Amazon had introduced Amazon prime a few years ago and now, ebay has its own version, followed by Mwave.
Seems like the trend is starting. Pay more for some services etc.
What do you guys think? Do you think the ACCC shud look into some of these memberships selling services that should not cost extra?
Like "price guarantee" etc. or do you think its ok for everyone to introduce their own Premium membership like amazon prime ?
People shop at a lot of stores and imagine paying memberships to every store.
Like, at least Amazon Prime has free express shipping. Mwave only gives $15 discount and orders have to be above $150 and I don't even know what to say about restocking fees. Only IT companies charge it. But Amazon sells IT stuff in the US and they don't charge restocking, Newegg does but people hate Newegg.
I forgot to Add Australia post's Shipster !
Hah, Buckley's chance. Caveat emptor. Don't join if there is no value for you.