Offer starts on Thursday 31st May
See also - (64GB?)
Offer starts on Thursday 31st May
See also - (64GB?)
i bought the phone early jan… had 2 RMA and finally decided to sell the third one to buy another phone. i expected a lot from this phone but the speaker had a lot of problems, other things were fine… but oneplus 6 is way better then this pixel 2 xl.
Which store do I get this oneplus 6 from?
Grey stocks all over the web. Becextech have them on sale with 1 year Aus Warranty provided by them. Amazon US and Kogan also another avenue worth checking. Bit of price gouging going on at the moment everywhere due to the popularity of this flagship killer and unavailability in AU Markets. Mine is coming from the US shortly via my colleague who managed to pick a few from a pop-up shop on launch day.
Are Becextech pretty safe to buy from? I've never heard of them before but they seem to have it in stock at a reasonable price. Do you know anything about them, like if they have stock in Australia, do they ship from Aus, etc? Their website doesn't say a whole lot.
oneplus camera isn't as good. The only reason i'm sticking with the 2 xl or i would have switched to the s9+. LG hardware and QC is pretty bad
I'll just wait for Google's premium 128GB phone to drop below $600:
Given that deal was about a year after the phone came out, and just before the new Google Pixel was due to be announced, you should wait until late September/early October this year for a similar deal.
The pixel should come bundled with a RMA sheet 😂
The pixel 2 XL should come bundled with a RMA sheet 😂
I've had a Pixel 2 for 6 months and can not fault it, which is saying something as I previously had a Nexus 5x.
I have a Jan 8, 2018 built Pixel 2 XL and I haven't had any issues. I think there were also reports of 2018 built phones appearing to have better QA (…).
A lot of the stock at JB might be 2017 built phones that they've trying to move out. If you can, maybe check out the IMEI, so you can get the build date info before you pull the trigger.
Can't fault the phone at all, coming from an older Nexus 6P.
Good luck!
Glad I didn't go the 2XL route and just got the regular Pixel 2. Sounds like there have been quite a few headaches…
I've had it since launch - no issues here. Just lucky I guess
Pixel 2 regular is great, but those bezels are enormous
You don't notice it when you're just looking at the screen to be honest. I prefer the Pixel 2's ability to fit into the front pocket of pants more than anything.
True. That's exactly why I didn't go for it, opting for the XL instead.
I'll admit I was a little bit concerned at first with a 6 inch phone but it's not as big as I thought.
I realise that other people have issues with the 2XL, mine has been great so far and haven't looked back. So glad I got it, would hate to be looking at those massive bezels everytime I picked it up.
Although if the 3XL has a notch I would much rather the 3.
Does it come bundled with home mini and headphones (which is the current bundle)?
Hopefully the 64GB will come down in price too. I'd like to get some money back with the 28 Degrees card.
As a gauge for anyone buying one, I was released from my Telstra Pixel 2 XL (128GB) $129 plan, due to poor coverage in my area, for $660 and I kept the phone. So I'm guessing this is around the cost price.
How far into your contract?
How did you manage that
Telstra Pixel 2 XL (128GB) $129 plan
Yeaaah 😂 not one of my proudest moments
5 months in. I had a investigation done on the tower, personally and via work contacts, then used them to negotiate my way out. It was terrible so hard for them to fight back.
You spent $1305.
A 24 month $59 contract with Pixel 2 XL is only $1416.
I can see why they released you for $660.
Why get this crap phone with no micro sd card or anything that comes close to the reimagined S9+
because 128GB is plenty for most people and stock android is much better to use
stock android is for peasants.
Better off importing a OnePlus 6 and save $300.
is the camera as good though?
Prolly not. Each to their own. I am buying it for all the reasons other than the Camera and wireless charging.
According to many reviews, no it's not even close
The oneplus cameras are generally "good" whereas the pixel 2 is "exceptional".
If you're a pixel peeper, get the pixel, if you're most folk the oneplus phones are more than adequate =D
Its so far having less issues than pixels, and seems better quality hardware. Camera will not be on par, but mostly everything else is better, it's even faster to load apps etc.
Oneplus has completely lost its appeal, for me any way. You’re looking at around $800 for the 64GB, essentially no warranty, average camera again (despite Oneplus hyping it up again), average weather protection (not just because of the lack IP certification, there’s plenty of water tests on YouTube), and it will be replaced in 6 months.
After owning the iPhone 4,5,6 & 7 I took the plunge on the pixel 2 XL on the Telstra $59 deal despite having several months left on my iPhone 7 contract.
Did so after the countless positive reviews from online and Friends.
By no means a bad phone but having used an iPhone for as long as I did I must say I'm enjoying it less and will go most likely go back to iPhone once this contract ends.
Main issues I have coming from IPhone are:
noticeably less accurate touch screen
terrible podcast apps compared to ios default
finger print reader being on back is annoying in an office job where my phone sits on my desk for majority of the day
headphones that came with it were unusable.
USB C to 3.5mm adapter was very low quality and constantly disconnected at the slightest bump in Pocket (forced me to buy a pair of Bluetooth headphones as a result)
This is in addition to all the things I was knowingly missing out on making the move, iMessage, air drop etc.
Positives are:
amazing battery life
fantastic camera
great speakers
Just some food for thought as at the time I only saw positive opinions with the only negative being screen colour/tenperature/brightness which ironically I have not noticed at all!
The biggest positive is software really, and choice of third party options. I also prefer the reader on the back. Have you tried calibrating your touch screen again?
Try PocketCast. From my perspective, it's the best podcast app out there.
That or Castbox, that's been my go-to podcast application
Fingerprint sensor - for ppl who have are on the go it's way better on the back where your finger naturally falls.
Definitely agree regarding the fingerprint scanner location.
As someone who owns the S8, the ability to unlock the camera with my face gets around that inconvenience when wirelessly charging on the desk.
I'm hoping the P3 will have front-facing biometric camera authentication.
Judging by the very recent leaks regarding the cameras on the front, I'm hoping that will be the case.
I am tossing up between this and the similarly priced galaxy s9+. Which one is better?
If camera is a priority then go the pixel
If not definitely the s9+, screen/speakers/call quality/build quality is all far better.. I had both for a while and compared them extensively. Ended up keeping the pixel as i got it a fair bit cheaper and the camera is seriously amazing
looking for a phone around 700-800 - currently samsung s8, any other choices?
Is the non-XL version going on sale too?
Gah! I gave up waiting and just bought one nearly full price! Knew I would regret it! Would they give me a partial refund if I bought in my receipt?
Got that partial refund if anyone is in a similar situation
My girlfriend bought this phone a week ago at full price. I've read comments of people going back to the store and getting a refund on the difference. Is that a thing?
you can return it within 30 days to get a refund
Even though it's been used and there's no issue with the phone?
If its been opened then no
Some places will let you do that, some won't.
It's worth a shot I say, you could always call beforehand and double check with them.
As someone who has owned an s5, briefly back to iOS, an s7 and now s8, I'm beginning to grow tired of what I believe is Samsung's modification of Android.
While there are benefits associated with the changes they make e.g. dual bluetooth etc.. , I continuously find myself frustrated with the lack of consistency in speed through using the device. Opening the camera is the worst, often taking up to 10 seconds just to load, and multiple seconds passing after pressing the image, but overall I regularly have issues regarding the device, it's consistent in being inconsistent. I don't believe the phone is up to the standard of the hardware it sits on, as the hardware in Samsung's is amazing. My phone is less than a year old, and it runs like a 3-year-old phone.
My intention is to move towards a Pixel 3, later in the year.
I was hoping someone who has a Pixel 2, could fill me in on how they find using the phone (after spending time loading apps i.e not fresh), and if stock Android really is a lot better than Samsung's.
You can blame TouchWiz for that, it's been a poorly-implemented launcher consistently since day one.
Definitely agree, me and my partner both made the switch from iOS to the S5, and were both so disappointed we moved back to iOS. I've moved back since, and will never go back to apple, but my partner hasn't.
I can definitely say that touchwiz has improved over the years, but it's still not where it needs to be.
Stock android is without a Doubt, much smoother and more consistent than any Samsung phone or tablet I've ever had. It's optimised to run on lesser hardware too. Even on powerful hardware, Samsung's TouchWiz just never runs as good and the issues generally crop up over time which means you have to back everything up and factory reset to get some smoothness back.
The pixel 2 xl I bought had such a minimal amount of apps on it when I did a fresh set up that I was actually a bit annoyed that I had to download some Google apps from the playstore that I thought would be pre-installed. What this means is that you only need the apps you really need and the phone os stays trim and fast.
Great to hear! I've only met a couple people who have owned a Pixel 2, a bloke who worked at JB:HIFI and a friend of a friend. Both said it was a really smooth experience. But I was always curious how it fared with someone who previously had a good comparison with Samsung phones, knowing how terrible mine has been.
It's way better with up to date security and os updates for sure, but when you come from LG or Samsung you realise all the little things you take for granted are missing like the go back button can't be reconfigured without a lot of effort. I prefer mine on the right but google won't let you change it. Also you are really enveloped by google's total cloud mentality. Eg you can't do proper backups unless you're rooted or use google's cloud service. Also the location of a number of settings takes some getting used to.
The quality of the screen to price ratio is really off. I managed to snag a pixel 2 xl 64gb 2 weeks ago. Build date is November 2017. No other errors with the phone except of course, blue tint and slight off angles, like 5 degrees. I also have panel uniformity issues. There is a dark vertical band that is visible with a grey or white low light brightness. I see it running down the right side of the screen when reading in bed it's subtle but definitely shows a lack of QC. If you but one of these phones, there is no way you'll know if your getting a 2017 or 2018 unless you check the IMEI on the box. Maybe explain your concern to the JB hi-fi rep so you they can bring you out one from 2018. That's no guarantee though from reading reddit. You might get less blueshift but the graininess and stuff … I keep shifting between returning it and keeping it. I don't know what to do? The phone would be perfect if the screen didn't look like a screen from 3-4 generations ago. Paying $1k for a poor display? I keep weighing up with Samsung's bloated TouchWiz as a trade off. Its tough
Don't buy this, soon retailers will begin to clear stock to make way for the Pixel 3.
Should I consider returning the device for refund and wait for pixel 3? It's easily going to be a $1500 or more device? Are you saying wait until these are on more of a discount? They kept the OG pixel xl close to $1000 for awhile after the 2 came out.
I got my 64gb 2 XL for $1045 in an eBay sale and then it went on sale again after 4 days (lol) and I did a 28 degrees cashback claim so I've paid $1011 for it so far. Am going to keep claiming as the prices come down. You can keep incrementaly claiming up to $600. BUT! I still feel burned by the price to screen quality ratio. Maybe you guys can help me make a solid decision? Do I keep the device and be happy it's got no other faults or return it and wait and see? If I get enough claims in to get it down to $800-750 ish I wouldn't mind about the poled screen being average lol
Should I consider returning the device for refund and wait for pixel 3?
Sorry, I was being sarcastic, and no I don't think you should.
Using Pixel 2 XL since January and simply the best phone I used. It's not the best looking phone or screen, but the best functional device out there.
Just went from a pixel 2 xl to a huawei p20 pro.
The pixel is decent, would totally recommend for someone who just wants a decent phone though.
It's a bloody boring phone though. It just does what you'd expect and nothing more.
Hi, I'm trying to decide between this and galaxy s9. Which one is better?
First of all, you're comparing the new model S9 to what will soon be replaced with a Pixel 3. Google always release their phones after everyone else.
But comparing the two regardless. It depends what is more important to you. Hardware or software.
The S9 has a better screen design, better camera dxo marks, and fancy Samsung features which you can look into.
The pixels and nexuses have always had slightly less fancier technical specs to the Samsungs, but excel in OS design, lighter background running apps and include all the latest Google AI advances and updates.
Every person I know who buys a galaxy love it, until a year after when it slows down to hell and they can't stand it. In comparison to hearing people who still use a nexus 6p and still happy.
Interesting to read the issues some users have had with this phone. I wouldn't touch another Google branded phone after the issues I had with my Nexus 5 a few years ago. Went through 5 RMA's, each with different issues until I got a full refund. It was like they were receiving the faulty phones and just shipping them on to someone else.
Wow. The nexus 5 was heralded one of Google's most solid phones by enthusiasts. Definitely one of my favorites.
The 5x on the other hand was an absolute POS in comparison.
With Google now handling the manufacturing process as well as everything else, problems previously had with manufacturers not getting it right have reduced. And I have found Google's warranty and customer satisfaction process to be extremely helpful. Buying directly from them usually encounters no issues at all.
Yep I had bought mine directly from them as well. Support were usually pretty quick to respond but after sending me replacement phones with different issues (I couldn't even make calls with one…..which is kind of the point of a phone), I just asked for a refund. Think I had to mention the ACCC to gain traction on that happening from memory.
Well, the Pixel 3 has a notch. :(
FYI - Can confirm that the phone comes with a bonus Google Home Mini and AIAIAI Pipe Earphones!
(They are shrink-wrapped together)
Bought one today and it came bundled with the earphones. The manufacturing date is from November 2017. Does anyone know if there's anything wrong with the November 2017 phones?
Nothing wrong with my one.
1000$ you can get a phone with snapdragon 845.
Got it today bundled with the earphones and Google mini.
I have a mate that works at jbhifi. The lowest they can go is $1044.
I got it got $1044 at a store closer to where I work (not my mates store) and sold the home mini for $45.
Total price= $999 for 128 Google pixel 2 xl
Receipt please.
How do I do that?
Take a photo and upload it.
Please PM me the receipt too. My local JB wouldn't include the Google Home mini.
So is the Google mini just because it was a mate or is there an offer somewhere?
Bought mine on Monday after a sorry saga with another phone from JB and I did get them down to $1050 but no sign or offer of a google mini.
Bought one. Holding thumbs … Note that it is past 13 June and offer is still available.
Not really