website is 'dead' - can't login, no posts on their twitter since 2017
was good while it lasted
website is 'dead' - can't login, no posts on their twitter since 2017
was good while it lasted
yep..gone are the days of good freebies.. kinda missed them as well.
The Colgate tooth brush + tooth paste deal recently was pretty decent for a freebie :D
i've got the Gillette Powerglide from them 2x in a row.
NVM. US site
There was an Australian and US site…
Yeah, I changed my comment, because I went to pinchme, and it was up, but then realised it was the US version.
Ozbargained to death.
Ahhh pinchme.. That was the reason why I signed up to OzBargain in the first place so I could show fellow ozbargainers how to fast-track to get to a higher level to unlock more freebies. Did anyone actually purchase items based off their free samples?
Sort of, I got a free Glade Sense & Spray thingy which I still buy refills for if they are on special.
Haha awesome, following your link I had upvoted your comments with the links so I used your method :) good stuff
They started sending me spam so I blocked them a while back.
That was the hint that the freebie train was just about off the rails.
I was rummaging through some old crap about 15 minutes ago and found a PinchMe box, I briefly wondered if they ever came back and them saw this post. I guess not then.
Well, I don't know what it is/was, but sounds like it got pinched.