I'm just curious how many of us own more than one phone and why they would own so many.
I was playing Pokemon Go and encountered a guy playing with 6 phones. For once I'm not the craziest one.
I'll go first. Personally I own three 3G/4G phones. Maybe that's slightly crazy?
Nexus 5 (Main Phone) - extensive Pokemon Go, running speedtests and researching cheap SIMs to fuel my speedtesting habits.
Lumia 532 (Music Phone) - A friend who pays for Spotify gave me their account and I just use the phone offline so I can use Spotify offline when she is without an issue. Got the phone for $10 at Woolies.
Vodafone Nokia 3310 3G (Decorative Regret Phone) - I kinda felt bad that I posted deals on Nokia phones without actually buying them. Now I have and it's one of my worst $29 purchases. Some things belong in the 2000s. Also for some reason the phone lock function doesn't work too well so I've nearly pocket dialed 000.
I also have a Nokia X1-01 but that's 2G (ancient history) and doesn't count.
I have one phone. An iPhone 6s Plus.