This was posted 6 years 9 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

'The Matrix' 4K $9.99 (to Own) @ iTunes, Save $10 + Other 4K iTunes Deals


'The Matrix' has recently been re-released in 4K and is currently available on iTunes for $9.99, which is $10 cheaper than usual. There are also a range of other action adventure and sci fi 4K titles on sale for $10 and under too. See some examples below. To play 4K HDR iTunes content you will need an Apple TV 4K; the latest iPad Pros and iPhone X can also play these titles in HDR on their native displays.

Die Hard 4K- $6.99
Star Trek 4K- $7.99
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes 4K- $7.99…
The Matrix 4K- $9.99
Dunkirk 4K- $9.99
Harry Potter and the Philospher's Stone 4K- $9.99…
Batman Begins 4K- $9.99
Spider-Man 4K- $9.99
The Revenant 4K- $9.99
X-Men Apocalypse 4K- $9.99…
The Martian 4K- $9.99

Related Stores

Apple App Store
Apple App Store

closed Comments

  • If you purchase 4K to own, can you use the ATV 4K to download and play?
    Or are you still required to stream it and have decent internet speeds?

    • +1

      The film will still be streamed, but you can just pause the film before you start watching and let it buffer for a few minutes if you're on a slower connection.

  • +3

    Purchase to own something that you will never be able to touch or even download onto your device. Sick.

    • Not sure about Apple, but I do vaguely remember that on Google Play even purchasing downloads doesn't (technically) mean you ever own a copy (or something to that effect) based on their T&C's. If I was purchasing a movie (especially 4K), I'd want to have a physically copy of it, so I can watch it whenever I want and not be dependant on my internet connection being perfect.

      • I am not blaming Apple nor saying that Google is any better. I am blaming customers which allowed this to happen. Companies will crap all over us as long they keep making money

        • I'm not blaming either, just stating what I know based on their T&C's for purchased movies via their respective app stores. I actually agree with your statement (and didn't downvote you btw).

        • @Trishool: Technically, buying a Blu-Ray or DVD doesn't mean you own the movie copy either. It's still just a license to watch it hence why you can't make copies or rip it to alternative formats etc. Still valid point about connection and I certainly prefer buying PS4/PC game discs rather than digital downloads.

        • +2


          With physical media, you can, however, sell it, if you decide you no longer want it.

        • +1


          You are definitely right with what you say about the rights, however, you have been able to watch it whenever and wherever, to borrow it to your friends, to swap after a while with someone or simply sell it. None of that works with the new "purchases"

        • @dosada: There's pros and cons. I doubt many of these 4K films are going for $9.99 for physical copies or even close to that price currently. A lot of people would prefer to not have to store the disc and would argue that digital better facilitates a "play anytime, anywhere" approach since they can stream from anywhere without needing to take the disc with them, as long as they have a compatible device which for many will be their phone.

          Last I looked, and it wasn't that long ago, 4K discs protection was also holding up quite well so unlike DVD's and Blu Ray ripping them to a PC from a disc to get your own digital copy isn't practical outside a few movies. Maybe thats changed.

          That said, i can see the argument for physical. Personally I like to grab a physical copy, which in the case of 4K would be a 4K + Bluray bundle, and rip the Bluray to my Plex server so I can watch it digitally anywhere but retain a 4K copy too that innevitably ends up in a storage crate somewhere in the house. Again that's costing a fair bit more than $9.99 a movie but.

        • @Smigit:
          Times are a changing… I have about 10TB of UHD Blu-Ray remuxes and encodes downloaded from torrent sites. I also bought BvS, Lego Movie & Mad Max Fury Road 4K discs for $2 each brand new at EB Games so if you look around you can find amazing deals. The quality isn't as good for streaming 4K content from apple store or any other sites, unless they have it from the original Blu-Ray. Which they don't stream to the full bit-rate anyway, even if they do have it. As it's not properly remastered just upscaled. Bit-rate is around half the size of UHD discs and HDR is not properly converted with the budget the studios spend on the 4K releases. Better off buying the discs or downloading the remuxes to see the best quality picture.

    • +5

      I used to feel the same but in practice I find digital ownership is a lot more practical. You don't have to worry about cluttered shelves or not having the disc with you when you want to watch it somewhere else, plus your device storage isn't taken up with large movie file downloads. These days pretty much everywhere has an an Internet connection available so you can watch your film on anything you like at any time. Each to our own though I guess.

    • You can download to an iPad to use offline. I then use the hdmi adapter to watch it on my tv. I do the same with the download function in Netflix and Stan. I do that every time I go on holidays and it works great. I do find it annoying that you can’t download to the 4K Apple TV as I’d much rather travel with that as well.

  • +2

    waiting for the whole collection of matrix in 4K

    • +3

      Probably won't happen in any meaningful way, the other 2 films were shot on 2K digital cameras so can never be true 4K, while the first film was shot on film which can be scanned in at 4K resolution. Kind of ironic that the newer technology for the time has actually become more outdated.

      • All effects are rendered in 2K anyway so still nowhere near what we need for proper 4K material. All movies should be shot with IMAX cameras so we don't have black bars plus they shoot in 5K resolution. Also have effects rendered in 4K. Only a couple movies right now have done it. Supposed to cost around another third of the money it originally takes to do 2K effects, for the studios.

    • +2

      I'm waiting to exit the actual matrix itself.

      • +1

        Follow the white rabbit

  • +2


    • The socks you forgot are a digital program created by the lizard people….

  • So frustrating that you can't watch 4K on your PC

    • Very likely this will be possible before the year is out, but I suppose nothing has been confirmed.

    • i can't help thing you will encounter bigger problems than this…

  • I got some movies on iTunes and I can watch them without the internet. Is it different with 4k iTunes movies?

  • Also Prometheus 4k for $7.99

  • Has this expired?

    • Yes looks like it, The Matrix back to $14.99

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