Looking for A Good Cheap Mechanical Keyboard

While cleaning my keyboard yesterday, I somehow broke the "P" key. There are no exterior damage so I must've somehow damaged it inside.

So I need a new gaming keyboard. Something cheap but good quality build/switch/etc.

I found one from kogan but Im not sure whether they're good or not. HERE.

Any recommendation would be appreciated. thanks


  • This Kogan one isn't mechanical. I'd suggest going on aliexpress or one of the chinese sites and looking for a board. Don't expect Cherry switches but you can still get Khalid or other switches which are Cherry clones for well under $50.
    You'll have to wait for them to come but they are very cheap!

    Edit: I'd find an example for you but I'm at work and can't be seen shopping :( Just type in "mechanical keyboard" into aliexpress and you'll find what you want.

    • There is, however, a Kogan mechanical one which I'm using atm (and snagged for $25 about a month ago from a deal posted here)

      • That one is very bad quality if let me choose again even its free Im not take it ,there have a reason selling for $25

  • EnterTheShiftKey

    I somehow broke the "P" key

    I though you would've broken the Enter or Shift keys.

    Username definitely doesn't check out.

    Besides, what vigorous activity were you doing with your keyboard that caused the key to pop out?

    • something that starts with p and people use the internet for.

      • lol. thats not it. I removed all the keys and was cleaning it. I must've somehow broke the internal.

  • I somehow have a feeling there was a Gamdias mech keyboard on sale at MSY? Not sure if I'm remembering correctly though, but I bought headphones with that brand for like 30 bucks or something, and its probably one of my favs, better then the logitech I got. But no idea if their keyboards are any good or worth it.

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