My Sister's Birthday Is in 3 Weeks and I Want to Gift Her a Robot Vaccum under $500. Any Suggestions?

As stated above. I want to buy her a robot vaccum that is in my budget but is also durable and don't want to buy something that breaks in a few months or has no warranty. Please help


  • -1

    Why can't she do the vacuuming manually, are her arms painted on?

    • Weightlifting injury?

    • +2

      So your answer would be if he asked about buying a car for her that the OP should get her a bicycle because she has functioning legs.

      • I can't imagine how you would paint on legs. There would be nothing to paint them onto.

  • +1

    Xiaomi robot.

    • 100% agree with this post. My parents have a Roomba 880 (paid around $1000) which was top of the line when it came out. The $300-350 Xiaomi Robot is definitely better, and cost around 30%.

      When in doubt, go with Xiaomi.

  • Buy her a Miele C3 vacuum, ozbargainers choice. Cheaper, more effective, better warranty / servicing / reliability, overall less effort for her.

  • +1

    I just bought a Xiaomi vacuum 2 for $494 or something with that recent ebay 10% off.

    • +1

      Do this OP. I have been reading and researching on robot vacuums now for ages and Xiaomi seem to be the best full stop.

      Gen 1 can go as cheap as $330-340 but usually around $370 and $399 normally retail. Those are in AUD and include delivery costs.

      Gen 2 well varies from what FoxJump said around $490ish to $520 AUD delivered.

      Gen 2 has more suction, more better obstacle climbing functionality (from like 1.5cm to 2cm), slightly bigger dustbin and vastly greater app control and abilities or AI like virtual walls and proper zoning. Also quieter.

      Has mopping function but a lot of people don't really like it the way it is now it's very stage 1 aka primitive mopping most people say.

      I can't remember if gen 1 has proper room zoning and mapping I think it do but personally I would save up for the gen 2 for the extra features as I am a quality kind of guy unless I need something asap (like my two big w contempo corded stick vacuums which I bought for $30 each as backup until I buy this gen 2).

  • +1

    Totally and permanently avoid purchasing from RoboGuy.

  • I almost bought a robot vacuum thing not long ago, but then realised they don't cover the entire area, they also get stuck on things, the AI seemed not to be able to do every section and nook of the room.
    Maybe it was just because I was looking at a cheap one.. I did briefly look at other models AI controll while researching robot vacs. They seem to either go kind of randomly in and out etc (missing spots) or go round in a circular motion, starting with a small circle then going in a spiraly getting into larger circles until they hit an object, then change direction etc.
    Also need to consider if it would be suitable for her house layout. I dont think they do thick carpets. I may be wrong though.
    I think robot vacs seem like a great idea in principle, and look great on tv… However be aware that they have limitations, and are not as good oe as useful as the tv adds proclaim them to be.

    • You should give the Xiaomi botvac another look.
      It maps the room and vacuums in a very orderly fashion.
      Also, it gives you a realtime map of where it is at and what areas it has vacuumed.

      My old Neato was good but it did tend to get stuck a lot of the time. And it was a challenge locating where it got stuck.
      The Xiaomi is worlds apart. It's not perfect, but it's pretty damned good.

      • Sounds good. They maybe need proximity sensors such as the ones in drones, to allow these vacs to see every nook corner and get in there.
        If your new Xiaomi botvac vacuums in an "orderly fashion" , sounds much better than I thought this technology was at.
        I will check out the Xiaomi botvac.
        Thanks for the info

  • +3

    Get her a broomstick instead.

  • If you’re in Sydney I’m selling mine as I’ve just moved in a small unit so I don’t really need it anymore.
    Bought in late April, used less than a month. I have box and mop never used.

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