Laptop Suggestions: Lenovo X1 Carbon 5 Gen in for Repair

Hey guys,

My Lenovo X1 Carbon 5 Gen laptop is currently in for repair. On Wednesday night the entire unit shut down all of a sudden, initially thinking it was just out of juice.

The next day upon turning the unit on I noticed the charging indicator, power key and certain keys rapidly flashing together, while the fan will sound like it is really trying to power the unit on however after about ten seconds, the unit turns off completely. Had an inkling that it's the mobo

I've always been a user of laptops specced to the highest capable, due to mainly portability and work.

What brand besides Apple, would you recommend and why?
I've been interested in the Huawei Matebook X PRO however it's not in Australia yet, can get it freight forwarded IF Huawei will respond to my message to obtaining the MSDS….. unless anyone has insight.

Appreciate it!


  • surface book 2

    • The new one they have out as a PC?

  • I know you said no Apple, but I recently switched from a X1 Carbon -> MacBook Pro and I am pretty happy about the laptop. Its heavier than what I was used to, but the hassle-free laptop is a refreshing experience from other brands I have owned.

    • You're definitely not wrong in that regard. I initially chose the Carbon mainly because of its asthetics,light weight and being marketed as durable. Oh and also the price I grabbed it at, during the time of purchase.

      Great thing about the fruit I guess is also their walk in for warranty issues and might I say the build quality compared to other machines out there, is pretty good, I'm sure you'd agree.

      If you haven't already, suss out Boom/Boom 3D for better sound if you are a frequent multimedia user.

      • carbon giving you guys grief? interested to know because I am thinking of getting a carbon.

      • i picked the carbon x1 for me reasons, but once i got it, had nothing but trouble, touch function section went bonkers, motherboard issues, warranty fixed them, but now its out of warranty and motherboard has died again.. grrr!

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