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HTC Vive $703.2 Delivered @ Microsoft eBay


An awesome price for this VR kit. Lowest price yet?

Thanks to lyl for the original 20% off Selected Big Brand Products @ eBay deal

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closed Comments

  • Thanks OP - so tempted…

  • I would buy it if my PC had the specs.

  • How does this compare with the less expensive Acer / Lenovo / HP / Dell headsets and even the Oculus one?

    • Can't comment on Acer/Lenovo/HP/Dell, but I reckon it'd be worth the extra $100 over a Rift. I've got a Rift, and I do love it, but most VR games seem to be compatible with the Vive first and everything else second.

      I actually bought my brother a Rift last week and if it hadn't already been sent, I probably would've jumped on this instead.

      The only thing I've heard that the Rift might be better for is the controllers. Probably a personal choice though.

      • I have rift too, got 4 sensors but many usb issues using 4. The biggest problem I have with rift is the headset not fitting. Luckily my head is fine but have many friends who can’t wear it. Does the vive support bigger heads?

    • +5

      Compared to the Oculus:
      * Oculus has integrated headphones, Vive is BYO (or pay extra for the deluxe audio strap)
      * Getting a good room-scale experience is generally easier with the Vive lighthouse base stations. It's definitely possible with Oculus as well, but you will probably need to shell out for a 3rd sensor for the perfect experience.
      * Very different style controllers, would be a matter of taste as to which you think is best. I prefer the Oculus Touch controllers personally. See here(roadtovrlive-5ea0.kxcdn.com).
      * Oculus is currently ~ $100 cheaper compared to this sale.

      And of course, there's the Facebook sliminess factor. Whether you trust Oculus with your data, whether FB integration is a big turn-off etc.

      • +3

        Yep, good comparison!

        Agree with the comment about Facebook owning the data too. This will probably sound paranoid to some, but I actually edited my Windows 'hosts' file to block the Oculus/Facebook servers while I'm playing.

        • I read the Oculus privacy policy, any data they can get is considered fair game to them. edit: Given the sensors a HMD has…

      • +1

        Maybe worth looking at customer support issues for Vive on Reddit, not pretty.

        Be careful with MS as some of the cheaper WMR sets don't have the controllers so not really cheap at all, MS charge $799 for most of them and in the USA they are on sale from 149 usd to 199 usd often, controllers hare hard on batteries and apparently wont work with rechargeable batteries!

    • +1

      Answering my own question here:


      The graphic at the end that shows the accessibility of these headsets to the various games and stores is really good. Technically I think they are all rather similar but I think it is almost a difference between Playstation or Xbox - whichever platform you go on has different games and releases and specific platform only titles.

      I might go on tonight and grab a Windows Mixed Reality set from Amazon US before the stupid restriction comes in place at the end of this month..

    • +2

      I couldn't wait for a cheap deal like this, and grabbed the lenovo Explorer from Gumtree for 350. It's great - the screen is LCD, but the pixel count is higher so the screen door effect ain't as bad as the vive, and overall set up was so much easier than the vive by a long shot. No sensors needing to set it up made it pretty much plug and play.

      Both at great and very comparable, but the downsides of the Explorer is that tracking of hands doesn't really extend too much farther than your FOV, but really it's only a minor inconvenience. On top of that, I cannot find a real solution to the "looking straight down" issue of the Explorer, where the headset will flip up a bit and need to be readjusted on your face. - every time.

      For the cost, I don't think I could justify the vive, even at 700 - especially when the hardware is still in its infancy.

      Tl;Dr the Lenovo Explorer is very comparable to the vive, with minor issues that can be ignored until better hardware is out, and at half the price.

      • How is the whole room tracking? What are the LG controllers like in use?

    • The rift controllers are heaps better than the vive. Also there are more rift users now than vive so games are generally getting made for the rift.

      Rift is usually cheaper as well.

  • not yet!

    • +1

      It's treason then

  • -6

    Damn that was so ugly look

  • Please don't sell it before I test my machine at home to see if it's compatible.

    • what are your specs?

      • https://au.pcpartpicker.com/list/rmCxWX

        But the test will also show specifically what I need to change, if anything.

        • You will need a 780/970/1060 minimum my dude.

          Source: Owned a vive with both a 780 and now on a 1080ti

        • Most of you specs look fine CPU RAM etc. But you will need a newer GPU, 1060 or 1070 at least

        • @Zondor: Many sources say GTX 1070 minimum.

  • Great price!

    Bought mine from the MS Ebay store too late last year for $900

  • +3

    Thanks for the post!
    Already have a Vive but found that with the code, you can get the Deluxe Audio Strap(ebay.com.au) from them for $135.20.

    Been waiting for a decent-ish price for this.

    • I have this strap and it is awesome.

      Bought from Microsoft us as a kit for us$499 + sales tax in TX. The.promo picture had the delixe headstrap so insisted on it + got tennis rackets bonus. All in all a good deal back then.

      Knowing what I know now I would definitely buy the demuxe headstrap as an extra if I didn't get it. Especially the lightweight earphones.and works great with kids

  • As much as i'd like this, I was super disappointed with the HP VR kit so won't take a risk on this. The hand tracking was awesome, but otherwise it still isn't there in terms of the visual quality id like.

    • I'm considering getting the hp VR visor.

      What's the issue with the quality? I've tried a vive and I found it amazing, and the hp is meant to have worse tracking but a better resolution screen.

      • For me it was the awful chromatic aberration at the fringes of the image.

    • I am also really unimpressed by the HP one. I have the PSVR which is great other than the severe lack of games. It seemed much more immersive. I'm not sure if it's my head shape /eye distance, or if it's just not as good. Don't want to dump a while bunch more cash on a lenovo or DELL to test though…

  • +2

    Beat Sabre is lots of fun. And Gorn. Have oculus but to impress mates. Unspoken Robo Recall and archangel

  • +1

    Anyone who has had a Vive or Oculus for more than a year and still using it regularly?

    I love it but I heard a lot of people go off it?

    • +2

      Yep, still love it.

      I've found that it's important to not just play 'VR ports' of existing games. Or ones where you just stand still, shooting at stuff. If anyone is looking at a headset for standard FPS games in VR, then it's going to get boring pretty quickly.

      The best VR games are the ones that make you move and/or interact with the environment. Superhot VR is a great example. So damn awesome.

      Hopefully we see developers getting a bit more creating with VR games over the next year or so.

    • I dont think the fun wears off or anything.
      me personally, i dont use it as much as i'd like to, purely due to time and the fact im standing up for 9 hours at work.
      after a long day, i generally cbf standing up and waving my arms around. Sitting games however is a different story. I play a lot of sim racers which i regularly jump into

    • Not going to lie, don't use it that often, but it's still amazing. There's no constant stream of new games, but when they do arrive I still jump on them and play them!

  • Bought one, thanks heaps OP

  • +1

    Shame HTC are so greedy with the pro. Prices are disgusting.

  • +3

    FYI there is an application you can download that lets you play Oculus games on Vive https://github.com/LibreVR/Revive

    I've played Robo Recall and Unspoken just fine on the Vive

  • Have PS VR… not interesting at all but there are some funny games like summer lesson…

  • +1

    We have the Vive, Vive Pro, Oculus, and Dell and Samsung Mixed Reality headsets here at work, and then also have the MS Hololens and Meta if anyone has any questions :)

    • +1

      What's your fav? How do the MR headsets compare to the gaming dedicated ones?

    • Is the Vive pro worth it? It looks a lot more comfortable than the original. I've just been reluctant cos we have to buy the previous generation for the sensors. This price is good enough to give it a shot though

      • No, for half the price you also get the controllers and base stations.

        Get this plus the deluxe strap if you want to spend a bit more.

  • Is the PS4 VR combo better than a PC with this?

    • I wouldn’t say better, a lot cheaper than buying a high end pc and the vive. The vive has higher resolution and better tracking than the PSVR. If you own a high end pc and video card go vive, if you own a PS4, psvr may be a cheaper way to go.

      • ok thanks. Do you need a 1080Ti for VR on a PC?

        • 1070 is sufficient.

        • +2

          A GTX 970 will run every thing I have tried in VR (Rift) on default or higher settings!
          So a 1060 with 6GB would do the job if you don't have the cash to splash.

  • +1


    newegg delievered to me is about 720 (thought it might be interesting since this has expired)

    • Did it come with AU power packs?

  • Back in stock now.

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