get injected with a nice drug so they go to sleep nicely and have nice dreams before they are killed? Then the argument of pain and suffering does not stick anymore.