This mouse has price dropped again.
You all know what it's about
Pick up and delivery available.
Most likely can price beat at Officeworks.
This mouse has price dropped again.
You all know what it's about
Pick up and delivery available.
Most likely can price beat at Officeworks.
It's not showing up on the Officeworks site :(
Yeah I really wish we did, but we unfortunately don't stock that one :(
Is Below one is previous deal
If yes then both are different model
Previous deal was for mx master 2s and this is anywhere
Don't bother buying this mouse if you want to use the "flow" functionality with Win7 and Mac as on Win7 you need the second usb dongle (in my case anyway), and logitech support keeps telling me that win7 is not supported (which is not true, as their site says otherwise)
would u know whether 'flow' works between a winXP and win10 device? and does it come with 2 usb receivers?
It comes with a single usb receiver.
XP is not mentioned in here
If you only control windows computers, try mouse without borders from Ms, although XP is not supported with this product too
Thanks for the heads up. Do you know if it would it work with Windows 10 and MacOS [MacBook by blutooth]?
I am using it for my Mac, great mouse, love the gesture button.
I've owned 2 (Work/home) for over a year and didn't know there was a gesture button.
need a new one, lost the last :(
$68 is an excellent price, had to buy an extra one a couple of months ago and best price I found was $74 on eBay.
For those that are unaware - the mouse does NOT have middle click built into the scroll wheel like 99.9% of other mice out there. Clicking the scroll wheel toggles between regular scrolling and free-wheel scrolling instead. No idea why Logitech made this decision on this otherwise brilliant mouse.
To get middle click, you need to remap the gesture button (just below the scroll wheel) to do this with Logitech Options software. Doesn't bother me too much but it does take some getting used to.
What do people use the middle button for? I rarely use it….
Opening a link in a new tab in Chrome / Firefox / IE… closing a tab in the same.
Oh…I'm used to using CTRL+N to open up a new tab/browser
Then you need to learn the powerful features provided by middle click, e.g.
- for hands-free auto-scrolling
- opening web links in new tabs
- duplicate tab (middle click Refresh)-
- closing tabs
- opening all bookmarks in folder
- opening new separate instances of programs in the taskbar
- closing instances from the taskbar thumbnails.
wow thanks mate, you have just improved my productivity and efficiency at work.
I've been doing "right click -> open new tab" for opening new weblinks in new tabs ever since I've started using a PC lol
For closing tabs using middle click, what's the difference than just clicking on the X?
@Homr: You poor thing. How did you cope with those 100 free eBooks deals?
You don't need to place the pointer over the X for middle click to close a tab, so a larger target area for you to hit.
@alvian: fair enough, I was a very good CS player back in hay day so my accuracy with the mouse is still pretty good so it kinda makes no difference for me to be by clicking the x or the actual tab itself. :D
I do all of the above, plus I'll add that in many Linux desktop environments, middle mouse is also paste clipboard.
I use it many times a day.
Main ones are:
Opening browser links in a new tab
Closing tabs in software with a single click
Shortcut to middle finger icon when replying email hehehe j/k
Found it odd also.
Got used to it also.
I never installed the options software, and without it it defaults to middle click anyway.
Wow, I was about to pull the trigger on this mouse and did not know that. I use the middle click button heavily and could not live without it. Thank you!
theres a little button below the scroll dedicated as a middle button
Great mouse, highly recommended!
this is good mouse.
Best mouse for travellers…
Is this the same mouse? It doesn't say 2s.
look at OW website. not, they are not the same. click view alternative to see 2s.
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Buy on ebay bing lee store with 20% off and discount gift card?
U mean this?
No stock unless u found another listing.
officeworks sell this?