As per title, just picked up a massive pack of 60 AA batteries for $9.99. Awesome bargain if you ask me!
They have them sitting at the counter and not sure how many they have left or when the deal expires?!
As per title, just picked up a massive pack of 60 AA batteries for $9.99. Awesome bargain if you ask me!
They have them sitting at the counter and not sure how many they have left or when the deal expires?!
Crikey, that's amazing. My children's noisy electronic toys would thank you. My wife's sanity would not.
Bugger, and I thought 30 Vartar for $8.99 at Bunnings was a good deal.
you got a great deal. these zn carbon batteries are hopeless.
Why neg the post because you don't like the product. It is a bargain. Safeway sell 12 for $9.
Yeah what's wrong with you man? How dare you dislike a product based on it's merits and physical attributes.
You can only base your opinion of products on OzBargain solely due to their price. Hence if the price is low, even if the product is worthless, you must be positive.
It's not all about price for god's sake.
Rubbish will continue to be rubbish at any price it's sold.
Stop acting like you live in a 3rd world nation with no consumer purchasing power so you have to take whatever falls into your lap.
Are you sure they're not alkaline versions??
i doubt zn carbon sells for almost $1 each man…
I'm only trying to provide consumer advice on something i have very extensive experience with. If you boys prefer to ignore it, do so at your own peril.
What you are saying is correct kimmik; however, I don't think that makes it neg-worthy…the comment is enough IMHO! ;)
@Amar89, read the voting guidelines mate, find out what constitutes a valid reason for a neg, then rethink your little rant! :p
Products that are unreliable (which these el cheapo carbon-zinc batteries are) are fair game to neg vote.
You will seriously have trouble powering most portable devices (radios, mp3 players, toys, flashlights, etc) for longer than 2 hours with these.
All is fair in love and bargaining.
i think it is. people who have used znc batteries will understand. i didn't mention other reasons like:
This is the normal price, been like this at the post office for months if not years
as another poster mentioned, its cheaper at the reject shop
they really are rubbish batteries.
they cost similar to alkaline batteries from a number of past posts!
if you think i'm wrong, convince yourself by buying just a few, and tell me how good they were.
Hmm I wonder how long these'd last in Wii remotes? Good find though!
I was thinking the exact same thing when I clicked into the post haha.
NNNnnoooooooo…they are really really really bad batteries for anything other than a remote control
Please do not use these batteries in any remote conrtol car you care about, especially petrol.
He said remote control, not remote control car. ;)
Yes he did
I need batteries for my RC-XD … I dont think these would cut it!
They wont duracell or top of the line energizer for the RC -XD
saw this in auspost concord as well, good deal but as always you get what you pay for, these are meant to be used in clocks etc.with low power consumption, forget cams or alike. Tried them in some kids toys and they were drained in no time at all, but then again, theres plenty to swap ;o)
I have this battery. I bought it in 30 pack I think last time from Reject shop for $4. The battery life is very short. Expect to get what you pay for. If you want to get it cheap, no need to get to post office, just go to Reject shop & try a pack. Guarantee you won't buy them again ^^
Edit: actually these can probably last in Clock, but definitely not Wii remote
I presume these aren't alkaline - hence the cheap price.
these are perfect for toys of an adult nature. The motors in such toys burn out when high capacity batteries are used.
That doesn't make any sense. The only thing the superior batteries have is more capacity but they should all have a max of 1.5v
Unless you mean you run the motor longer on higher capacity batteries and overheat it? Get any NiMH rechargeables and you won't have an issue because they generally max out at 1.25v.
Actually the cheaper batteries do produce a lower voltage, and drop lower a lot faster. Its simple mechanical wear in the motors, alkaline hold close to 1.5v a lot longer, where as everyday use batteries like these will be significantly lower.
yes i have herd this as well about adult novelty toys..
You mean Nerf guns, right?
i bet you got yours from dealextreme
Plus carbon and zinc are fairly inert, but you really don't want potassium hydroxide from leaky alkaline batteries anywhere near your private parts.
kxy1983s is correct in stating some..ahem.. electrical devices are designed for 1.5V battery use and have no current limiting built-in. Alkaline batteries put out close to 1.7V each when fresh. Plenty of LED torches being sold don't have current limiting resistors so they can burn out or suffer permanent decreased brightness if fresh alkaline batteries are used for longer than a few minutes.
So there is a purpose for these batteries after all :)
'you really don’t want potassium hydroxide from leaky alkaline batteries anywhere near your private parts'
Amen to that!
Please go out and buy some Sanyo eneloops and stop adding to landfill with these extremely short lived batteries. The eneloops are obviously more expensive as they are rechargeable but they have super low discharge when not in use so are suitable for remotes and clocks and are suitable for most other applications too; besides things that don't work on less than 1.5v.
they're crap batteries! even when i put it on wall clock, it won't last for 3+ months!
+1 for eneloops!
Maybe, but a neg is hardly warrented just because you don't like the quality of the product.
Why not? We want bargains on decent stuff, not cheap highly-disposable ***.
MOD: language
comment edited! please delete this.
Low-drain devices, who cares, Bargain +1
horrid batteries. I tried it in my torch from dealextreme and it was drained in an hour and didnt show full strength light.
You can put an alkaline battery that is no longer powerful enough for a camera, toy, etc in a clock or TV remote and it will work fine and also last a long time. Please don't contribute to landfill with crappy carbon-zinc batteries.
crap batteries. can guarantee disappointment. i wouldn't spend the effort to get them even if they were given out for free.
GP recycko all the way.
LOL increase landfill.
I'm starting to wonder how many toys we threw away as kids thinking they were broken, just because my poor old grandmother bought these cheap batteries. I bought some of these by accident last year (picked up five packets of batteries while in a hurry and didn't realise four were Energiser, one was Eveready) but the Eveready batteries wouldn't properly power an LED torch, a desktop fan wouldn't turn unless you gave it a push first, and a remote control worked for two weeks then the batteries leaked into it.
lol, that is Foul Language. you had to manually turn the fan with your hand to rotate it before the crappy batteries kicked in, now that's lame haha.
In all fairness to your grandmother, back in her day (and most likely mine), zinc carbon batteries were all that were available; and IMHO were also of significantly higher quality than those ZnC cells on the market today. Plus, there was actually a real-world difference between the red, blue & black cells!
They were actually usable back then, they ran inefficient incandescent torches well enough for moderate periods, whereas now they are useless in even LED torches. They would last for months in a wall clock, whereas I put an Eveready black SHD cell in my old clock & it didn't make a week! I remember kids toys running quite well on them, where now you're lucky if they even start up at all with anything less than Alkaline!!!
Of course, to make matters worse, we now have even better tech to compare them to…making the disparity even greater. Sadly, aside from the uses raised by kxy1983, I can't see a future for ZnC cells…unfortunately, they're nigh on useless nowadays!
Poor @johnzo … under 3 hours ago he thought he had a bargain … AND generously shared it with us … now he might be forgiven if he feels like a punchbag and an idiot :)
+1 @johnzo … its also good to also get members wisdom but sometimes the way its put … :)
I find it really funny that Eveready and Energizer are by the same company…
Dodgy comparisons on TV…
I think they deliberately keep both brands just so they have something crap to compare Energizer to and make it look better. If Energizer had only Duracell as a comparison, they'd lose. If you compare Energizer to Duracell, the coppertop usually lasts much longer. I found that I could also over-charge Duracell to slightly more than their original capacity using an alkaline battery charger, so they have more in-built capacity. They last longer too.
Ouch, feel the burn! :p
How much do they cost normally?
I use my trusty rechargeables for high power drain devices such as cameras and mp3 players.
These cheap-ass disposables are good for light duties such as small torches and remotes(provided they don't leak!).
bunnings had a 30 pack of arlec alkaline with a tester for ~$8
It is very cheap for such price. Are they made in China?
carbon zinc junk.
these are no better then the cheapo batteries you find in a $2 shop.
These last at best, 20 hours in my mouse.
If you spend $10 on a few decent Duracells, you'll get more life out of them then 60 of those suckers.
Theyre pretty crappy batteries arent they?