[FIRST EDIT] My DELL XPS 15 (9560) Experience - Looking for Advice (Legal or Otherwise)

Original post below. Been busy with some final Semester One assignments, so, sorry about the late replies… Currently waiting on Dell to pick up the second and third laptops, which is taking longer than it should. I've arranged to send back the first laptop once I have bought something else.

I recently bought a Dell XPS Laptop. It was a 15", 16GB RAM, 512 SSD. I was looking for a contender to the Apple MacBook Pro that was much cheaper as I'm a student and have a set budget. I did a lot of research and although I saw and read some mixed reviews, I decided to get one.

It arrived and looked great. I was really happy with the build quality, it felt solid and well-made. I didn't mind that I couldn't open it with one hand as I felt that it was a sign of it's sturdiness.

Another thing to mention is that I was given a date re/ delivery (it was a Wednesday). I called and asked if it would be delivered directly to my house or if I should go to the Post Office and they assured me it would come to my house. I had an assignment due and my old computer died a few days earlier. I needed every second I could get to work on my essay. Lo and behold, it went to the Post Office at 4:38pm and I was waiting at home until 5pm, like they advised, for nothing and lost a day of being able to work. Ridiculous! Finally, the next day, I picked it up and hurried my essay.

I started using it and before a day or two it started having some glitches. First, there were strange green pixelations on the video, then the web pages would zoom right in without me even doing anything. Then the volume starting intermittently muting out of the blue. I tried refreshing, that didn't work, then I had to reload the entire browser which did bring the volume back. I also had some white residue appear out of nowhere (after closing and opening it - and I take exceptional care of my belongings) near the hinge. On top of that, the fingerprint reader wasn't working sometimes. I was so disappointed because I loved the feel of it. If only it just worked!

I contacted Dell support and they seemed good at first. They remotely accessed my laptop and updated a heap of drivers. The problems persisted.

I contacted them a further time and once again they remotely updated the drivers (and whatever else they did) and the problems persisted.

By now, I also had to deal with one or two incompetent representatives, one which was so bad, I made a complaint. I was later offered an apology by the reviewing Supervisor who listened to the bizarre behaviour of the rep via recording.

I sent them screenshots of all the problems and they continued monitoring my laptop (not exactly what you want when using a private computer!).

I decided they had tried enough times to fix it so I requested a replacement. However, since their replacement procedure required a gap of me not having a computer for school, I was essentially forced to buy a second laptop. Importantly, this was becoming a distraction for my studies, too, and causing me to pay double until the problems were resolved affecting my savings and banking interest.

SO! The second laptop arrived, supposedly brand new. Expecting to finally have a working laptop, I opened the box and found a laptop with an unravelled cord, a bent, yes bent screen (at least 8mm at the centre) and a dirty touchpad! What the hell?!

I put it straight back in the box! I contacted Dell, and staying calm, explained the situation, giving them the benefit of the doubt, even though the second laptop was clearly used! So, here I was with two laptops, one with major software issues, the other with faulty, dirty hardware. They offered a replacement, as well as a delay on returning the first one which I could still use (putting up with the software issues in the meantime), until the third laptop would arrive when finally they would get it right! My love for the Dell XPS design was quickly wearing thin by now.

Finally, nearly two months after my initial purchase, the third floptop arrived. The Star Track courier was meant to deliver it to my door which is untrue as I was home all day. Yet again, I had to wait until the next day to see what I would get. Well, again, the screen didn't sit flush (this time "splitting" into a three or four millimetre gap as it went from left to right (while closed) and surprise, surprise, the same green glitches! The cord was fine but the battery was nearly dead which I thought was odd considering the other two were fully charged. There were also a couple of blemishes on the outer top panel which were permanent. I decided to use it for the night but the next day, I thought, no way! Enough!

By now, I was at my wit's end. I'd been patient and courteous and I let them know, firmly, how upset I was that they could do this. Yet, I was caught in a dilemma. Even though they offered a full refund on both purchases, I would still be forced to deal with a gap of not having a computer for school which was NOT AN OPTION. I was confused as to what to do, notwithstanding the exhaustion I was going through from school. So, based on the cost compared to the Apple quotes I received, I didn't have much choice but to request (rightfully) a replacement again in the slim hope they would get it right for once! I had pretty much assumed by now they were sending me the final dregs of the XPS 15. Units which were potentially refurbs. But not even bothering to check and clean a touchpad? Disgraceful.

Well, they refused to send a replacement. I just wanted what I paid for but they made me feel like it was somehow my fault I was receiving these floptops! They said they had already sent two repalcements and that was enough but they failed to consider I actually made two separate purchases, so technically, one replacement was delivered!

It's such a shame because I actually love the look and feel of the XPS, and the 4K screen is superb. What a buzzkill!

I've since received a great quote (better then UniDays) and I'm about to buy an iMac but it won't have the portability of a laptop which I need. I don't know what to do.

Does anyone have any advice, please?! I'll be ignoring inane comments.

Thanks in advance.

P.S. Let this be a warning to anyone considering buying a Dell XPS 9560. And as far as I can tell, the 8th gen models are practically identical. If Dell managed to resolve this properly, I will galdly edit this forum post but I'd like to know if I deserve to be compensated somehow by them for the trouble and stress and distraction they've caused me. On top of everything else, they are now forcing me to delay rolling over my Term Deposit, which I add funds to every year,which is costing me more interest!


  • Get a MacBook Air, you don't need the horsepower if you go for a mac and it is used as a tool not a gaming PC. Don't get an iMac that is just ridiculous for university. Apple laptops tend to hold their value too so if you end up with a new job or come into some cash and want to upgrade it won't be a total loss. If you can hold out two weeks there are likely to be new models to choose from / old models at discounts.

    • Thanks. Apple told me that there are some offers coming in the near future.

      And yes, I know, an iMac is probably overdoing it.


  • Try Microsoft surface maybe? or maybe go buy it instore and check the laptop yourself before buying maybe you can find something you like while you go window shopping

    • Good advice, thank you, but I'm rarely in the vicinity of stores with decent amounts of stock. When on campus, I don't have the time to go shopping. I go from one class to another, usually running. My local Harvey Norman barely has any laptops and most are cheap and nasty. I have a Winter Term class coming up which will give me a chance to window shop but by then I'll need to have bought one already.

  • +1

    People think apple products are overpriced but once you factor in the time lost stuffing around with warranties, overseas support and shitty after sales service I think you come out miles ahead buying apple. Of all the various macs iphone and ipads i’ve bought I have had a few issues, but not once was I ever dissatisfied with the after sales service I received and the majority of the time I got a resolution on the spot. Don’t waste your time with these 2nd tier brands, life is too short.

    • Thanks. Strongly leaning towards Apple. I won't make my annual savings goal, but at least I'll have less headaches.

      • There are cheaper Apple products. They also have refurbished store. Sounds like even the low end Apple ones will suit you fine.

        • Will look into it, thanks.

    • +2

      What? There are just as many reports about poor quality and service from Apple products as there are from other manufacturers. They aren't the epitome of quality and service that you're making out here… Dell is hardly a 2nd tier brand and definitely not worth the price you pay for performance compared to various Windows equivalents; unless you absolutely need to be in the Apple ecosystem.

      • He was talking about after sales.

        Walk into a shop or back n forth with some dude overseas.

        Big difference.

        • Not sure what Dell's service is like with their laptops, but it was great with their monitors. I bought an UltraSharp which developed a problem. I called them and described the problem, tried a few troubleshooting steps, and confirmed the problem. They then sent me a replacement, I put the old monitor into the box that the replacement came in, and called the courier. I didn't have to drive out to a shop or set up an appointment - it was all done to my timing rather than the store's timing.

  • I own an XPS 15 top of the line for 2 years and it was amazing. Nothing wrong with the product and always real smooth and fast.
    Don't know why you are experiencing this. But good luck and all the best.

    • Thanks. Luck of the draw, I guess. Another thing I didn't mention is that twice I've turned it on (pressing the power button as normal), the light turns on as it always does, but it switches off after a few seconds. Geez! Glad yours is OK, I'm very envious.

  • If the top priority of the laptop by now for you has shifted to stability and reliability, the business lines will definitely be the safer bets.

    The ThinkPads that are mentioned in the previous comments, and also the Dell Latitudes that are within your budget (http://www.dell.com/en-au/work/shop/deals/performance-laptop…) are some good options. Although, you might be already aware, you will be missing out on discrete graphic options with the Dell Latitudes.

    • Good to know, thanks very much. Most people have been super helpful!

      • You're welcome.

        Just read a few more comments here regarding Macbook Pros. Their build quality is quite good generally, however, their "Butterfly" keyboard keys may be considered as design flaws by some, the fail rate after one year is quite high (there is a class action lawsuit going on in the US at the moment), and it is expensive (and tedious) to be repaired out of warranty. Of course external keyboards can be an emergency remedy, but be prepared that it'll likely need repair sometime in the long term.

        It seems that OP you enjoy a good monitor. Another option I would suggest is, get a robust 13"-14" business grade laptop (also for portability if the laptop is required to be brought along to unuversity/school), and connect to a bigger external screen of your choice for at home use (better ergonomics for long term too, although which ironically means likely still getting an external keyboard).

        Best of luck.

        • Good to know. I recall reading or hearing somewhere about those keyboards. Thanks again.

      • Do check out the Surface Laptop and Surface Book lines too. I switched from a string of ThinkPads to the Surface Book and haven't been happier.

        I bought the first-gen first-batch Surface Book and it did have a bunch of problems before MS issued a whole heap of driver and firmware updates. I contacted MS about the issues anyway, and they sent me an advance replacement so I wouldn't be laptop-less in the meantime. This was all done online so I didn't have to bother setting up appointments or going to a store.

        I've also had another good experience with MS support. Years ago I bought a Surface 2 off the MS website here in Australia. I went to the US after that and the tablet started BSOD'ing. I called up MS and they sent an advance replacement to my US address with no hassles. Quick and easy.

  • +2

    If you have the budget get a macbook or macbook air. Do check if you have to run any windows only softwares for school work because running vms is a pain.

    Sorry to hear you had bad experience with dell. I’m a mac user myself but none of the dell products i use / had caused issues like this.

    Get the full refund money and move on :-)

    • Thanks. Yes, some design programs run differently on Macs but my Tutors go through the processes of both systems since so many students have MacBooks. Definitely ready to move on.

  • +1

    I initially thought it was drivers but then apparently you got their tech support to do it for you.

    Anywho, time to try another brand lol, i've had a dell laptop for years, still going strong, I swapped out its HDD for an SSD.

    • Thanks. I was told I could have a corrupt version of Windows. I'm considering a few options, some of which were mentioned in this post, but I need a 15" screen minimum.

  • just tell them your dog ate your homework

    • LOL

  • +1

    I was hung out to dry on a group assignment just this week by somebody and their brand new macbook crapping itself (apparently). I had to return a $1000 gigabyte grpahics box under warranty recently. There seems to be a lot really poor quality computer tech getting about at the moment.

    • +1

      Paper thin laptops are going to expose any weak part to failure.
      You can't have good cooling and a 1cm thick laptop

      • I agree. I love the sturdy feel of the Dell XPS. If only just one of the ones I received wasn't damaged or faulty.

    • Sorry to hear that. I get the feeling that they're churning out products and skimping on the QC…

  • +1

    It sucks how you had to go through that OP. It’s one of the reason why I consider buying laptops in a physical retail store like JB. Makes the return process a lot easier. Hopefully you won’t have to go through that again!

    • this ^^

      after buying a surface pro from microsoft i will NEVER buy another computer online again.
      bricks and mortar can't stuff you around nearly as much as you march yourself and your POS in and demand resolution on the spot, as you are entitled to due to statury consumer rights.

      take it as a lesson OP

      • Also, I am not defending dell in any way, however when you purchase, your terms and conditions of purchase will state that they are not responsible for any loss whatsoever… so take the refund and buy something else.

        • I should've known better. They know how to cover their own asses.

      • Indeed. Sorry to read about your experience. Cheers.

    • Thanks. Excellent point. The wait times have been annoying.

  • You can buy an Asus ux430un. It'll be a slight downgrade but it's still a decent laptop :)

    • I'll check it out, thank you.

  • +1

    I too have had bad taste from Dell. I bought a refurb XPS 13 9360 and 7 months in (6 month refurb warranty) the touchpad has completely died. One only needs to google to see everyone is getting this fault and Dell is just swapping out motherboards for computers under warranty. Some are up to 3 or 4 motherboards already.
    This replaced a Macbook Air which was 4 years old not a single issue.
    I vote 100% go a apple laptop. I have had 5 apple laptops over the years, majority running Windows via bootcamp (OSX completely removed). Not one has ever had a hardware fault. Resale value excellent. Plus the touchpad on Dell/Lenovo/Asus computers suck. Constant zooming in and out, 2 finger scroll is useless. I cannot stand using my work provided Lenovo T470S without an external mouse. The apple even running windows is just such a better machine.

    • That's a terrible experience. Not surprised that Dell would do that and I wonder what the history of my laptop and replacements are. Appreciate the info. Yes, it seems to be endemic. Definitely leaning towards Apple at this stage. All the best.

  • +1

    Why would you not request a refund after the second laptop?

    Also is this the first time you have ordered anything online? It is common practice at this point for everything AusPost owned/contracted to be sent straight to the post office. Of course Dell are going to assure you it will arrive to your door because that's genuinely what they believe will happen, AusPost too.

    • I mean it kinda weird, Australia Post never offers/or I have experience they redelivering it. They usually just drop them off at local post office at end of their runs.

      Only like fastway/DHL/UPS have this option because they cannot drop it off local post office and they depot is usually miles way.

    • I stupidly thought I could give them one final chance, but only because the computer was at a good price, and as I've stated, I like the laptop (the first one which has no exterior/ hardware issues), I just wish it worked properly. The next two were rubbish. No, not the first time ordering online. Yes, perhaps Dell genuinely thought it was coming to my door but it didn't and I ended up having to stay up 24hrs straight to complete my assignment because I'd saved work on my old computer (which died the previous week) and couldn't check to see of the work was saved because it was Easter week. It was lucky I'd bought the first Dell laptop a week before my computer died (I needed higher specs for one of my subjects) because it arrived in the nick of time and I submitted my assignment by the skin of my teeth. Very stressful and excruciatingly frustrating week.

  • Try and look into the HP spectre range never seem any of them fail sold hundreds of them too :)

    • I'll check them out, thanks very much.

  • +1

    Had similar experience with a $1800 Dell 4k 32 inch monitor and Dell XPS 15 two years ago.

    The monitor claims it is zero dead pixel and every monitor sent I found at least two dead. They replaced the monitor 4 times and still does not get it done right. Every process is about 45min for unplug the old, plugin in the new, documenting the faults/photos, emailing the customer service, booking the courier etc. Even though I have explicitly asked them to check the monitor for dead pixel before even sending it to me. For the amount of money the effort you put in it is a joke. You don't want to be their QA. In the end I managed to get a refund.

    The Dell XPS 15. Though beautiful design with the infinity screen it had a screen replacement due to dead pixel as well. As a premium product, they did send a technician to your house to replace it after the replacement part arrived in their warehouse. The service was slightly better as the customer service is AU based instead of Malaysia. I ended up selling it because I am annoyed with Windows 10 and its compatibility for Programming. Had a Macbook Pro 13 and have had relatively way less fuss ever since.

    With regards to the courier, the worst is TNT, Courierplease. They miss pickup and leave you a "miss you" card intentionally. Even with other laptop brand you will find same issues (Lenovo is even worse). Don't waste your time being their QA. On the other hand, I spent $600 on a Acer laptop 5 years ago and it is still living and breathing. It is not to say Acer is the recommended brand but at least the value I got from it is apparent.

    • Thanks for sharing your experience. It can be so frustrating and insulting that we have to act as QA. I have better things to do with my time as I'm sure you do, too. The XPS is beautiful but I'll be getting a refund ASAP. It really could've been a contender for the MacBook Pro but they've really messed up. Such a striking hit/miss ratio is bound to enter common knowledge so the short term gains they make by being so careless with QC will cost them in the end.

  • +1

    Millennials these days.

    • I was born in 1972. Don't remind me! Lol. Actually, I miss the old days.

  • +6

    Damnit you were offered a full refund. You should have said yes to that.

    Beg, or borrow a mate's machine for your uni work for a week or so till the refund is processed and then buy a different brand from a brick and mortar store.

    • I'm happy to accept the full refund but I just wanted them to take responsibility for sending two used units. I was still willing to give them another chance. Anyway, re/ the refund, I have it in black and white so they can't worm their way out of it. Don't have a unit that I can borrow otherwise I would've done that by now.

      • +1

        If the computer is that critical to your work you need a backup plan. A public library. A friend. An Internet cafe. 2 machines if you can afford it. Something.

        You aren't going to get them to take responsibility for sending you used units. You can only refuse that as their attempt offer to fix the situation by giving you a used computer. Which you did.

        Unfortunately it seems you also refused the offer of a full refund, so yes they probably can now worm their way out of it. Next time you get an offer like this, take your money and run!

        Honestly it's not a crusade. You can also put in a complaint to whatever the fair trading equivalent is in your state or perhaps ACCC. That'll be a lot of time and money and you STILL won't get them to change anything or get anything in addition to what you already have. You can vote with your wallet and not buy Dell again. You can warn friends off as long as you stick to facts so you can't be sued. All the rest is just a waste of your time to be blunt. It isn't a fair world.

        • I haven't refused the refund. I'm simply challenging their view that I'm not entitled to a replacement for the first unit (since I purchased two). And no, they can't worm their way out of it. Let them try. Appreciate the advice, though.

  • I recently bought my first Apple product, a MacBook Pro, and I am really happy with that. I did that mostly because Windows intrusive updates were annoying, and after decades I just wanted something more stable and that is ready to use when I open it, without loading, updating, or other messages like that. Although Microsoft has improved, that's not enough… If you don't use the resources available in a MacBook Pro, the MacBook Air is a cheaper option, and you can consider refurbished as well. Everyone around me has Macbooks, and after buying and using my MacBook Pro for the last four months, I can say I am quite happy with my decision. I still have a Windows PC that is very good and I am not planning on replacing it anytime soon, but if you want a portable solution that is stable and always ready to go, I strongly recommend a Macbook. You still have updates but nothing annoying like Windows.
    I do not regret taking years to accept that MacBooks are in fact a better option for me because I haven't had any particular issue, loss or trauma related to my Windows previous laptops, but some people have had awful experiences with Windows in important situations when you need a trustworthy laptop for uni, work, or just to check OzBargain… :P

    I hope it is clear to you now that not accepting a full refund was a stupid decision. You could borrow someone else's laptop or go to the library, buy a Chromebook (or a MacBook if you wanted to spend more money). That was the best resolution that Dell could have offered, and I think you cannot even complain about their support when you had this on the table.

    • Yes, I agree about Apple. I can still accept the full refund but I just wanted them to take responsibility for sending two used units. I was still willing to give them another chance. Anyway, re/ the refund, I have it in black and white so they can't worm their way out of it.

  • +3

    Hi OP,

    Sorry to hear about the bad experience you've had with your purchase, I can imagine that it would be very stressful on both your wallet, time and your studies.

    I can't speak for the whole population, I can only speak of my own experience so take it with a grain of salt, hopefully it provides some information.

    From what I gather from your post as well as some replies you've made it seems that:

    1) Going without a computer is non-negotiable.
    2) You live somewhere where it's difficult to purchase in person and that it's far more preferable to purchase online (logistical convenience as well as price)
    3) You live close enough to somewhere that you're able to go to university in person
    4) Your work load is very intense and every minute stuffing around results in stress.
    5) Portability is a bonus but not a requirement (based on you considering an iMac)
    6) Finances are very important to you since it sounds like you have interest targets that you'd like to meet each year with pre-set deposits

    Personally, I have an XPS 15 (2012) which I have used the past 5 years with only minor problems (Problems with keys no longer registering, a dodgy wifi card etc. - which has resulted in me using an external keyboard and monitor). Personally I've only had to deal with dell customer service twice both of which were professional and well-dealt with). Having said that, I know that many times when calling for customer support it depends on the operator that takes your call. Prior to my XPS 15 I used a 15inch macbook pro (which was bought on the basis that I wanted a reliable computer) this had more problems with it than my dell has had. The motherboard of the macbook pro became loose which resulted in the soldering of components being glitchy and only sometimes recognising the other computer components. When i took it in to the apple store they said that it was normal wear and tear (due to travelling and taking it to uni everyday and that if i wanted to fix it, I would need to pay for a new motherboard ($700). I bought my dell.

    I have worked as a computer technician and generally I would say that your reported rate of 50/50 hit and miss with the Dell XPS would be incorrect (this is based on the assumption that usually people don't post reviews about a laptop unless they're particularly frustrated or particularly pleased - otherwise if they're content with their purchase they won't post). Based on my experience of 5 years working as a computer technician Dell XPS's rarely have problems with them (which is why i can see you would be particularly frustrated with 3 faulty laptops) and the problem rate would be far closer to 5%.

    I have a couple of suggestions for what you can do in your situation.

    1) It seems your patience is wearing thin with Dell and so if that's the case I would suggest getting your money back for the 2 purchased machines and purchasing a new laptop. Some notable options include lenovo's thinkpad Carbon series (as previously mentioned by some people), the Surfacebook pro or a macbook. These are all reasonable tried and tested machines that would meet your needs.

    2) You could instead of purchasing another laptop, reinvest in something portable as well as something non-portable. It seems like you were considering an iMac which you mentioned was moderately priced. I would say that iMac's compared to windows PC are similar in price difference and instead you may consider purchasing a windows PC with a tablet (that you could take to uni with you) The price of a PC and tablet would be similar to a laptop. Some tablets you can consider are the iPad pro, the new 2018 iPad or Samsung's Tablet Series.

    3) You receive your refund and repurchase the same Dell XPS laptop again but from a different source, this may be as other people suggested better to be done through a physical shop front but again this may be more expensive.

    In the meantime for practical purposes, as a recent uni student usually the tutors are understanding of personal situations and if you talk with them regarding your problems and explain your situation they may be empathetic and possibly give you extra time to complete tasks or possibly suggest after hours access to computer labs at uni etc etc. There are also often places (even your local Harvey Norman) which do rent out laptops for a small price - sure it's not the ideal situation but it does mean you have a laptop to use before your decide on a final laptop.

    Some other information about me that could be useful in how you view my comment - I have used both Macbook Pro, iMac's, PCs and Dell XPS. I have used Samsung's tablet, Google Nexus and iPad Pro/Mini and iPad. I have purchased a Lenovo Think pad for my dad, a Macbook Air/Pro for my Fiance. I personally use currently a Dell XPS, iPad pro and Xiaomi 5s (Android Phone). As you can see I don't have a bias towards any particular ecosystem and have a decent amount of experience in different companies and devices.

    I hope there is something useful in the above comment. (I thought you deserved a equally long-winded response after your opening post)

    • Haha. I prefer thorough to "long-winded" :)

      I really, really appreciate you taking the time to write what you did. It was comprehensive and you were spot on in your analysis. I don't live close to school, though. It's a long trek getting to campus and back.

      Re/ your suggestions (including school-related extensions), I will take them on board. I also want to believe the XPS is still worthy because I still love the stupid thing but I'm probably going to get the iMac. Even though it's more than I need, I don't watch TV (it's been six years) so I can use it to watch my (Uni account) Kanopy movies, etc.

      All the very best!

  • just buy one at JB, return it if you have problems. EASY

    • Will check it out, thanks :)

  • I don't know why people still have a thing for DELL laptops. The QA on these devices are NOT what they use to be!

    SO! The second laptop arrived, supposedly brand new. Expecting to finally have a working laptop, I opened the box and found a laptop with an unravelled cord, a bent, yes bent screen (at least 8mm at the centre) and a dirty touchpad! What the hell?!

    This is exactly what happened to mine. I bought mine BRAND new ($2500) Dell XPS 15" at JBhifi. Got box, went home and discovered scuff marks all over the touchpad. I complained to JB about it and they gave me a small credit to keep it, said it was brand new. So decided to not bother since I had to leave for an overseas trip.

    Fast forward, 2 years now. My laptop is out of warranty, touch screen does not work. Mousepad has lifted due to battery expansion (search the web. This is a very common occurrence due to faulty battery they shipped). This means its needs a complete battery/touchpad replacement. Wifi sometimes works, sometimes doesn't. Dell techs tried updating all drivers to no avail. This laptop has a total runtime of approx 600ish hours… 600 HRS!!!, that's less than 25 days running 24/7. Laptop is in brand new condition, not even a scratch.

    My previous Dell laptop "17" also suffered mousepad + KB issues. I am completely avoiding Dell now. Meanwhile my 4x Dell monitors are ROCK solid. I still have one from 8 years ago and the others 5+yrs, running 12hrs a day and not a single complaint. Amazing how two things are world's apart. Perhaps their laptops are made in a different factory than their monitors?

    • Sounds like a very similar experience to the unit I received. I put that one straight back in the box where it's been sitting ever since. Yes, I've heard about the touchpad/ battery issues. I did a lot of research before buying and crossed my fingers when I finally did. Unbelievable that companies would do this. Sorry to read about your experiences. These brands don't realise that word gets around. Thank goodness for the internet because we at least have the chance to make them accountable by sharing our stories.

    • +1

      The battery issue is well known, and dell has been offering free battery replacements since last year. I didn't have the issue myself (XPS 15 9550), but they sent an email to all owners letting them know of the issue and how to organise a replacement, regardless of whether they were experiencing a swollen battery.

      Personally, I've got nothing but good things to say about dell. Bought a fair few products over the years, of which very few had issues, and when they did, they were quickly resolved.

      • I wish I could say the same, but being sent two used, dirty units is appalling. I can only deduce they are getting rid of the last dregs of their 2017 stock.

    • Re/ your battery expansion issue. I'm pretty certain Dell was rectifying this issue under a recall. Yours should be covered, I think you can find more information on their website.

  • +1

    Why do you need a dell XPS to write an essay? You could get a 1k laptop that is more reliable, if you dont need all the fancy bells and whistles, I would just go with something lesser - acer, lenovo, toshiba, HP, Asus etc.
    Laptops these days arent that great so dont expect them to last more than 2 years

    Alternatively you could get a desktop and laptop - desktops wont fail so easily.

    • Appreciate the advice. It's a good point but I don't watch TV (no Netflix, etc, etc). I get all my entertainment from my computer. Also, one of my subjects is Screen Studies and I prefer a good screen resolution to aid me in my analyses.

  • I think Dell laptops have really dropped in quality and reliability over the years. Personally I got a Macbook Pro in 2011 which lasted me 6 years for uni and work with no issues. The battery is not so great now but it’s still going as a home based computer for plex etc.
    I got the non touch bar 13 Macbook Pro last year when Myer ebay had them for $1800. Usually lasts me the full 8 hours of work - mainly just Citrix.
    Apple may be overpriced for their specs but I would consider their reliability and customer service is what you pay for.

    • Yes, one of the reasons I chose the XPS is for the battery life. It's 97Wph is excellent. Based on the comments I've received only one or two people have had trouble with Apple, so I'm leaning in that direction.

    • Did you MBP stopped working? I had mine since 2010 and I am amazed they are still functioning well to this day and still being used.

  • +1

    I have bought 3 laptops from Dell an Alienware an XPS 15 9550 and a 9560

    I had some issues with the Alienware and they always sent someone on site to change things, I had multiple parts changed.

    XPS 15 9550 was a refurbished purchase and it had problems, they sent a technician 2 or 3 times and ultimately got refunded

    currently I have the 9560, in 2 days it will be 1 year, I just extended my warranty for another year and have had 0 issues.
    I do use it quite heavily, I use CAD programs and game on it, I have also attached an eGPU to it too via Thunderbolt

    Sorry to hear about all the problems you are having, very unfortunate

    • Thanks kindly. Glad yours is OK. Maybe if the second or third ones I received were not used I would've received one that actually functioned without issue.

  • I purchased xps9560 last year when it first came out
    It had so many shitty issues: throttling, screen flickerling etc
    mine was actually not too bad compared to the other people on the reddit dell forum
    after few bios update, which took few months, laptop stabilized.
    and one day out of sudden my monitor stopped working and had to get it replaced

    you should look into the new RAZERBLADE 15 that is coming up
    very fast and ultra portable; comes with 4k infinity edge screen like dell has as well
    plus the better graphics card
    but it comes out in june-july in australia

    • Honestly this. My old laptop was on its deathbed so I got the xps when it was a decent price, I saw the razer blade and am in love with it, if I could trade this in for that I would! The only reason why I didn't initially get the razer was because there was no dedicated graphics and the bezels were hideous. Although I think the Razer will be dearer than the xps equivalent

      • Yes, I think it will be dearer. Cheers.

    • Sorry to read about your Dell problems. Re/ Razer… thanks, I'll look into it.

  • Get a MacBook and solve your issues. I bought a mid-2012 pro model (the last one with a CD drive) at the start of 2013. Hard Drive failed in 2014. Local shop (still authorised repairer) did a shoddy job, I complained to Apple and got a new one (arrived 3 days later). I upgraded it with an SSD and 16GB of RAM back in 2016. It runs faultlessly to this day, I get between 5 and 6 hours of battery and it just never slows down. When not using it at uni I have it hooked up to 2 monitors at home (via a DisplayLink dock). I will be very upset the day it dies. It would have to be the best $1300 I have ever spent!

    • +1

      Thanks for the comment. Hope it keeps going strong.

  • I've been using Dell hardware since Y2K (Optiplex GX1), and have learnt not to buy anything other than their business line of hardware.

    If considering Dell laptops, buy their higher-end Latitude business line which come with a 3 year International warranty.

    The Lenovo T4xx series or the E4xx with the upgraded on-site warranty also make decent systems.

    Dell XPS, Alienware, Asus (whatever), MSI, etc. are fine for general use but I wouldn't ever buy them for business / study use, where you need a reliable system covered by a next business day warranty service.

    • Good advice, thanks very much.

  • Wow, that's quite a horror story. Thank you OP, I was actually considering an XPS but I think I'll go the Lenovo route as I've had great ownership experience with Lenovo so far.

    • If it was just the one unit that was faulty I wouldn't have made the post, but sending me two further seemingly used or refurb units? Shameful.

  • You could get this one: https://www.apple.com/au/shop/buy-mac/macbook-pro?product=MJ…

    Buy it from Apple Store using your student id to get edu discount. Any problem at all you can swap it on the spot.

    My 4.5 years old one is still working like champ for my software dev purpose.

    • Thank you!

  • +1

    Dell was great during the early 2000s but now they have fell, cutting cost on parts and service. Lenovo's service and quality are good for me so far. Please do not get any HP products, service is rubbish and my last laptop had plenty of issues.

    • Thanks for the advice. They seem to be focusing on short term gains at the expense of long term reputation. That's how many companies have gone under.

    • My last 2 work laptops have been HPs and they've been faultless. Perhaps consumer grades aren't as good but the business line is fine.

  • +1

    On top of everything else, they are now forcing me to delay rolling over my Term Deposit, which I add funds to every year,which is costing me more interest!

    I don't have any advice for the rest of your post, but for this loss of term deposit interest, you have no legal basis for action against Dell on. They aren't responsible for your loss of interest, and if you sue them, you can't ask for compensation on that.

    I would fill out the Dell surveys they always send out and give them really bad scores. They will call you a few days later if you give them negative reviews. They take this stuff really seriously, and may help you out.

    For me, their service has always been impeccable. So I'm surprised your experience has been so bad.

    • I'm so annoyed about losing interest, I'm trying so hard to save. I just have to wear it on the chin, I suppose. I have filled out a survey and never heard back. I wasn't rude so don't understand why they've been so irresponsible. Glad your experience was better.

      Really appreciate all the helpful comments.

      • Hmm.

        I gave them I think a 2 star rating because they sent some printers to me weeks late. I got a call from a Filipino one morning while I was still asleep, who wasn't happy with my feedback. I actually felt bad for leaving it.

        That was years ago though, so maybe they've changed. Some big companies care a lot about getting perfect feedback and the customer experience. Of course they don't care about the overworked employees who are expected to earn that feedback (I work for such a company, I know). They do everything they can to ensure they get it. At my company if you get a 95% feedback rating, they aren't happy that you were almost perfect. They are very pissed off that you lost 5%, and you get called to the office. Dell seemed like such a company from my experience.

        But I guess that wasn't the experience for you.

        I don't think it's healthy to invest all of your savings. It's good to have a few thousand in an internet saver account that won't generate as much interest but is available for use on a rainy day, such as right now. You never know when you'll be needing it. In your case, let's say your ducted heater breaks down and needs to be replaced ($2000+), or you need to make urgent house repairs.. you're going to be in a bind because you have no accessible cash. Or what if you or someone in your family is in need elective surgery and you don't have private health insurance? You're operating on so thin a margin that there's not enough money to replace a laptop. There's no need to be this extreme.

        • Yes, I believe while the bigwigs make the dodgy decisions the reps have to wear it and have to think about their own skins, but it's a double edged sword. We all have our own interests at heart.

          Fortunately, I have spare money in a savings account and I nearly bought a 32gb XPS with some of it yesterday (via Ebay/ Dell's latest promotion). I thought there might be a better chance for a proper unit because the 32gb were more expensive and that there were simply more of them left. Then I thought… nope.

          And now I'm stuck with this darn Dell backpack to remind me of the whole ordeal, lol.

  • Let me just summarise, correct if I'm wrong;

    Possible user error*
    Dell replaced multiple laptops
    Dell offered to refund two seperate purchases
    OP not happy with refund due to downtime

    OP wants compensation for downtime? Idk?

    No practical legal case here - you'd be paying a lawyer ~$500 minimum to recover maybe $50 lol

    *The design sucks, but typically the error I think you're describing arises from mistreatment when opening/closing the laptop or when users pick the laptop up by the screen. Should be more sturdy and as such Dell does repair/replace typically, but it is user mistreatment imo.

    • I agree. I thought the bends were a direct result of mistreatment when opening and closing and was proof they were used and not new as Dell stated. I also agree that I'm unlikely to receive compensation. I'm no longer concerned about that aspect of my grievance.

  • If you have a Costco nearby, check their laptops out they are on average 300-500 cheaper in price. You have to get 1 year memebrship which is 60 I think but it’s worth it. I was in the same situation as you, I ended up buying a asus zenbook 13” which has been working great for the last 2 years. When I bough it zenbooks specs were same as MacBook Pro. It’s normally 1800 and Costco had it for 1200, it’s a portable and powerful ultra book that was perfect for my uni.

    Just return your purchases if possible, that is very unlucky what you experienced. One tip would be to buy this sort of material from a store rather than online store(some would disagree). My brother got XPs 13 from school and it is still solid after 4 years (few problems but school IT were on top of it every time but overall good).

    • Appreciate the advice. I've heard of Costco but don't know much about it or the membership. Will look into it. Cheers.

  • get the surface book 1 that is on sale on Microsoft eBay store. Highly recommend it, bought one 2 months ago and very impressed with it.

    • Thanks for the advice.

  • +1

    I bought the Dell XPS15 9550 4K touch refurbished over a year ago for around $1800 in one of the Ebay sales. Identical specs to yours except being 6th Gen CPU.
    Been using it for photography and video work and by far the best laptop Ive used to date. Using Apple products frustrates me in general. So user experience seems to vary with any product. Going through the warranty process for any product is a pain in the neck and going through that process for a few items bought through Gearbest and Banggood previously bought here at the moment.

    • I wish mine worked…

  • my macbook pro 2011 still running pretty quick for wed browser and essay lol..

    • A lot of people have said that. Strongly considering the MacBook.

  • +1

    I read the first 50 lines and gave up…. not sure what the problem is but wish you all the best…

    • Lol. Sorry, I tried and be succinct but I had tonsillitis when I posted, so I was a tad delirious.

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