This was posted 14 years 1 month 18 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Introductory Offer at MusicOpps Music Industry Directory - Premium Listings Only $47.95/6 Months


Get your music-related business, band or talent listed on Music Opps - Australia's best music industry directory.

For a limited time you can grab an INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL on premium listings - only $47.95 for 6 months.

Premium listings include:

  • Basic Business details
  • Listed in up to 3 categories
  • Increase your exposure
  • Boost your search engine presence
  • Full 500character business listing + your website address
  • Upload your own image
  • Embed a YouTube video on your page
  • Priority placement in search results
  • Have your listing featured in MusicOpps

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closed Comments

  • or just use myspace

    • Or Bandcamp - they're free to sign up with, and you can sell songs and albums through them.

    • Websites such as MySpace are great for bands to use as a promotional tool, however this website is more about promoting music opportunities and business contacts for developing artists, bands and businesses. We also have access to industry grants, work experience opportunities, amongst others.

  • Is hyr a widely accepted acronym? Never seen it before.

    • hyr, half year, 6 months
      seen it used elsewhere but not often

      • I got that it means half year - it's pretty clear from "only $47.95 for 6 months". More interested in if it's actually used elsewhere. If a google search with no obvious results is a conclusive no, then its a no.

        • have seen it used in accounting and with reference to incremental reports, again, not often

          also did a google search, sure enough, plenty of responses with 1st link being half yearly financial report…

  • Get your music-related business, band or talent listed on Music Opps - Australia’s best music industry directory.

    Wow - better than Google, huh?

  • +1

    I think it would be hard to sell to bands when myspace is free and has similar features.

    As far as grants and "access to industry" goes, insufficient information as its a developing site.

  • Australia’s best music industry directory.

    Is there a directory of music industry directories? Who are you measuring against to be the best? Just looking at some traffic measurement (Google AdPlanner and Alexa), your website has pretty much zero presence on the net…

    • Measuring it against the other two music industry contact directories that are all closed directories. We believe the MusicOpps directory is better because it fosters community growth and support for the music industry from the ground up rather than top down. The point of the special is that it is an introductory offer as the website has just recently launched 20 days ago, in that time there are nearly 400 music industry listings (we hope you will agree that's a good achievement!).

      If you'd like to read more about our project, check out

      • +1

        Ha. Sounds more like you are pitching your startup ideas and try to get free promo, rather than a genuine bargain that community here might be interested in.

        Anyway. Good luck!

  • +1

    man, seems a bit rich to be charging for a new site with no user base, there are so many sites out there to promote your own that are free. local searches etc, best off providing a free service and charging for advertising.

    • Basic listings are free. Our premium listings are covered by this introductory special.

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